Woke Politicians

We can’t just blame the woke culture on the globalists/ elites. We need to make our leaders and our politicians accountable for spreading radical woke culture. Radical woke politicians are destroying our beautiful nation. In this blog post, I will show you how?
When your own government tries to hide truths and intimidate you by saying if you don’t follow the mandate or don’t take the covid vaccines then, we will fire you from your jobs. You read it right. It sounds pretty scary. How about this, when your leaders are so much compassionate about increasing the confusion among kids regarding gender identity? How about indoctrinating innocent kids in the name of radical sexual orientation? Well, very sad to say that, our leaders are doing exactly the same thing. No wonder why, we got so much of mental health crisis among school kids.
Let me tell you straight forward the government has zero interest in improving the lives of people. Our leaders want more problems in the lives of people because, more problems give them the opportunity to say something nice in front of cameras. Ever since, our leaders have become bunch of narcissists compassionates, the lives of ordinary citizens have become increasingly difficult. They might not have the solutions of housing crisis or inflation but, they will have something to say about we need to promote gender equality. We need to combat climate crises. Addressing climate crisis or equality crisis make no sense if you can’t focus on the core elements that impact the lives of public like, housing, inflation, indoctrination of kids, rising crimes, unsustainable immigration crises.

Woke leaders do politics on the basis of gender, race, colour of your skin and your ethnicity. We are sick and tired of this level of stupidity. We want politics to improve lives across all backgrounds by focusing on God, family values, pride in nation. Radical left wing leaders are doing exactly the opposite. They are censoring everyone who are raising their voices against the tyrant system by freezing their bank accounts, firing them from their jobs, and restricting their freedom. We need peace in the west. In order to have peace, you need to encourage free speech. When you ignore free speech, people scream and when you try to stop people from screaming, they do violence. So, we want an atmosphere of free speech in this country.
All I’m saying that, we need to stand up for truth. We need to stick with truth, and people shouldn’t be punished for speaking harsh truths. In the end truth wins. Even though radical politicians try to censor the truth but, it will come out hard one day!