They hate You!

  They hate you. They really hate you so much. Radical democrats and liberals hate you. They hate everything that God loves. In this blog post we will talk about it. If you are radical liberal or leftist then, this blog can give you a heart attack. I either urge you not to read further or if you decided to read it further, you need to have someone call 911 for you in case you don’t like this blog post. I am going to speak truth. The truth is that, they don’t give a damn about you. They don’t give a damn about the economy. They all care about their own self interest. You might hate me for supporting Trump but, I don’t care. Remember, the world used to Hate JESUS too! You look at the world around you, if you have any rational left, I hope so! You won’t support democrats, liberals and NDP. I tell you why? They are in full support of radical LGBTQ+. They are in full support of giving citizenship to the illegals. They are the ones who are sexualizing the kids. They are the ones who are responsible for mutilation of kids. They are the ones responsible for censoring free speech. They are the ones responsible for the wars in Europe and in Middle east. They are the ones support abortion in the night month. They are the ones who want to control you with their new green scam deals. How could you support them for all the things they do that our God hates? The list is long. They are the ones want to bring DEI to the education sector. They don’t believe in merit. They only believe in race, gender and the colour of your skin. If you don’t agree with them then, they will call you racist, misogynistic and climate change denier. I am tired of their accusations. They need to get a life. All I’m saying to you is this they support all those things that God hates. If you truly love God. If you truly care about yourself and your loved ones, if you truly have any morals left and if you have any rational left then, I want you to support all the things that God loves. Unfortunately, there are still some people who still love democrats. Don’t be one of them cause, They hate you!!

Spiritual revival is a Must!

Spiritual revival is a must for bringing transformational change in your life. It’s a must have thing. Without strong spiritual department you can’t control anything. You need to revive your spirit. You need to be spiritually strong to bring peace, prosperity and happiness back in your life. There’s some kind of void in your life. We try to fill that void with gender ideology, Climatetism, and materialism. Even after focusing on this kind of junk, we are still not very satisfied. We still have void. There’s something is missing. The thing that we all are missing is none other than our spiritual connection. We are missing connection with God. We are missing our divine revival. We have forgotten about there’s divine spirit with in us. We sometimes, think that, we have sinned quite enough and our spiritual revival is almost uncertain. I want to say to you that, as long as you are alive, there’s a divine spirit with in you. You just have to become self aware and have to listen to it. You have to keep listening to your spiritual voice. You have turned your back against God. As a result, you have already suffered a lot. There’s toxicity in your head that is controlling you. You need to bring back God in your life. If you want peace in your life, turn to God. If you want some real happiness in your life, you need to go back to God. If you want to get the taste of love, you need to go back to God. You need spiritual transformation. The only way you can do this if you put God first. When we focus on right and meaningful things then, we really don’t need to force things happen to us in our lives. Things happens effortlessly. This is only happen if you have strong spiritual faith, Things will happen effortlessly. You will have the aura and people will be drawn to you like you are the magnet. If you really want to see some progress in your life then, I urge you to focus on your spiritual journey. You need to strengthen your relationship with God. No excuses! Spiritual revival is a must!

They love censorship!

Yes, you read it right. They love censorship. They love censoring others. They love controlling the source of the information. In this blog post we will talk about who are they and why they want to control us so badly? Let’s reveal the suspense. They are none other than radical liberals and woke politicians who have sold their souls to Satan. I’m talking about the globalists and elites who want to control freedom of speech. Had Elon Musk not bought the twitter we wouldn’t have known their evil plans. He definitely paid price for freedom of speech. The radical liberals and democrats want to control every aspect of our lives. They want to control social media especially the X (formerly known as Twitter). They want to control the flow of information. The propaganda machine of Democrats and liberals already control main stream media. They try to shape the narrative to control the minds of people. I hardly hear anything bad about Kamala Harris on main Stream Media. I hardly hear any journalist of main stream media holding her accountable for all the disaster she created at the southern border. I hear all the negative news about President Trump all the times. I am tired of the main stream media that wanna to put the political opponent of democrats on the bad side every time. I’m not saying that Trump is perfect. I’m not even saying he has not done anything bad. The thing that I want to say that is enough of this censorship. Enough of this nonsense by some legacy media. I’m so glad that, people are waking up and holding the legacy media accountable. Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy. We are not the same. We can express differences. It doesn’t mean that, If you don’t agree with me then you will censor me? That’s not fair. Democrats and liberals often say that, they care about democracy. If they truly care about democracy then, they should allow people to express their opinions in a civilized way but, they hate free speech. They try to hide truth with lies but, we all know that for how long, will you hide truth? At some point, people will come to know about truth and people are already taking the side of truth. All I’m saying that, if we really want west to survive then we need to go for freedom of speech at all cost. Long live freedom of speech

I love I

I know, the title of my this blog sounds quite weird. Some of you might be thinking about he must have done some mistake and didn’t put the word ‘you’. It makes sense to me why I have decided to go for this title. In this blog post I will explain you why I have decided to go for “I love I”. ‘I love you’ is the most used phrase in the world. This phrase is often used to describe your feelings for others. This phrase is used to describe how much importance the other person has in your life. ‘I love you’ is a high emotion. Let’s break the sentence here to understand it better. First of all, ‘I’ means you. ‘Love’ means the most fragile feeling and ‘you’ means the world. ‘I love you’ is one of the most beautiful phrases in the world. It is even more beautiful when you say it to someone who you truly love and care. The issue is most of us hate ourselves and try to find joy in others. We try to give them the whole world and at the end we feel like shit! I’m not saying that, you don’t love your loved ones. You better love them… they deserve your love and you deserve their love too. All I’m saying that when we love someone, we don’t have to forget ourselves. That’s why I said you need to say ‘I love I’ it might sound very strange, but good things these days seems weird. You need to love yourself not out of ego but out of honesty. You need to appreciate your flaws and work for something bigger than yourself. The you need to clean up the mess, resentment and misery out of your life by loving yourself. In a world where everyone is loving someone, you need to love yourself with honesty. You need to embrace a new phrase I love I

Radical leftists want endless wars!

Yes, you look the world around you and if you are honest with yourself, you will say that, ever since Donald J. Trump left the office, there has been no peace whatsoever in the world. In this blog post we will discuss about it. we have only seen endless wars. You can be a democrat or a liberal. It doesn’t matter. After 2020 we have not seen peace in this world. There’s always chaos in this world. Ask yourself honestly, is Europe having any peace? Is everything fine in the Middle east? Is there any peace in Asia? If you are completely honest with yourself and I hope so.. if you don’t think in terms of a liberal or a democrat point of view then, we can agree about the world was in much better shape before 2020. I know some of you will say that we need to stand up with Ukraine and we need to teach a tough lesson to Putin for invading Ukraine. Look, I’m not on the side of Putin nor I’m on the side of Ukraine. So far, we have given them hundreds of billions of dollars. The result is millions more are dying. Instead of promoting peace, we are the one in-fact both liberals and democrats are fuelling the endless wars in the Europe and in The middle east. The reasonable question that we need to ask is this: how many more billions of dollars are we gonna give? Your tax dollars belongs to you and if your politicians spend your hard earned money to fight foreign wars then, you have to make them accountable. They can’t censor you. They have no right to censor you! You hired them to run the country. You are in the control. Not THEM! Ever since the collapse of Soviet Union, NATO has only expanded to the East. Russia doesn’t want NATO to reach its doors. Back in the 90’s the Russian president got the promise from the President of USA that NATO won’t expand to the east. We see the opposite happening. Also, if the west is so serious about giving membership to Ukraine, they would have given it already. Why they haven’t done it yet? Why wasting billions of dollars on a war that you can’t win. Also, in the Middle east why should I support the war? There’s an immigration crises in the west. The inflation is out of control. Gas prices make no freaking sense. You can only afford a home in your dreams. There’s no good paying jobs and yet our stupid politicians are finding ways to fund foreign wars! I’m against foreign wars. If you wanna fight a war against homelessness, drugs, inflation and housing… I’m all in then. Let’s make some real progress and say no to endless wars!

Do the right thing even if it’s boring!

No more excuses, you need to do the right things in your life. You need to bring your life back on the track. The only way you can do this if you follow the right things that are abnormal to people. No matter how much boring it sounds like, you need to do right things. Here are the list of things you need to do well! So, let’s go for  Do the right thing even if it’s boring! The first thing you need to do right is to bring God back in your life. Suffering is Inevitable. You need to suffer for the right cause. You need to strengthen your faith in God. It’s not cool when people say that, they don’t fear God. You need to fear God. You need to stand up for right things even it means going against the world. You need to give and respect to your family. It’s not their fault. They have done everything to make you a better person. Strong families means good values and happiness. Make sure you love your family every day! You need to respect your work. You have to work diligently and with full honesty. Don’t take your job casually. So much is dependent on you. You need to do your job well. Hit the gym/go for walking. Stop saying things like I’m busy all the times. You have time. You need to set the priorities. You are not busier than Elon Musk. You can take out 30 minutes For your health of your body! You can do it. Do something for your intellectually. Embrace high level of thinking. You need to come out of low level of thinking. You need to stop hating and cursing yourself. You can do this. Do not disrespect yourself. Others only disrespect you cause, you treat yourself like shit. Think highly of yourself cause you are the wonderful creation of God. People are gonna say that you are crazy for improving yourself. You just have to remind yourself that, You got no choice other than becoming better. If people say that, you are abnormal, you don’t have to response. Do the right thing even if it’s boring!

Persistent prayers!

When you have toxicity in your mind. One prayer can’t do enough. You need persistent & consistent prayers. In this blog post we need to talk about the power of persistent prayers. In my earlier blogs I often talk about things like prayers got miraculous power to heal your mind and body. Prayer is a medium that connects you and God! I don’t know how some people live without praying to Almighty but, I can’t. You need to pray everyday. We all need to be grateful to God for giving us the life. No doubt, in our lives we face problems, but the strength that comes from praying to God can’t be described in words. The only way to pure the mind set is to pray. That means persistent prayers. Don’t be ashamed. If you don’t know how to pray, very simple, first, u need to be grateful to creator for giving you the life. 2nd you need to ask for His forgiveness for all the sins you have done. 3rd you need to be sure about how you want Dear God to bless you. Ask God for His never ending blessings. You don’t have to be perfect in how to pray. It comes with time. What is more important is that you need to have communication with God everyday. If you want to write down your prayers Go ahead. It’s all good. Our God is patient. Our God is persistent. He just wants us to be persistent too! Praying helps us to be persistent. I always say that, people who pray without any malice, those people are full of hope and they have unmatched aura on their appearance. I always say to you and I will say to you this again, never lose hope. Don’t turn your back on God. Don’t shut the door behind you. Let Him in. Let Him be with you. Turn around to God and have Faith in him. Our God is Great! Strengthen your faith in God by going for persistent prayers. That’s the only way to beat toxicity and evil.

There’s victory ahead!

There’s victory ahead. Yes, there’s a  success ahead. There’s a fragrance of victory in your actions. There’s a beauty of victory in your hard-work and determination. This blog is all about winning. I don’t know what you say, there’s victory in your life when you are with God. There’s more freedom to you when you believe in rationality and truth. For some of you working so hard in life and this is not the time to sit back and quit. You don’t have to fake your wins. Every small win means something to your bigger purpose. You need to start with an attitude of being victorious in your life. No matter what you are doing. No matter how small actions you are making. As long as you are consistent with your actions and in right direction with selfless mentality… you will win. You need to keep reminding yourself that, there’s Success ahead. Keep reminding yourself. Everyday. When you have a mindset of victory… you will eventually start dwelling more in your higher self. You will listen to your higher self. Higher self will ask you to do selfless acts. It will urge you to take responsibility for your life and make it better. It’s only possible if you have a victory mindset. You should also notice that, when you have winning mindset.. you will receive challenges that’s natural. Your lower self will say to you come back to low level of thinking.. come back to cheap thrills. You remind your self about higher self and make sacrifice of your lower self… With winning attitude, I’m sure about there’s victory ahead!

Be a friend of your higher self

We all got 2 inner selves. No one is born with just one self. We all have higher self and we all have lower self. In this blog post, I will talk about we need to be familiar with our higher self. We need to be friend of our higher self. Higher self includes purpose. Your purpose has to be bigger than yourself. You be the first one in the group to sacrifice your ego, resentment to elevate the group. When you listen to your higher self, you actually having conversation with God. You make strong connections with him. There’s beauty of your higher self. Your higher self means self awareness. Most of us are dwelling in lower self. Most of us are sleeping human beings. We are blinded by Greed. We are blinded by selfish acts to satisfy our own egos. We are seekers of cheap pleasures. I have never ever seen any one who is chasing cheap thrills being happy and in peace. It is our divine essence That gives us freedom. It is our inner core that gives us peace, prosperity and happiness. We need to constantly remind ourselves to live in our higher-self. At first, it’s gonna be uncomfortable. You stick to the plan and constantly think about your higher-self. Any kind of action you are doing, whether small or big, you need to think in terms of your higher self. You are not perfect and I’m not perfect either. Most of us can’t dwell in our higher self all the times. At-least, we can be the part of higher self majority of the times. So, anger, resentment, cheap thrills, ego, dis respecting others, not taking responsibility of your life and not having faith in God all leads to lower self..we are made in the image of God. It is our duty to make friendship with our higher self.

Don’t let the toxicity get to your head.

We all talk about about toxicity in other people. Let me rephrase this, we are often so much obsessed with toxicity That we face from another human being, but what about your own toxicity? In this blog post we need to address the core of toxicity. We all humans have a good side and bad side. History provides us the evidence about we can stoop so low and behave so low even animals are way better than us. We are fully capable of disrupting the whole world. We are blinded towards our own toxicity. All of the evil things we do, we don’t do those things in self awareness. You look at the world around you, all the sins, all the crimes that have taken place through out the history of mankind have happened only because of people who were doing them were not self aware of their actions. Their inner consciousness got blinded by the layer of toxicity. When toxicity and evil behaviour takes charge then, all the good things go behind. The good things take the back seat. We know that, we are capable of falling way lower than the animals. This is only possible when we don’t check up on our own toxicity. It’s a massive challenge. Where ever there’s a challenge, we have solutions too! The solution to this problem is we need to remind ourselves that, we humans have consciousness and intellectually way more superior than the animals. We know that we can do terrible things in our lives and bring hell on this planet. We need to remind ourselves that we are also capable of doing good things for the world and bring heaven on this planet. The choice is ours. When you become toxic, ego reins you. You become the victim of resentment and ego. When you become self aware about your aggression and you are the only one who can channelize that aggression towards better things in life then, you start behaving like a human being. You start to feel the magical power of love and start dwelling in your higher self. The message is very clear… Don’t let the toxicity ruin your life. Become self aware and embrace your toxicity