When nothing goes right, Pray!

I don’t know if you know this- your writer is an old school guy. When nothing goes right, when I see all the doors in front of me are closed down, I just simply pray to the creator of the universe to give me more strength. In this blog post, I would like to connect with my readers spiritually.

We all have one common source. We are all created by God. We are his work. We are sent on this Earth to glorify God. We all are here to give utmost importance to our spiritual well-being. It’s not cool to say that, I don’t believe in God and I don’t know who I am? You simply can’t deny your existence. There’s nothing to be embarrassed or afraid of about your inner voice is connected with God. Your soul is connected with God.
I have said it many times and I will say it again, making connection with God through a prayer has miraculous power even, scientists, globalists could not calculate its value/importance. The sooner you realize this, the better it would be for you.

Another thing I often hear is that, if the universe is created by God then, why we are tempted to do mistakes or why do we do evil things in our lives? Well, it’s a tough question to answer. We are living in a broken world and evilness is created by satin so that, he can create doubts about Creator in our minds but, with prayers and focusing on our main mission to do common good in the world, we can come out of doubts and get the mercy of our Creator. It’s not a simple task. It’s massively hard. Pain and suffering kills our strength and endurance whereas, prayers build our trust and faith and gives back the endurance that we need to fight evilness in our lives.

We need to focus on our kids. The reason why I’m saying that, cause it’s very easy to plant anything in kids minds. The leftwing people are polluting the minds of our innocent kids by giving emphasis on ‘God is dead’ we need to teach right thing to our kids. Parents need to make sure that, before kids go to bed they should teach kids how to pray and how to connect with God. The leftists always focus on the word ‘victim’. You know why? Cause they are the one who wanna to cultivate seeds of doubts in our minds. They wanna to represent themselves as the victim of evilness and make you believe that, God is just a myth. You don’t need to come into their trap.
You as a civilian need to open your eyes and believe with full conviction that, no matter how hard is my life I’m sure God is with me and always with me!

When nothing goes right, Pray!