Be a man of your word (commitments)

Be a man of your word cause, your credibility builds on what you say

in a world where people wear dual faces you need to be authentic. In a world where most of us are materialistic you need to be an exception. In a world where most of us break our promises you need to be a man of your word. Let’s study about this topic in detail.
We are living in a 21st century. It is a century of science, innovation and technology. Human beings have made tremendous changes in the world with their creativity skills. We have achieved unimaginable things and with all the inventions, we have made significant achievements in entire human civilization. No doubt, we have done so much, but still we are not completely satisfied. We haven’t deeply experienced peace and prosperity. We wanna to know why is that?
One of the primary reason is that, we don’t fulfill our promises. It’s not just about fulfilling the promises, it’s about why do we make irrational commitments in the moment and feel bad about it when we break it? I deeply believe that since human beings are social animals and when we interact with others, they form opinions about us. We are sensible human beings and we wanna to impress others. We wanna to have good relationships with our family, partners, business colleagues. One easy way to have a good impressions on others is that we over promise them but, in our in our actions we under deliver. When we over promise and deep inside we know that it’s not PRACTICALLY possible then guess what? We just lose our credibility.
Losing your credibility not just in the eyes of others but in your own eyes feels like someone just raped you so brutally. So, we need to think about something to come out of this never ending cycle deceiving ourselves.
One practical thing we need to do is to set our boundaries in our daily lives. You need to know that, you can’t be everything. The sooner you will get this, the better it would be for you and for all of those who are around you. It’s better for you to be honest with yourself cause it will give you ultimate peace from your restless activities.
2nd thing you need to do is to write down your emotions/your feelings in a journal. If you do it for a week, it will help you know yourself little bit better and you will know what kinds of emotions triggers you to over promise someone
3rd thing you need to do is to live in harmony with the nature that is, to be grateful for what you have in your life.
I’m sure that, if you do these 3 things consistently, it will help you to calm down your emotions and when any situation takes place in real life where you feel the urge to make over-commitments you will think twice.
Just in case you overpromise something, make a genuine effort to over deliver it not with your words but with your actions.
Be a man of your word (commitments)