Find Happiness in your daily life

Everyone talks about happiness. But, no one really would like to know what really brings real happiness? Happiness is not about having 2 weeks off from work. It’s not about binge watching & eating. Well, temporarily you can find happiness in those things but, afterwards then what? Coming back to the same daily routine and becoming more anxious and depressed. This is not the story of one person. I mean literally, that’s the story of millions of people in the globe. So, I decided to write a blog on it and here I’m with my views. We need to closely pay attention to the daily routine apart from our working routine. A very basic idea of daily routine is what time you wake up? What time do you take lunch/dinner/supper. How much tv you watch and how much time do you spend with your loved ones? It’s not just that, it’s also about how much time you give it to yourself for your personal growth & development. Most of us need to face the hard truth that, once we get out of school we hardly spend our time with books and writing. We have become increasingly busy in our work life. Most of us don’t even have 15 minutes out of 24 hours to take care the physical health of our body. We spend like hundreds of thousands of dollars to go seminars to find the meaning of life. I’m putting one thing straight up there’s no secret recipe for finding meaning in life. Meaning of life is deeply embedded in how well you take care of yourself while enjoying your daily life. That’s it! Make a list of things that you do in your daily routine either you are working or not starting from the time you wake till the time you go to the bed. Make a list of all evil things that is making you unproductive. You will be amazed to find out the results. One clear cut difference between the most effective and lazy ones is that, people who really pay close attention to their daily routine are less anxious, less resentful and bitter. The goal is not to do something special in your daily routine. The goal is to make your mundane life extraordinary by focusing on doing good social acts. I can only imagine if we start taking our lives seriously then, there’s nobody dare to act like hinderance to our mission. Our mission is to become good. Be good and carry out our humble acts for the common good. So, find joy in your daily routine!

What you say to yourself really matters!

Words have powerful energy to convey things. It can be both positive and negative. It’s kinda hard to keep track of all different thoughts about life that come to our mind. Probably, tens of thousands of thoughts come to our mind. One good indicator of you being a charming/ positive person is that how closely you pay attention to your thoughts. In this blog post that’s what exactly what I’m gonna talk about. In every blog, I try to talk about the problems the world is facing right now! I’m still figuring out what makes people resentful and depressed over the course of their lives! Couple of reasons that come to my mind were relying more and more on instant gratification, cheap dopamine, not seeking truth and listening to the senseless & baseless ideologies of both radical left wing and right wing. After coming up with those reasons, I wasn’t really satisfied. I started thinking about there must be something more to this. It must be about what we internally say to ourselves. You can change your opinions according to your external situations but the mind knows all and whatever you say to your mind affects your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being! I know that, most of you are going through hell. Maybe, some of you are thinking that, it’s better to die than to live. Wait a sec, now think about this, maybe, whatever is happening to you right now might make you a better person in future. Being positive is hard because it requires a lot of energy, efforts and creativity. Whereas, negativity is everywhere. Negative things are everywhere. Negative people are everywhere. You actually make less efforts to become resentful. Whereas, good thoughts/things always take time and in long run transform you into a better person. I have said one thing many times in my blogs that, it doesn’t matter how many negative thoughts come to your mind during the day but, make sure when you hit the bed , be grateful inspite of your problems. It is very crucial for you to start and end your day with positive thoughts and learn to balance your thoughts during the day (focus on more positive than negative). Write down negative thoughts and feeling. It will help you to reduce your anxiety and stress. I know it’s hard to start your day with some positivity. Soon, one positive thought leads to 2. 2 leads to 4 and 4 leads to many! So, put one thing straight to your head… you need to be positive with your thoughts and treat yourself little bit better

Fall in love with yourself everyday

Fall in love with yourself is tough. Do you know that, what else is hard? Hating yourself. If you constantly do negative self talks then, it will have negative impact on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Love got no boundaries. I wonder why we consistently hate ourselves? Cause, most of the time we don’t appreciate the efforts we are making in our lives and in others who are associated with us. So, in this blog- post I would like to make you fall in love with yourself once again. Let me give a try:) What does fall in yourself every day mean to you? We don’t ask questions like these to our inner-selves anymore. We are so much busy in our lives. Sometimes it’s even beyond my thoughts. Watching hundreds of motivational videos might make your mind positive for couple of days and then what? Nothing! Same boring life with no meaning and purpose. I would say to you again and again… you need to fall in love with yourself by taking care of your responsibilities towards your life. Whatever you say to yourself everyday by just performing daily tasks of your life is what shapes your personality. The more positive & loving attitude you have towards your mundane lifestyle, the more happier you would feel about yourself. We have a wrong perception about love. We think that, love has to be special. Love has to be an extraordinary. Love has to be out of box. That’s all baseless. I believe that, love is like a regular fuel that helps you to keep going in your life. In the journey of our lives, we need to refuel the love at various stops and that’s completely fine. Love by its own is nothing. It is only you that can bring life to the word ‘Love’ Just like we keep track of all our financial resources, the same way we need to keep track of how much love & compassion we are showing on others and how much we are getting back. The rule of thumb is that the more love you shower in others the more will come back to you from the universe. I don’t know the reason but, the universe works in a miraculous manner. Even if you are tired, frustrated and bitter. You still need to show love. No excuses! When you start feeling good about others you will feel good about yourself. You will realize this, the moment you hit the bed. At the end, focus on 2 key things 1. Show your love for others even if you don’t like it. At the end you will feel good about yourself. 2. Take care of your life seriously. Strive to be good person. Repeat these steps daily and fall in love with yourself daily.

Don’t make your life unnecessarily terrible!

Past is a stubborn thing. You can’t change it no matter what. It doesn’t matter how powerful you are or how much money you got in your bank account. There’s no way you can impress the past events. So, what should we all do? Should we just sit back & whining about the past or put our shit together by acknowledging the truth that, we have to bear the burden of life & make it to the end courageously by whatever resources are available at our disposal. Let us not make our lives unnecessarily terrible!. Why we are making our lives unnecessarily terrible? Already there’s enough problems in the world and we are adding more and more mess to the world. Most of us hate our lives many reasons like health, financial and relationship problems. Instead of taking the responsibility to clean up some mess, we have become increasingly impatient & resentful. We are indulging in senseless political fights that brings no good hope for the coming future. Seriously, what’s the point of living if you know that, there’re certain things that are not going right. Instead, of taking job on your shoulders to make the things less painful, you simply decide to shut your damn eyes! Is this a viable solution? If you say that, you don’t give a shit about anyone then, that’s too bad very sad! It’s so easy to say that, I don’t care but, you need to think about all of those who would like to see you become a good person. If you still don’t care then, how can you face voice inside of you? Your inner voice is urging you to stop playing the game of victim, open your damn eyes and pick up something meaningful and noble. At some point you have to face your inner voice. You can’t run away from it. When you start cleaning mess out of your room step by step, there’s more room for you to make things beautiful. It’s not just a matter of your life think about how much positivity you can spread in the lives of others who are around you. This is a good goal to start with. My message is loud and clear Don’t make your life unnecessarily terrible!

Don’t make kids weak & confused

Kids are the future. Stronger kids means more concrete future. If we nurture kids in a right & careful manner then, there are some good hopes for the future. Sadly, kids are increasingly becoming more and more confused about their biological identities especially, in North America. We need to come up with some kind of solution otherwise, things will soon go downhill and would be difficult to control. Let’s start with schools. The education system is pathetic. Instead of teaching kids fundamental values like building, creating and preserving. Schools are teaching kids that, there’s no difference between men and women (biologically). They(schools) are teaching kids that, it’s okay to be gay. It’s okay to be trans, bisexual. Introducing radical sex and racism theories in the curriculum we are doing more harm than good to our kids. Instead of teaching our kids that, life isn’t always going to be easy, we are doing our best keep our kids away from the life lessons that they can learn from history. We are making direct attack on our historical events. We are molding the brutal realities of history to please our kids. Indirectly in this way we are saying to our kids that, it’s okay to be weak, cry all the time and blame everything on capitalism and it’s okay to play the role of victims on social media to gain sympathy and empathy. I wonder, why our kids/teens are so confused about making decisions of their lives. In schools no one talks about meaning of life can only be found in taking humble responsibilities on your shoulders. Hardly, anyone talks about how imperative is to make sacrifices in present for a better tomorrow. Another thing I’m against is that, why we are saying to kids that, it’s okay to remove the essence of God from their lives. It’s not. God is the creator of creating this magnificent universe. Instead of looking at God for his guidance we are encouraging our kids to look at celebrities, instagram models . Instead of putting faith in God, we have no more morning assemblies in schools anymore. No more communication to the higher power. This is so wrong with our school system and we are defending it by saying things like people need to become more and liberals but, at what expense? Ignoring the presence of fundamentals? Ignoring the essence of God? If these things make you a free person then have fun but, eventually, you will find no mental, emotional and spiritual peace. We need to come up with a solution. Parents need to step up and cut the bullshit right off. They need to have open communication with their kids no matter what. They need to encourage their kids to stand for right things instead of falling for the trap created by the governments run on corporate money. We need strong values like justice, kindness, honesty, truth and humility. Making our kids physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong is a noble mission. We all need to play a part. Don’t be confused and weak

Write down your problems

Nobody is perfect. We should all come out of dissolution of perfection. The reason why we are here is to justify our existence by making our lives less painful and resentful. I thought a lot about what’s the most effective way to deal with the problems and I came to the conclusion that, writing is one of the most effective way of living and solving the problems. Who doesn’t wanna to have clarity in his life? If you don’t have the clarity where you are? And where are you going? then, you would just drift around in the middle of ocean and sadly, you would end up nowhere! Now, the question is this: how to have clarity? Our brain is a thinking machine. Thinking requires a lot of creativity. A lot of energy. When a tremendous amount of energy is just consumed for thinking process then, brain starts to wander around. We felt like lost. The result is terrible. We become anxious and desperate to make things work out for us. When you have a problem in your life like addictions, relationships and finances, you need to pick up pen and paper and write it down as clearly as you can. When you write it down, now you know what you are really talking about and let the brain and hands do their job. Your brain automatically starts thinking about the solutions of your stated problem on a piece of paper and your hands start writing about the solutions. The goal of your writing is to release as much as mental pressure. You don’t have to look for the perfect answer. You just need a solution and one solution can lead to many solutions. You just need to move step by step. This is the secret recipe to remove unnecessary stress! I wonder why our kids are so anxious and depressed. We have forgotten the basics. We need to teach our kids at home/school that, they need to write. They need to put their thoughts on paper. We need to establish a proper coordination between ours hands and brain. Right at the moment we are putting too much stress on our brains and taking less and less work from our hands. When you start to pen down your feelings, it really helps you down to articulate your speech and thoughts. It helps you to formulate your arguments. Less confusion. You don’t seem stupid and foolish in front of people. Make a habit of writing for 5 minutes a day and I mean every day. Gradually increase it to 10-15 minutes according to your needs. Take a challenge for 30 days and see what positive change take place in your life. All you need to start from somewhere. Your motto should be Write down your thoughts, write down your destiny.

Equalizing (equal outcomes) everything is not a solution

In modern society, we focus on equalizing everything. We are not only talking about equality in terms of opportunities but, some radical leftwing  politicians are demanding that, we should also go for equal outcomes. First thing you need to know that, it’s not practically possible. 2nd left-wing people are fooling you. Everyone talks about equality. It sounds cool but, what we really should be talking about is the competence. You look at the education system, corporate system of North America particularly, a lot of emphasis is given on diversity, equality. There’s nothing wrong when you make efforts to include everyone in the mission or in the goal of expansion and growth but, at what expense? I’m in huge favour of giving equal rights & opportunities to men and women but, why some politicians, globalists, main stream media houses are giving more and more emphasis on equal outcomes? When you start dividing everyone on the basis of their skin colour, race and ethnicity instead of focusing on competence then, there’s a big problem. Sadly, we’re witnessing the worst and people who are trying to step up are labeled as tyrannical. For instance, you got 2 people and you give them the same amount of money and ask them that, you got 3o days to increase their wealth. One of them made a wise decision to put some money in stocks, real estate and mutual funds whereas, the other man thought that, he only got 3o days so why not, to put put money in gambling. You might get lucky with gambling for a day let’s suppose for 2 weeks but for 30 days? No way! Consistent efforts always beat luck in long run. If I were to hire someone, I would hire for his attitude for competence instead of hiring some one on the basis of their skin colour, race, gender. Hiring on the basis on skin colour, gender and race always lead to downfall of any good company. Left wing people are bringing senseless woke culture in universities and in corporate America. I mean basically everywhere. You name it. I wanna ask them that, what’s the point of dividing people if you can’t promote competence. The world needs competent plumbers, electricians, politicians, civilians, lawyers, doctors. People who are competent earn more, admired more, live well, add more value to the society. Start focusing on competence instead of equal outcomes. You will go long way.

Sacrifice for better tomorrow is worth it!

Let me begin this blog post by saying Sacrifice of what? Why there’s need to make any sacrifices because who the hell knows what’s written in the future? We need to know how sacrifice will bring a better tomorrow… Sacrifice is full of pain & suffering. Nobody likes to make sacrifices of anything that he truly cares about especially when it comes to addictions. When you know that, you are on the verge of losing everything in your life and as soon as you realize this, you become increasingly lonely and depressed. Humans are social animals. We love to have interactions with people. We love to share the adventures of our lives to all of those who are associated with us somehow and someway. As soon as things go downhill, people start to leave us one by one. We just keep watching it. It’s called mental and emotional pain when your loved ones start ignoring you and keep going out of your life. Now, you wanted to relieve the pain and you instead of making things better, you start to take drugs, consume alcohol, binge watching and eating. The cycle keeps on going and going making you sick & tired everyday! You open your eyes and see nobody’s around you to comfort you. This is no life! Imagine now, your end is near because of your toxic habits and terrible addictions. You know that, you have badly damaged your health, by the way it’s not just the health your soul has become morally weak! You are saying to your self I wish I would have done something better in my life. I wish I would’ve come out of my addiction habits to make my life little bit less suffering! No- one is around your death bed. You’re dying alone! No one is comforting you. No one is there in the room weeping out loud for you… what a terrible waste of life! As I’m writing this blog, I can sense that, there’s no limit to negative thinking. I usually write my blogs with positive intent. I have also realized that, if you are naively positive about everything, you will act like a fool in front of others. When you act like a foolish person, no one takes you seriously not even your own life. So, negativity/problems are what we need to wake the hell up to become little bit serious in our lives and undertake the burden of responsibilities and bear the cost associated with it! Nobody knows what’s in the future. We can predict the future and make assumptions about. In order to play with the future, we need to think clearly as much as we can by keeping an eye on our present circumstances. If you predict that, future brings a lot of uncertainty and less hope then, you need to think what I’m doing wrong in my present. You need to make the list of all of those things that you are doing on a regular basis which are having negative impact on your future. It could be uncontrollable consumption of alcohol, porn, smoking. You need to go for uncomfortable talk with yourself and make sacrifices starting today, starting right now to have good future. It’s better to die peacefully than miserably. It’s better to die when your loved ones are comforting you in your final moments than just keep staring at the ceilings. Sacrifice for better tomorrow is worth it!

Keep going in-spite of your suffering.

. What’s the point of keep going when you know that, the life is like a tragic hell! Life is pretty much playing with the fire. It doesn’t matter whether you are master of playing with the fire or not because, you got no choice except to accept the harsh realities of the world. In this blog post, I would like to give emphasis on keep going in-spite of your sufferings. There are 2 things that lead to pain and suffering. First one is all the bad choices you make in your life. All the malevolent activities/ toxic things that you are doing to make your life a living hell. 2nd one all the external factors that are not in your control like, any physical harm, any life threatening illness. It’s merely impossible to control the nature(external factors). The better thing we can do is to keep our head down and be grateful what ever is left over. I know that, it’s a tough pill to swallow but, why you wanna live a miserable life forever. It’s not worth it. I know that, nobody likes to suffer in their lives especially, a tragedy like death of one of their family member. You got every right to grief about it but, being hopeless is not gonna make the present any better. Let’s suppose that, there are hundreds of thousands of things going against you. By turning yourself into a malevolent and resentment person is not going to help you either. We are living in a broken world. We have the ability to think positive and to make genuine efforts to clean up garbage from our lives. The goal of any suffering is to transform you. It is to make you a better living person. When pain and suffering jolts you down completely, it’s better to be grateful cause, when you are grateful for the things that you have in your life, you still have some sort of light. You still have some kind of vision and I will take any light as long as it helps me walking. To be grateful in-spite of your suffering requires great amount of courage and love. I’m not talking about any ordinary love and courage. Ordinary love and courage dies in a week. I’m talking about the ever green fountain of love and courage that flows with in you. Even if you got so many reasons to give up somehow, someway your love and courage for yourself and for others never let you quit! Let your love and courage make you grateful in-spite of suffering

Open your eyes!

Open your eyes! If you are driving your car would you just keep your eyes closed and reach from point A to point B? No of course not (only if you are a reasonable and sensible person). Life is like a car that we just borrowed from our creator. How do we drive & how well we drive it all depends upon us. It all depends upon the choices we make in our present. In order to have control we need to have our eyes on the road and pay attention to the things that are happening around us! The world is a cruel place. Everyday, some weird shit take place on social media and there we go. The whole system is full of crap. Our fundamental institutions are falling apart. The entire education system is one of them. It’s teaching kids how to be weak. Our schools are teaching young kids that, there’s no difference between men and women( well there is physically, mentally, emotionally ) They are encouraging kids to change their gender overnight. Useless courses like gender studies, feminist research programs, woke culture are given more preference. At one point students go to universities to learn how to think, speak and articulate their skills in a careful manner but, sadly now because of radical left wing, universities are useless. Students are more concerned about finding racism, segregation and inequality everywhere. They are increasingly becoming more and more confused. Instead of taking courses like Literature, history, Science, engineering, Technology, Business and Maths our youth wasting their 4 years in universities by wilfully indulging in things that are not of their concerned like the whole new concept of woke culture. Instead of focusing on competence we are teaching our kids how to be an average. Not to mention when you take 4 years degree at the university, you actually go for a student debt. It is way better to take trade courses. At least, you learn something basic and meaningful. The radical left wing people are taking more and more control of our education system by making it weak. They got problem with everything. They find inequality, racism and problem related to equity everywhere they go. When you brain wash people with all of theses things their brain stop working and they close their eyes to real problems and soon as you close your eyes guess what? You start to lose control of your life (car) We need to step up. We need to focus on real things like competence, building and creating value in our lives by going for meaningful careers in our lives. As long as you stay focus on real things schools will have hard time to make you weak, resentful and nihilistic. Don’t be confused of your biological identity because you are created in the image of God. That’s the truth. Seek truth and stick to the truth! Open your eyes!