Are you getting better?

I wonder why most of us don’t like waking up in the morning? Why most of us have given all our hopes on getting better every day? Where’s the consistency gone when it comes to improving our lives? These are some tough questions we don’t ask ourselves anymore and I wonder why? In this blog post my goal is to help my readers in some way to understand the concept of getting better.
Marcus Aurelius was one of the most powerful man on the planet. He was the commander in chief of Roman empire. He had every thing in the world. Most powerful army, Money, influence on the world leaders and comfort. You name it. That guy had everything. He could simply stay in the bed all day and enjoy his comfort but, he didn’t do that. He knew that, every morning he needed to wake up and throw his blankets away and get back to his work. He knew that, being leader of one of the largest empire is not an easy task. Every day he needed to make decisions some minors and some majors regarding his troops, economy, meeting political leaders. In order to make all those decisions he knew that, he needed to get better everyday. The world’s most powerful person on the Earth saying to himself that, he needs to improve himself every day. No joke. He mentioned about this in his book named ‘Meditations’ if person like him who was so mighty reminding himself about how important is to improve his game to be at the top then, we really need to ask what we are doing in our lives to make it better?
When I say we need to make our lives better I don’t mean that, we need to buy a new phone or we need to buy a new car. What I really mean by making your life better is to dig deeper in your life to make genuine connection with your inner voice. Get deeper into knowing yourself by going for reading, writing, painting whatever suits you. Do everything that gives you a meaningful satisfaction in your life. Set boundaries in your life because you can’t be everything in your life.
Everyday we make mistakes. We all are human beings. Most of us make the same mistakes again and again and it becomes part of our lives. It could be anything. All of us are engaged in terrible addictions. Most of us are slaves to our terrible habits whereas few people understand the importance of what would happen if they focus more on improving their lives by seeking truth, genuinely being kind to others in their actions and listen to their conscience by acknowledging their flaws. If we have a learning attitude towards life then, we see our problems as challenges and one reason why human beings are born on this planet is to solve complex problems.
At the end, I wanna to say one of the effective way to fight addictions is to work constructively and consistently on your negative side and turn it into a good side. If Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor) gets off his bed to get things done to lead his people forward then why can’t we?
No more excuses only action now!