A road to recovery

Road to recovery is beautiful. A road worth taking.

Mess is a mess. Nobody likes to be in pain & suffering. Everyone likes to make sure that, they put their lives together. Most of them make efforts to bring peace. Some quit half way down to the road and few people, stay on the road of recovery and make progress! They become resilient and inspire millions. So, let’s talk about the road that we all can take to recover ourselves from adversity.
Recovery is hard.
The bad things are very attractive. We don’t have to force ourselves to do toxic things. Anything that is bad, it’s easy! It makes you happy for a while (as long as you are consuming it) once, you are done doing it, you realize that, ‘I shouldn’t have done it’. But, it’s too late to do anything. Maybe, that’s why recovery is very hard cause, you are in a total grip of your bad addictions. Believe me everything is not gone yet!

Road to recovery starts with a tough decision.
Anything we say or do, takes a decision. For a person who is desperate to make incremental changes in his life has to start with a decision- A tough decision. A tough decision is like a poison at first. At the end, it’s like honey or a chocolate (whatever you call it, I leave it up to you).
Once, you make a decision to bring an order back in your life, there will be millions of times at least, you will still go back to your previous depressing habits. It’s all fine. If you can’t fully eradicate an addiction (let’s suppose alcohol) then, for heaven’s sake make a genuine effort to reduce its consumption. First make the decision and stick to it no matter what. If you find anything interesting while on the road to recovery, be flexible, adopt good ideas and implement them!
You are not all alone on this road of recovery!
Remember this, your life is not just yours. Your life deeply impacts your relationship with your own purpose, God, parents, girlfriend/spouse, kids, friends. If you truly care about anyone of them then, please don’t quit. Just hang in there.
Anytime you make the same mistake, get your focus back on the track. Think about the time when you are most vulnerable to your bad addictions. Note down the trend and replace it with good habits. For instance, if you think that, it’s the evening time of the day I drink and lose control, one thing you can do is that, get out of your room/ house either, start walking or hit a gym. Set priorities to thrive in the world!Once, you do it on consistent basis, your urge to binge drink will gradually lose control. Have the courage to disappear. You have to take the decision at the speed of light!
Being grateful helps a lot. 
Recovery is impossible, if you are not grateful. Write down all the things that you are grateful for.Think Hard on Paper Every night, when you hit the bed be sure to say thanks to the universe. If you like to pray at night time, make sure you do it. Learn to make positive connection with the universe!
At the end, I would like to say…may God give you enough strength and courage to get through the bad times.


  1. hmmmm.Thanks for this write up.it proves to be helpful