
Everything starts with a thought. Your thoughts are like seeds. The more you nurture your thoughts, the more they become true!
Our thoughts have tremendous power to have both positive and negative impact on us. Visualization is a great way to have freedom of life. I’m not 100% good in visualizing the future or good things but, I know the importance of it to transform my life.

Thinking about something positive all the time is impossible cause, there are so many uncertainty in the world. The good thing is that, our brain has incredible power to get used to the new habits. The initial stages are always hard. Do me a favour, I know that you can’t think positive 10 out of 10. Can you at least think positive 6 out of a 10 during your day. I don’t wanna to hear any if or any but. Execute the positive things and you will be amazed by the results.

Visualization has made ordinary people extraordinary. Why you wanna live a low level of life by thinking petty? Why? Your life has a bigger purpose. Your life has a mission to do great things by helping one another.

When you think about something always try to keep the end in your mind. This is true with great athletes, leaders and entrepreneurs. They don’t shy away from thinking and taking actions on the things they love the most. They are very sure how the things are going to end when they reach the final stages of accomplishing something extraordinary. We can do that too!

I want you think about something that you love the most and when you wake up in the morning think about it. When go to bed, think about it and if it is possible, write it down. Don’t underestimate the power of your thinking.
Remember one thing: if you think big, your actions towards your life will be big and humble. If you decide to stay low guess what? You will live in resentment.

The secret sauce to greatness and success is visualization and more visualization.