Pick something meaningful and stick to it!

let’s pick something meaningful

We are living in a dangerous times. We got information about everything. Everything is just one click away. We really need to know that, is knowing about everything really doing any good to us or is it just making us confused and lazy? let’s talk about Pick something meaningful and stick to it!
Information is power but, having too much of information about everything can be disastrous to us. Back in the days, there were less resources because of no internet. People had to spend countless hours in the library to research their topic. Because of availability of less resources really made them desperate to dig deep to seek out truth. Now, we got internet,everything is just one click away to find out. By having too many resources at our disposal, have made us quite undeceive and lazy to work on anything.

Young people are feeling the burden of having too much of information.
When you got 3 options, it’s simple to decide in comparison with having hundreds of thousands of choices to decide from. When we have difficulty in deciding something, we suffer in our life tragically. When 9 out of 10 people feel lazy to take desired action, the whole society suffers because there’s no one to lead. There’s no one to give a right direction to the society. When you put your focus on everything, you go no where. The same shit is taking place with our youngsters.
Inability to focus on something meaningful, makes you internally weak. For instance, you want to read a non-fiction book on personal development and did a research on the internet and you found out that, there’s are hundreds of thousands of books available. When you have so many of options then, your mind starts to wander around and comes up with excuses like, there’s are so many options to look at and it’s gonna take a lot of time to pick one best book on personal development. We work our best when there’s a shortage of resources. We show great level of care and creativity when there’s scarcity. It’s deeply embedded into our DNA. Now going back to the example of picking up a personal development book, I would’ve picked up any book on that subject matter.
It’s better to decide something than just keep evaluating every option available to you. As you pick something, as you move one step forward, you will just keep making your way. The biggest problem of our times is not the lack of information but the lack of will to decide something.
So, pick something meaningful and stick to it!