It’s okay to Fail

Most of you must be wondering how the hell is it okay to fail? I do get the point that failure hurts. It way more painful than someone facing road accident. It tortures you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Most importantly you start seeking validation from others. You start doubting yourself. Sleepless nights, anxiety, overthinking about the outcomes of the various activities that you are involved in your life plus many other random negative thoughts in your mind are good enough to scare the hell out of you.
I have to say one thing that negative things have way more power us than positive things and the reason is that nobody likes to endure pain and suffering. Everyone is looking for easy way out. Thanks to the technological changes that are taking every single day to bring comfort in our lives… it’s simply unbelievable.fight to take care of your humble responsibilities
One more thing that, I have noticed that, even though, we have become very much advanced in our lifestyles, our values, belief system, characters and ethical responsibilities have taken back seat. We are becoming increasingly skeptical to put our trust on each other. As our moral standards have taken a sharp dip, our ego, lust and greed have taken a big jump. So, when we fail…. Our ego hurts the most. This is for sure since, we are aiming creatures, we are always in the race to win, we can not fully eliminate ego but, one thing we can do is to keep ego in check. Excessive ego will burn you down. It’s not gonna do good for you and not for all those who are associated with you. Slowly you will find everyone is gone from your life and being lonely is the worst feeling ever you can experience. The sooner you get this straight to your head and to your mind the more relax you will feel about yourself and take your life seriously.Hope leads to Faith

The best way to practice this one is to have the attitude of gratitude. It takes time to be grateful for something…. Take time and deeply think about what are you grateful for. I am sure it will help you tremendously to do well in life.
People who have learned from their failure, always win. They are tough people. When you meet them you can sense it . They have hunger and passion to do well in their lives. They are always learning. Always curious. Always action oriented.
When I was working on my permanent Residency… man it was tough. Facing rejection almost in every job interview. I had to change the province. I had to start from the fresh. I was so damn close in losing hope but, I kept saying ‘HOLD ON’. Tough time create tough people who are desperate to take action to achieve their vision. Do not let the opinions of toxic people to control you. Wake up and step out to take more responsibilities on your shoulders. They will transform you for good.
Keep the Faith!