You got a will of free mind and soul
Your mind and soul have freedom of choice. It’s a wonderful gift. It’s gift by the creator and we need to take care of it with all the courage and strength of our heart. Just like electricity gives light to the whole world, the same goes with your mind and souls. Your mind and soul generate positive energy and that’s what makes you keep going. It’s a different story when we poison our hearts with doubts, fears and greed but, the true nature of our souls is to remain free and connect it with the universe. Believe me or not but, our inner voice got the ultimate strength and the courage to fight evilness. You know why? Cause our souls are pure. Even if we do something bad or commit a crime we instantly regret or feel guilty about it after doing it even though if we try to hide the fact or the truth but, at the end truth always win. One thing you really need to take away from this blog post is that, you got a solution oriented mind. Even if you have thousands of problems but, if you decide and only you can decide to focus on solutions then, your mind works with free will and force your brain to think about solutions of a particular problem and soon you will start seeing some light. When your mind is desperate to find something it will find it. Our minds have the ability to go beyond the comprehension. Do not ever underestimate the power of will of your mind and soul. There’s a story of eunuch in the book named ‘Richest Man in the Babylon’ who fought with all his strength and courage walked in the desert for days without water to run away from his current life when he was almost about to give up he reminded himself that, he got a will of free mind and make every possible efforts to reach the nearest village to start a new life and pay his debts and go back to his home village. The story is worth reading. When I feel low sometimes I go back to read the story. Our minds can’t think clearly when we are in aggression. I’m not saying that, you need to control your aggression but, we need to channelize our temper by connecting with higher power. We can do that, if we focus our mind on the spiritual needs and be grateful before we go to bed. So, it’s in our hand how we make our mind and soul more courageous When you are faced with adversity remember you got free will and you need to strengthen your will with courage and faith in the universe!