You got a will of free mind and soul

Your mind and soul have freedom of choice. It’s a wonderful gift. It’s gift by the creator and we need to take care of it with all the courage and strength of our heart. Just like electricity gives light to the whole world, the same goes with your mind and souls. Your mind and soul generate positive energy and that’s what makes you keep going. It’s a different story when we poison our hearts with doubts, fears and greed but, the true nature of our souls is to remain free and connect it with the universe. Believe me or not but, our inner voice got the ultimate strength and the courage to fight evilness. You know why? Cause our souls are pure. Even if we do something bad or commit a crime we instantly regret or feel guilty about it after doing it even though if we try to hide the fact or the truth but, at the end truth always win. One thing you really need to take away from this blog post is that, you got a solution oriented mind. Even if you have thousands of problems but, if you decide and only you can decide to focus on solutions then, your mind works with free will and force your brain to think about solutions of a particular problem and soon you will start seeing some light. When your mind is desperate to find something it will find it. Our minds have the ability to go beyond the comprehension. Do not ever underestimate the power of will of your mind and soul. There’s a story of eunuch in the book named ‘Richest Man in the Babylon’ who fought with all his strength and courage walked in the desert for days without water to run away from his current life when he was almost about to give up he reminded himself that, he got a will of free mind and make every possible efforts to reach the nearest village to start a new life and pay his debts and go back to his home village. The story is worth reading. When I feel low sometimes I go back to read the story. Our minds can’t think clearly when we are in aggression. I’m not saying that, you need to control your aggression but, we need to channelize our temper by connecting with higher power. We can do that, if we focus our mind on the spiritual needs and be grateful before we go to bed. So, it’s in our hand how we make our mind and soul more courageous When you are faced with adversity remember you got free will and you need to strengthen your will with courage and faith in the universe!

Channelizing your aggression!

Aggression is such a powerful emotion that’s so hard to express in words. We all have our days when we don’t feel the best. There are some days when we just toss things up in the air, smash things against the wall, cursing goes all day long and thoughts like killing someone come across our mindset. Trust me I have gone through all of this. We all hear about, we need to control our aggression and I l would like to say you that, you don’t need to control your temper! I would like you think how many times your loved ones have told you that, your behaviour is like crazy shit and you need to control it. Take a minute and get back to me. Done thinking? Let me guess the number. It’s countless times when people around you ask you to control your aggression. Let me say that, it’s one of the most bullshit advice you can get from others. Guess what? We listen and for some days we control our aggression and then what? Same blast. No change. We feel shit about ourselves. Is there a better way? The better way to deal with aggression is not by controlling it but, channelizing it. When you try to control something you are basically trying to suppress it. It might give you some positive results for short period but then what? A repressed thing will come harder at you with great force by breaking all the barriers that you formed sometime ago. Any repressed aggression will shake you like an earthquake. It will ruin you like tsunami. It will shatter you into pieces like tornado. Nobody likes when our temper has full control over us. Our temper is like a fire inside us that keeps us going. It’s like an energy to make us doing things in our daily routine. Now imagine if someone asks you to put water and stop that fire that is keeping you going. If you are a wise person you would say no. The only thing you can do is giving a new direction to your aggression. It is to channel it into something productive, something creative. I know that, it so easy to say than do because when you are angry you just don’t realize yourself and lose all your control. You say the things that you don’t wanna to say. You do the things that you don’t wanna to do. When you are done with your aggression you feel ashamed about it. You feel guilty about it. Come on we can all be better than that. What I would like you to do whenever you feel like you are frustrated, you need to realize it. You need to become aware of it. You need to be conscious about the fire that is burning inside you. The moment you realize it, the moment you become aware of your aggression you will find peace. When I say we need to channelize our aggression what I’m trying to say is that instead of focusing on external factors why don’t we let the energy to flow inside instead of making it flow outside? We can use aggression to know ourselves better. We can use it to become more aware about our bodies. We can use it to become more intellectual and spiritual. We have the ability to connect this wonderful energy to the universe (soul) . The universe is not outside but it’s inside us. You might not be hundred percent successful in giving a positive direction to your temper but, you can try. There’s nothing wrong in trying. One thing is sure you will know yourself better.

Your loved ones (family) care for you

I know that, we are living in a skeptical world. Doubts play a major role in our lives now. It’s hard to decide anything without having any kinds of doubts in the mind we aren’t just skeptical about things but, we are skeptical about even those from whom we get most of the help. We are having doubts about our family. We are suspicious about the ways they help us in any form/manner. The basic thing is that, we have lost the solid foundation of trust. There might be many reasons why we have stopped trusting our families like deceiving, lack of communication and our egos. One of the reason we don’t often talk about is this, we don’t trust ourselves so how we are supposed to have faith on others? When we don’t trust ourselves, when we don’t put the faith into action then it’s easy for mind to go and fill itself with doubts and more doubts. Instead of blaming others all the times why don’t we put our first step and start building honest relationships with ourselves? When I say we need to be true to ourselves, it means we don’t need to hide or cover up our flaws. Instead of hiding our vulnerabilities, first thing we all need to do is to accept ourselves just the way we are. We need to write down our flaws and seek help from our loved ones. For instance, someone might be having problems with his finances, some one might be having health related problems. First thing we all need to do is to establish honest relationships with ourselves. We don’t need to hide our flaws behind the curtains even though people judge us. 2nd thing we need to do is to work little bit better each day. We definitely need to have consistency. With consistent good actions, we can start trusting ourselves again. When we have a fountain of trust flowing within our hearts, we start caring about our loved ones and start shunning toxic people in our lives. We need to follow 2 simple steps Do not hide your flaws. Accept them. Improve yourself with consistency. When we follow the above steps, we regain our true selves. I know that, we would fail many times but, we just need to try and at the end, we will find peace within ourselves. our loved ones  genuine care about us. They don’t wanna to see us fail. They are immensely happy when we share happy news with them and they offer solutions when we are in a problem. Everyone thinks that US dollar is the currency of the world but, it is the trust. It’s the trust that helps you to build network of people who can support your life goals. We need to focus back on the foundation of life again. In order to have relationship with anyone, we need to give importance to trust first instead of meaningless sex. The bottom line of this blog post is this- your loved ones (family) care about you. They don’t wanna to see you  failing  in your life. They are doing their best to bring stability in your life. Be grateful to them. Love them with all the strength and courage of your soul. They deserve the best. Go get a life with your loved ones! Your loved ones (family) care for you

Holding on

When I decided to write this blog post, one song came to my mind that was ‘ holding on’ by jr. pascal. I really do like that song. It’s one of my fav song. The message in the song is very clear i.e. hang in there where you are right now! Some times we just need to hold on. The question, that we need to ask ourselves is this- in what situations we really need to hold on and why? The only reason that is coming to my mind is when life gets hard, when life gets little bit challenging, we need to grab enough courage and just hang in there. Nobody’s life is plain and simple. Life can be defined by a line that always keeps going up and down with the circumstances. We don’t need to give up our hopes when we see all the doors in front of us are closed down. Life is full of miracles and you never know when the next door with full of opportunities is waiting for you In the moments of pain and suffering, life appears to us like a tragic hell. I don’t blame you for thinking like that. Countless people have given up by committing suicides. They never thought about the end result. They all cared about themselves but, what about their loved ones who have to ultimately suffer the consequences of their evil actions? Life is a crucial gift. Why is it a crucial gift? Cause, we have the ability to think. We have the ability to work, create and build things for the future. If we make sensible decisions only then, we can understand the importance of a life and care about it. We have the freedom of choice. We have the decision to make whether we wanna to fill ourselves with positivity or negativity. We are the ones to decide which forces ( good or bad). No one can stop the flow of challenges. The hard truth is that, at some point, we need to face challenges. Sometimes, truth is way more important than our feelings so, what opinions we have at our disposal? I can’t think about anything other than facing darkness with some courage and make every possible effort in search of light and hope. So, hold on  there inspite of your pain and suffering.

Your actions impact others

Actions have tremendous force behind them. Someone rightly said that, actions speak louder than the words. Words have no importance of its own. Action is where all the drama of a life takes place. Your actions not only impacts you but, all of those who are closely associated with you. If you think that, there are billions of people on the planet Earth and how my actions gonna impact others? I’m sorry to break to you this- in today’s world, information travels faster than the light. Anything you say or do would have short term and long term consequences. It’s hard to evaluate the influence of your actions on your loved ones. I don’t think so you can measure its impact on a given a scale. Toxic actions not only ruin your life but, also your loved ones too. I believe that, you might recover the money by going for a new business venture but, going through emotional setback is sometimes very hard to recover from maybe, that’s why, any bad deed makes you wonder should I trust someone anymore? Everyone has done bad things in their lives and we will continue to make some bad choices and our choices will have some affect on others. Here’s a big deal when we engage in actions we need to be more self aware about its results. We might not be able to accurately predict the future of our current actions but, sure enough if we think and become conscious of our own actions we might be able to connect the dots of our present with future. Most of us engage in actions blindly cause, we don’t think what we are doing? We are simply performing an act like a machine is producing something. We are better than machines. We got brain. We have the ability to think deep so, why not just sit back and care about our loved ones for all the actions we are taking in our lives. We all are aware about what our bad actions could bring to the world. We don’t wanna to repeat the same past. We can learn from the history and become truly grateful for each other and for what we have. History is a good example. Let’s make this world a better place with your moral and ethical actions.

My eyes are fixed at my work

With your eyes fixed at your work, I don’t believe so, there’s anything in the world would stop you. With your mind and brain working together, you will always find peace and prosperity. In this blog post, let’s find out the real meaning why we need to focus at our work? When I talk about work, I don’t really mean 9-5 regular job. What I truly meant by work is how we deal with responsibilities/duties to improve our lives. Life has so much to offer. It has so much of potential. We just need to dig deeper in ourselves to find out the fountain of water flowing within ourselves. We need to work consistently on that. The greatest work we all can manage to is to shun our toxic habits for better future. Our future is connected with our present. More importantly, our tomorrow is deeply impacted by what actions or work we undertake in present. If we find problems in connecting the dots of our future to present then, sure we are doing something wrong. We must not be disciplined enough to take care of our humble responsibilities. It’s not an easy thing to say but, reflecting truth in writing is one of the most difficult thing to do. In life, everything will not be perfectly fine. There are some days where you need to make little bit extra efforts to bring back order into your life. I think maybe, that’s why we were created by God to provide some meaning and embrace imperfections in life. When I say, your eyes need to be fixed at job, I don’t mean that, you need to be serious in your life. Life is not a serious business but a creative business. You need to be creative to find joy in your life rather than seeking pleasure. Joy can be found in spending time with your family and friends who actually push you towards excellence. Joy can be found when you genuinely make efforts to do well in your life and your actions bring positive results in someone’s else life too! There’s a lot of work needed to be done and I hope that, you will work on that work to find joy, prosperity and peace!

you Got Energy

You read it right. You have the energy. You got the potential and you have the ability to turn your dreams into actions. There’s no point to be aimless. There’s no point of losing any hope. If you are hopeless and nihilistic then, I’m talking to you and this blog post is for you. Imagine what we could have achieved if we had made best your use of our energy into building & creating things instead of complaining and whining. Imagine, what could have been accomplished if we just had changed the direction of our energy from toxic to good. I have no hesitation to say that Energy is God. The whole universe is full of energy. It’s result can not be seen but can be felt. Your doubts will always try to convince you that, there’s nothing anything like energy. Your evil inside you will force you to make bad use of the energy that is flowing inside of you and maybe, that’s why, doubts don’t help us to connect with the source. Lack of energy doesn’t help in creating better things for future. Being aimless as long as you are on this planet is the worst thing you can do. You can always start with your health. Instead of wasting the beauty of life into reckless things like drug addictions and porn why can’t you grab the enough courage to accumulate the energy and use it for common good. We all can do that! We all are free to make our minds . Most of us make promises, but very few keep their commitments. I’m not saying that, you need to make crazy like promises/commitments. All I am saying that, you need to be aware of the potential that is flowing within you. By becoming conscious of your actions (good or bad) you become better little by little everyday.we have the ability to think, create and build so why don’t we out one step forward to bring good to the world? Energy is everything. Most of us are wasting it or not utilizing it properly by indulging in toxic habits like drug addictions, reckless sex and blaming everything on the others. We need to understand the importance of our potential. We need to change the flow. Remember, energetic man is always charming. He’s always cool. Everyone likes to be around him. Be that guy and attract others with your positive energy.

What do kids need right now

Let me talk to you straight, if someone is talking about right of freedom and speech, He or she shouldn’t not be considered as extremist. If some one talks about our kids need to know that, the history is based on truth rather than on feeling, there’s no way we should buyout that person who’s on the right side – on the side of truth. I don’t wanna to talk about who’s right or who’s on the left side of the debate, All I know that, I’m on kids side. We should not tolerate anyone who’s trying to make our kids weak and ashamed of themselves whether it’s our governments, leftists or social media influencers. We should stand up for right. Have you ever noticed that, ever since, kids have gotten closer and closer to social media especially, to tiktok life of little folks have become much harder than ever before. Teenagers are taking huge amounts of stress in their lives. They are increasingly dependent on antidepressants, anxiety pills. With the indoctrination of CRT (critical Race Theory) Radical sex theories early on in our kids life in schools, it is making their situation bad to worse. Parents send their loving kids to schools with an expectation to see their kids work, create, build beautiful things in present for better tomorrow. It’s not easy to break to my readers that, the opposite is happening in schools. Kids are coming back to their parents and saying things like, I’m not sure whether I’m a boy or disclosing their parents that, I wanna to be trans. If concerned parents try to take stand up for their children and make schools accountable for what they are teaching social media, globalists, leftists pretend those worried parents as the enemy of their kids. I wonder why most of the parents have given up and don’t say anything to their kids when irrational thoughts come up to their minds. I have said it so many times instead of telling our children that, feeling are way more important than the truth why don’t we just focus on telling our kids that, in order to have reliable future, the best thing they can do is to seek truth. It is to take care of their humble and noble responsibilities towards their lives. They seriously need to come out of trap created by radical left wing people. The only thing the kids need to take away from this blog post is to abandon woke culture. They need to move beyond woke culture. They need to invest in improving their relationships with their parents by getting closer to God, sacrificing their toxic habits for better future. We need to make sure that we need to prepare our kids to protect, preserve and defend the western civilization.

What’s in my destiny?

Future is attractive cause, it makes us curious. It’s unpredictable. Tens of billions of dollars are being spent on making wild guesses about tomorrow. If you can’t think about any example let me give you some- money invested in stock markets, real estate, future of our kids after high school graduation, relationship plannings, making home budgets and many more. It’s all about what’s next in our destiny. Future always keeps us wondering. There’s no human being on the planet who doesn’t think about future. Everyone does and everyone should. The reason why we are born is not to sit on our asses and do nothing but, to work, build and create for better tomorrow. The biggest mystery is this, we don’t know what future is holding for us? We all are trying to make sure that, whatever we are doing in present whether good or bad, we just hope that, it should bring us better future. We all got some wild expectations/hopes for our future. For a drug addict, he hopes to curb his toxic habits. A businessman hopes for better growth for his business venture. For a father, better future for his entire family. I some times wonder if ‘hope’ was listed as a stock on NYSE, I would have made a lot of money. You know why? We all hope for better tomorrow. We all bid for better future. We all hope for better circumstances. Destiny, just doesn’t magically appear by itself. We need to work for it. We need to connect the dots of our past to the present and with present, we can make predictions about future. Whatever you did in your past, whether good or bad, you will do the same thing in the present and soon your present will become past cause, time never stops for anyone! By realizing your past mistakes and being aware about your present by having harmony with your actions might bring good/productive results into your life. I believe that, there’s no future. There’s only present. Every present moment is turning into your past with the flow of time. So, if just have present at our disposal, why don’t we make a peace deal with it? Instead of living a restless life by continuously thinking about future why can’t we make harmony with our current actions. I truly believe that, a better destiny is possible for all of us if we just focus on today- right now! It’s hard, but it’s worth trying. What’s next in your destiny- only your present!

Woke Culture in the west

Western civilization is based on fundamental principle of freedom of speech and expression. It’s not based on censorship. Over the past few years, we are faced with challenge of woke culture. In this blog post, we need to talk about this problem and how it is eroding our freedom to express our views. When I was in India, I never heard about the word ‘woke’ but, coming to Canada, this word is on everyone’s minds. The fundamental meaning of being woke was to be conscious about strengths and weaknesses about the individuals irrespective to their skin colour, race and their ethnicity. The purpose was of wokeism was to empower people to take part in the economy by focusing on building, creating and adding value to the world but, unfortunately, the woke movement has been highjacked by the radical left wing people. Radical leftists or ultra wokees are provoking people by saying, there’s no agency in the world. They are making people to believe that, patriarchy is responsible for their miseries. They have a very weird solution to end this patriarchy system by just doing violent protests. It is to do complain and whim about the traditional structure of the the world. Radical left wing people don’t tell people that, patriarchy is based on competence, not power. They are trying to brainwash young people by transforming them into the victims of patriarchy. This woke culture is doing more harm than good to our kids. The fundamental problem with the woke culture is that, feelings of the people are more important than the truth. Governments, social media, streaming platforms like Netflix and globalists are trying to persuade people about, they should care more about their feelings than the truth. When more and more people run way from the truth guess what? It will lead to creation of weak people and with weak people, you can’t win anything. Don’t worry, there’s a solution of every problem. Woke culture also has a solution. We just need to think beyond the woke culture especially, in schools. Kids need to focus on building and creating better future. I’m sure that, better way to build a future is not to complain but, to work and to take care of humble responsibilities. That’s the only solution.