I made a promise to myself

I made a promise to myself that, I will be faithful and responsible towards my duties. I made a solemn vow before God that, as long as I’m breathing I will follow the path of righteousness. I will seek truth. Serve others with my humble actions. At some point when we find there’s no door opened in front of us we just seek for help from the Creator. We make promises to him and leave everything on him. This blog is for everyone who have tried everything and they are still helpless!

Promises are easy to make. Very easy to make but, what really matters is that, when you make promises and your Creator is your witness, silently listening to your vow then, you need to stay true to yourself. It doesn’t matter which side you are on but, as long as you are on God’s side, as long as you are on the side of righteousness there will always be light in your life. You don’t have to listen to the hundreds of thousands of motivational videos. Your inspiration is coming from the solemn vow that you made before God.

If you feel like there’s nothing left to be done and evil is overpowering you then, I would like you to go back to the Creator. His doors are already opened for you. He is already waiting for you outside your door. All you need to make an effort and walk towards the door and have the courage to open the door. Let the Creator join you. We all have the freedom to bring evil and good. I would say to you strongly that, if we have the freedom of choice then, why not to let God to be in our lives? Why don’t we make commitments and listen to the God who is sitting somewhere deep inside us and bring peace in our lives?

There’s no better way to lead happiness in our lives when we make promises and keep them. When we fulfill our promises, we glorify the God and that’s what we should be doing. Let get back to our lives that is given to us. Let’s make promise to Glorify God not satan. Let focus on positivity not negativity. Let focus on humble actions rather than on ego.