Duties of a man!

I believe that, most of the men have forgotten their responsibilities/duties. They have forgotten their roles. We need to restore the faith in traditional masculinity. We need to know why young men hate traditional masculine traits? This blog post is all about bringing glory to all the courageous men who have sacrificed their lives, their careers for their loved ones.

The foremost duty of every man is to have faith in God. The primary duty of every man on this living planet to restore his faith in God and bring Glory to Him. Every man is created in the image of God. If we try to remove the essence of supreme power out of our lives then it leads to chaos. Any sensible man knows that his job is to bring order and keep chaoses at minimum level. Without trusting God, it’s not possible. A man’s job is to lead a family under the guidance of Lord.

The second duty of a man is take care of his responsibilities. It is to take maximum load of responsibilities on his shoulder and fulfill them with accountability. A man’s job is to protect, provide and lead his family. As a man, you have to justify your existence on this planet to build and create for common good. Any man who fails to provide for his family, any man who fails to protect the interests of his loved ones has not understood the real meaning of masculinity. When a man focus on providing meaningful things to the world then, the whole society prospers. When the society prospers, the nation prospers.

The 3rd duty of a man is to seek truth and stay humble in his actions. Feelings come and go. Only one things is gonna stay here and that is truth. A man should not be afraid of seeking truth. Sweet lies only bring resentment. Truth brings freedom. A man has to true to himself and his loved ones. He should not be afraid of making tough talks to people to seek right meaningful things in his life.

He needs to stay humble and gentle with his actions. He needs to be kind to his fellow men. Many people think that arrogance brings strength and power. No. It doesn’t. It only brings misery. A wise man stays humble with his actions. He lifts his fellow men to reach a common goal. A humbled man is a courageous man. Pride doesn’t make you courageous. It makes you arrogant so, if any man who seeks pride and he falls from the heights of success. A man who seeks responsibilities in his life gets power every time.

I believe that, all the men should know what are their duties as a man and honour their responsibilities with all the strength and courage.