Be Action Oriented!

In order to build the world, it’s not just about thinking… it’s about taking small consistent action every day to turn idea into reality! In this blog post, I would like to talk about the importance of Action. So, get ready to see a lot of Action. Everyone likes to talk about action- Do this, If you do that your life would become so much simpler and easier. It’s true! It’s easier to say things than getting them done. Look, I am not in the option of that we need to score 10 out of 10 in every aspect of our lives but, what we can really do is to make best efforts to achieve our daily goals. One clearer difference between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person is that, the latter one is more action oriented. He is not afraid of taking actions to improve his life. Most of think that, its okay to have big goals. It’s okay to write them down. But, what’s next? We need to set up a winning daily routine to work on our goals. In order to set up a disciplined daily routine, we need to implement our plans on the ground and break the big goals into smaller chunks.focus on the fundamentals of life For instance, my vision is to reach out millions of people if not billions with the help of my website ( and to connect with them emotionally and to talk about importance of taking care of humble responsibilities to make positive impact in the community. Well, that’s a mighty goal so, I need to break it into smaller chunks. Consistency is the key Writing 3-4 times in a week Reading for 20- 40 minutes for 5-6 days in a week Working on social media to promote my website every day Exercising daily habit of gratitude Meditation for 5 minutes every day Mentioning the name of my website to new people I meet in person. I focus on making network and making good content for my readers by giving importance to my daily routine. Action is not scary. If, you ever feel that, action is scary take couple of deep breath and just go for it! As long as you taking action to improve your self then, everything is fine. Have the faith and take the courage to work on your life to make it prosperous. People who are action oriented attract luck!

focus on the fundamentals of life

In this 21st century, there is great need to have our eyes fixed on basic elements of life. In this blog post, we will try to understand about what are the core elements of life? Why we should focus on them? How can we improve our lives by simply aiming on simple elements of life?So, let’s get started! and focus on the fundamentals of life. What are the fundamentals of life: in order to operate our daily lives, we need basic elements to aim for. All great people, have aimed for crucial fundamentals to improve and to lead others. I am talking about consistent discipline, hard- work & Faith. J know that, we have become so busy in our lives that we give less and less importance to learn about them. I am also not in the favor that, we should be serious all the time be hard souls and give no importance to sense of humor. One way to understand the importance of Faith, hard-work and consistent discipline is that, you could build the tallest building in the world and focus only on to make the building to look beautiful and ignore the concrete foundation of the giant structure , I am sure that, the building would collapse to rubble in case of Earthquake. Sadly, in today’s culture we give more and more importance to materialistic things. There is nothing wrong in that but, we need to ask ourselves at what cost we will keep ignoring the core values of our lives? Why we need to aim on fundamentals of life: The bottom line is this: we got life and we have challenges everyday. If we ignore the value of Faith, consistent discipline and hard-work our life will become like a tragic hell! We can all complain about our lives to our family and friends. We can blame our loved ones for every bad outcome but, for how long? Ultimately we have to rescue ourselves by taking the responsibilities to make it better. In order to do that, we need to the path of realness. Take more & more courage to build concrete foundation of your life!Courage will make your life a Blessing Make your life better by focusing on the core elements of life: we discussed about the primary elements of our lives. It’s not a mystery to anyone that Great leaders have always focused on the core values of their lives to attract greatness in their lives. Their relationship with money, health, physical fitness, emotional intelligence and people get better with time. They don’t have to rely on outside motivation. All they have to focus on key elements of their lives to attract charisma & success! The benefits of Having faith, consistent discipline and Hard – work are endless.Consistency is the key It’s just a matter of time of when we will start realizing their importance and make tremendous positive impact not in just our lives but, also on others!

Don’t be afraid of asking help

We take a huge pride when it comes to reaching our goals without seeking any one’s help. I think that we are teaching our kids that don’t ask help of anyone when, you are in trouble.  Thanks to social media, we think that, looking for help from someone to max out our potential is a sign of weakness. In this blog post I will do my best to convey the message of don’t be afraid of asking help to fulfill your meaningful responsibilities. If you look at the human civilization we are programmed to help each other. When a child is born, He is completely dependent on others. When a child grows up, he depends upon his school and work to make his own identity and when he grows older he again depends up on others. Another life situation is that, when we witness an accident on a highway people do come out of their cars to help the injured ones & pickup their phones to call 911 to save lives! One thing I deeply believe that, the purpose of life can only be fulfilled if we make genuine efforts to help people to reach their goals. One thing we need to keep in our mind deceit, malevolence and nihilism always devalue the meaning our lives. A person who has a goal of deceiving others to complete his mission might have advantage for a short period of time but soon people come to know the evil intentions of that individual and guess what… everyone leaves that evil person. One should not assume that we should rely on others all the time to make a decision. The goal of this blog post is to ensure that, people who take personal responsibility to reach their goals should never be embarrassed of seeking help of their loved ones when, things go out of their reach! It needs courage to seek help from others. It takes tremendous efforts to help people to justify their existences. People with low values and mentality always resist the assistance of others. Most of us think that, if we seek help from others, they will control us. People will walk over us. When people have this cheap ass thinking guess what? They suffer in the hands of others. Great people who are looking to improve in their lives have mentors.Set priorities to thrive in the world! They have friends who talk more about goals than gossips. When ever they are taking a road trip they listen to personal development courses. Bottom line is this: Don’t be afraid of seeking help! I wouldn’t have reached to Canada without getting help from my family. I wouldn’t have got the permanent Residency without the help of my employer & I wouldn’t have made this website without talking to my friend about my writing ambitions.Consistency is the key I do get the point that, young generation want to become independent. In order to become independent, take more responsibilities and help people. Don’t be afraid of seeking help when you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually exhausted. So, don’t be ashamed when you seek help. Remember that, it takes courage to seek help.

Set priorities to thrive in the world!

One quick way to become responsible and to thrive in this chaotic world is to understand the fundamentals of setting priorities. Men, who know how to set the priorities in their daily lives win everything and when they win, they set high standards for others. In this blog post, we will understand about the importance of  Setting priorities to thrive in the world! Why setting priorities are crucial for you– I have said it a million times that as a human being we got purpose and we need to justify our existence on this living planet. No priorities simply means that, we got nothing to aim at. When we got nothing to aim at, we simply just wander around aimlessly and fall into a vicious cycle of pain and suffering. Always make efforts to focus on all those things that make you strong, kind, responsible & valuable. For instance, giving priority to personal development books over video games. Giving priority to physical activity over watching some crap on TV. How to set priorities: most people think it’s difficult to set priorities. It’s a game that we all play and very few people get it. How to set priorities: as we have learned setting priorities are very important to conduct daily business of our lives. One thing we all struggle with how can we set priorities? The simple answer lies in having a schedule and if we follow the schedule properly and consistently, we can get the things done. We need to divide 24 hours into smaller chunks & focus as much as on those things that increase our productivity. For students: divide your day into 5 important segments- 1. School. 2. Homework. 3. Physical exercise for 15-20 minutes a day. 4. Reading for 30 minutes a day for personal development. Spending time with your loved ones For working class people: Focus on your job. Take as many as responsibilities for the job and follow the rule 80/20 focus on 20% of the things that brings 80% of the result for the job that you are doing. Working out, reading a book for 30 minutes, meditate for 5 minutes and do not forget to spend time with your loved ones! I genuinely believe that if we divide our time into 5 activities as mentioned below then, we can make tremendous improvements in our lives. Money creation ( full time/part time job) Active ( physical exercise/ outdoors) Creative ( writing, new language, cooking) Thinking ( Reading, meditation, writing) Connection (Creator, Family& friends) It’s okay if you can’t eliminate all of the distractions but, one thing we can aim for is to reduce distractions/ toxic habits as much as we can to reach our potential. Believe me, it’s going to be hard but, it is worth it. We should all shoot for it.

Why improving yourself matters?

In this blog post I would like to talk about Why improving yourself matters? and how making small efforts to incremental changes impact the world in a positive manner. So, let’s get started.Let me come straight to the point what happens when we don’t improve with time: we all know that things change rapidly with time, technology changes, new scientific inventions take place, people change & life style changes. Basically everything changes from top to bottom. When we fail to acknowledge the things or when we close our eyes to make necessary adjustments with time, world moves apart from us. When we finally open our eyes, we regret our present circumstances and blame everything on others. One important measure to know whether you are improving or not is that, how much time you are spending on your past. If majority of your thoughts in a day are related to your past circumstances and whining about it then, I am sorry you need to make changes immediately and start by writing about your past on a paper as clearly as you can and let it go even though, it seems impossible! I give you my personal experience: I didn’t have good time during my high school even though, I was very much focused on getting good grades but, my social life was horrible. I was bullied very badly in high school by my friends and I started to just concentrate on my assignments and exams which was an absurd thing even, during my early years in Canada I was mentally and emotionally exhausted by the number of toxic people I was engaging with. one day I made a decision to make positive improvements. I told myself enough is enough! I decided to write, read books on personal development. I started to exercise. I came up with a plan to focus only on efforts rather than on the results! If I still stumble with my past, I just simply remind myself ‘let it go’.How Faith can do Miracles for you I believe that more than half the world’s population lives in the past. People who blame everything on past miss the humble opportunities to perform well in their present. Basically, they play the role of victims. You might have a little bit of advantage of playing this role in short term but, you will always lose your long term future by over stretching this role. Think about what really matters to you and why and write it down & think if you give 2-3 years to that particular mission where would you see yourself in future? Keep asking this, until you find your answer. Remember do not fall into vicious cycle of past situations just let it go. That’s the best thing you can do to yourself!  

Constructive Thinking

Constructive thinking is what we need to build this world. Positive thinking is what we need to stay away from deceit, resentment and nihilism. In order to build our future & to inspire others we not only need to have constructive thoughts but, also have to act upon them on consistent basis to bring concrete change in our lives. There are couple of ways I genuinely believe that can help us to have positive perspective of things around us. Remember one thing, it all starts with you. You have to make a decision. No one else is there for you to force you to think out of the box to solve your daily life problems. We all need to take baby steps to make it happen. Small consistent efforts will do wonders for you to build constructive thinking. There are 3 ways that I personally use to help me to think in productive way. Exercise – make a habit of doing work out at least 4 times a week. It will help you to release the stress, helps you to boost your confidence and keep you fit. Start with 15 minutes a day and do it for 7 days to find any change in your behavior and your body. Reading – Do not take reading lightly. Highly effective people always find time to read thing about personal development, financial wealth and how to make good relationships with others. If you really wanna to do something worthwhile, start with reading for 30 minutes a day. Make best use of your public library in your town. Have your library card and pick up the books that you like reading. Just pick something. Writing – writing is hard but, you know what it’s even more harder…. suppressing all your feelings/ regrets in your mind and never letting the pain go away! One major benefit of writing is that, it provides consistency in your thought process. It helps you to understand your self better. When ever I am looking for a solutions of a problem I go back to my desk and start writing. Make a habit of writing your goals too as it will reinforce your brain to act in an effective manner. I am pretty sure that, few changes to your life style will definitely going to bring tremendous result for you in future. All successful people have one thing in common- they are always ready to make ultimate sacrifice for their future. May be, it’s time for you to make a sacrifice and see where it takes you. I do hope that, you will pickup something meaningful!The gateway to the ultimate Freedom is through Hell!

Learn to Think

Human beings have tens of thousands of thoughts everyday. Even in order to make some min-nor decisions we think. We think while we are sleeping. We think while we are eating and performing any action. Basically, we think all the time. In this blog post, I would like to talk about how can we think in a more constructive way to build a good life for us and for others who are around us. One thing I always do is to be grateful to the Creator of the universe for everything no matter how busy I am during the day. It is inevitable not to think negative in life. If you look at the human civilization ever since it started, humans respond more seriously when they lives are threatened. In other words, our reactions to the negative thoughts/ circumstances are unavoidable. So, one thing is clear-crystal no one can take negative thoughts away from us. It is deeply embedded in our DNA system because the main function of any human being is to survive in any situation. One thing that really work for me is that, I give more value to the positive inner voice than to a pessimistic approach. Sadly, our attention span has reduced significantly and the most of the credit goes to the social media ( I have nothing against social media). Reduced attention span is causing us big troubles in terms of personal, social, financial and relationships.wanna make a friendship…start with yourself! For instance, if some one is facing money problems and looking to build some future wealth, the first thing that is needed to be done is to do some saving. With saving one should eliminate the debt first. Once the debt is eliminated only then, one should start looking to invest that money in stocks, cryptos and in properties. Our society focuses on multi-tasking rather than focusing on one thing at a time. If bunch if things are interlinked to one another then, a defined set of procedure is needed to be followed to achieve the outcome. One thing that you should definitely take away after reading this blog is that, do not underestimate the way you think about yourself! If you continue to think negative about yourself guess what, you would have complaining attitude. Slowly, you would start losing your interest and fall into vicious cycle of resentment and nihilism. It’s a slow death to the creativity and when, you realize it, it will be too late for you to act upon it. Learn to think Man! Strive for the glory!

Stress is Crucial to succeed

Stress, stress and more stress we all hate that. No body likes to work under pressure. We all like to have easy life and access to the information on our finger tips. The purpose of this blog post is to identify what kinds of stress are good for our personal development. I would also like to talk about bad stress That can deprive us to reach out our maximum potential. This blog post is for anyone who is facing the heat of stress. I can feel that. i am here to show you how Stress is Crucial to succeed.  I am here to reach out to you to give you maximum support! One thing that we all need to understand that without stress, it is impossible for us to do even a slightest movement of our bodies. Human beings can not stand still. They can not sit still. We are always thinking about our lives, what we need in our lives. Long story short we constantly thing about our future because we are aiming creatures and there is no life without motion. When we think about future, we do some risk analysis in our mind. We assume certain things about our future circumstances and if the future situation changes, what actions that we can take in the present to make sure that, things goes according to the plan. The constant battle to make future circumstances less volatile, more predictable and highly stable is called STRESS. The motive of my writing is not to tell you that, you should stop taking stress and lay down in your bed and sleep. I am here to convey a message that people who say to you that, don’t take stress, live a pressure free life and leave everything on the fate…. Don’t you dare to listen to them. Let them live in their fancy world. Remember one thing ‘ stress that forces you to pick up some responsibilities and bring positive changes to your lifestyle is deemed to be a good stress’ For instance, if you have a goal of losing 10 pounds and you stress about it to reach your target then, it’s a good stress. Looking for a new job/new position in a company and making efforts to attain it is a good stress. Reading a book about personal development for 30 minutes a day is a good source of stress. We can come up hundreds of examples to know more about good stress. I leave this task up to you. Think for a while and make a list of things that you are stressing about. I am sure you will be amazed about when you see the result. ( note- keep the definition of stress as discussed in this blog post straight when you writing about the stressful things.) Do not become the victim of stress. Learn to know how to make best use of stressful situations. Remember, stress is crucial to succeed  Keep the faith! 

Think Hard on Paper

This blog is very close to my heart and I will discuss about why it is important for all of us to think hard on paper? Let me come straight to the point what made me to think hard on paper. I wasn’t a kind of person who liked the idea of writing at first. For me at first, it seemed like I was doing nothing, putting my efforts in vain and then, I started watching podcast of great psychologist ( Dr. Jordan B. Peterson) who I deeply admire. He was talking about the benefits of writing. One thing I learnt after listening to his podcast was that, The reason we write is because we got problems, confusions in our lives. In order to fight with lack of clarity, we write about our challenges. We write about the solutions that could help us to resolve those issues. Writing sends signals of clarity to brain and makes things easy for our brain to understand. You look at wise people, I mean successful people who are really masters of their field have given a lot of stress on writing. I genuinely believe in one thing anything you write about for instance, goals that you would like to accomplish, you will get it done because, we send signals to our nervous system and our energy starts to work on all those things that are crucial for achieving that particular goal. We start to see picture becoming into reality. I can give you my personal example: When, I was working on my permanent residency of Canada, everyday, I would write it down on a piece of paper until I got my PR card.Consistency is the key If it can work for me, I am definitely sure that, it would work for you. You just have to make little bit of efforts to pick up a pen and grab a notebook and then, you are all set to go. I have learnt one thing in my life that is, if you need anything in your life then, you have to make efforts. It is not guaranteed that, you would succeed all the time but, you will have satisfaction at the end  the day.Essence of life You can start writing for 5 minutes a day and see where it takes you and I am sure it’s the best way to release all the stress, anxiety that you are facing in life. So, if you would like to take one thing out of this blog let it be ‘ Think hard on Paper

Make your own Luck

Everyone likes to get lucky not once, but, every-time. Luck is a phenomenal thing to have. The normal definition of luck is that, anything you do/touch, you just become instantly successful and achieve fame. We also tend to believe that, in order to attract good luck, we need to be good looking, charming, millions of dollars in our bank account and so many other things just to woo it! Surprisingly, we all have the ability to attract good charm. There is no surprise about the fact that, it all depends upon the right mindset. Whenever we look at any successful person, we say in our mind that I wish, I had his lifestyle and I wish I was having Lamborghini. We often tend to forget to look at the reality. We  do not realize that, how much efforts that man is making to attract success in his life. We look at the results and close our eyes when it comes to efforts. The process of out looking the harsh reality and just focusing on the good outcomes is called ‘LUCK’Consistency is the key One thing is for sure it’s very hard to make your own luck and if you ask successful people about luck they would say, it’s just the ‘By- product’ of their efforts in right direction. There are 3 things that all of us need to focus on to have never ending luck in our lives. Discipline Consistency Learning attitude I always say that, make a plan even you got a stupid plan. Stick to it and keep implementing it and see where it will take you. Who knows that, in 5 to 10 years, you probably end up with making tremendous change not just to your life but, in all those lives who are linked with you deeply. Self-doubts and perfection have killed more people than road accidents. Throw yourself voluntarily in the hell and see how far you can go ahead. Learn to take care of your responsibilities cause, it will shape you and straighten your life for good. Anyone who has taken up his life seriously and forsaken the comfort zone has won everything and  everyone ……that’s luck!