Sacrifice for better tomorrow is worth it!

Let me begin this blog post by saying Sacrifice of what? Why there’s need to make any sacrifices because who the hell knows what’s written in the future? We need to know how sacrifice will bring a better tomorrow…
Sacrifice is full of pain & suffering. Nobody likes to make sacrifices of anything that he truly cares about especially when it comes to addictions. When you know that, you are on the verge of losing everything in your life and as soon as you realize this, you become increasingly lonely and depressed. Humans are social animals. We love to have interactions with people. We love to share the adventures of our lives to all of those who are associated with us somehow and someway. As soon as things go downhill, people start to leave us one by one. We just keep watching it. It’s called mental and emotional pain when your loved ones start ignoring you and keep going out of your life. Now, you wanted to relieve the pain and you instead of making things better, you start to take drugs, consume alcohol, binge watching and eating. The cycle keeps on going and going making you sick & tired everyday! You open your eyes and see nobody’s around you to comfort you. This is no life!
Imagine now, your end is near because of your toxic habits and terrible addictions. You know that, you have badly damaged your health, by the way it’s not just the health your soul has become morally weak! You are saying to your self I wish I would have done something better in my life. I wish I would’ve come out of my addiction habits to make my life little bit less suffering! No- one is around your death bed. You’re dying alone! No one is comforting you. No one is there in the room weeping out loud for you… what a terrible waste of life!
As I’m writing this blog, I can sense that, there’s no limit to negative thinking. I usually write my blogs with positive intent. I have also realized that, if you are naively positive about everything, you will act like a fool in front of others. When you act like a foolish person, no one takes you seriously not even your own life. So, negativity/problems are what we need to wake the hell up to become little bit serious in our lives and undertake the burden of responsibilities and bear the cost associated with it!
Nobody knows what’s in the future. We can predict the future and make assumptions about. In order to play with the future, we need to think clearly as much as we can by keeping an eye on our present circumstances. If you predict that, future brings a lot of uncertainty and less hope then, you need to think what I’m doing wrong in my present. You need to make the list of all of those things that you are doing on a regular basis which are having negative impact on your future. It could be uncontrollable consumption of alcohol, porn, smoking. You need to go for uncomfortable talk with yourself and make sacrifices starting today, starting right now to have good future.
It’s better to die peacefully than miserably. It’s better to die when your loved ones are comforting you in your final moments than just keep staring at the ceilings.

Sacrifice for better tomorrow is worth it!