How Faith can do Miracles for you

  Faith is a journey from endless chaos to Define meaning in life. It’s like wind, you can’t really see it but, you can feel it. People who have high levels of faith tend to be happy, spread love, care about others and have purpose. Find How Faith can do Miracles for you Recently I was reading ‘ Man’s search for meaning’ by Viktor E. Frankl. After going through physical, mental, and emotional torture in the camp, he didn’t lose his hope. A hope for better future. He had faith in God and in his life and his faith helped him to find meaning and purpose. A worth reading book. Sadly Many people say that, they used to have faith in their lives and then, things changed from bad to worse. They gave up on their lives and waiting for their final days. It really shows that, they don’t have hope and if a person who is hopeless, how the hell is he going to have faith. No faith means that, you can not trust yourself and others. In other words you will always going to have doubts. A doubtful man have no peace. This vicious cycle keeps on going and makes you resentful, anxious and nihilistic. Make a promise to yourself, no matter how bad day you had, you will always going to end up with good things. It could be writing positive sentence on a notebook, hugging/ kissing your loved ones or a prayer to God before going to bed. When you start doing one positive thing in a day, you start building hope and eventually, you will find enough courage to have faith. It’s a tough journey but, it is worth taking. You will witness  How Faith can do Miracles for you.  

Hope leads to Faith

The very first step to do well in life is to have Hope. A hope for better future, a hope for better relationships with people and a hope for better personal development. I will also talk about how hope leads to faith The bottom line is this: people with no hope Will never ever going to have faith in their lives. The good news is that we can all learn to work on better hope for future just as the same way we workout in the gym. The interesting thing is that when we buy a subscription from any gym, for a week or so, we are energetic and determined to work on our physical looks and then, our motivation keep declining and declining, we start to come up with convincing excuses and ultimately stop going. The same thing goes with hope too, when we start something new in our lives, we have the strong will to take the initiative and complete the task and then, challenges start appearing out of no where and we halt our new initiative. I am not saying that, everyone will act in the same way like, running away from challenges. Exception is always there. It all starts with consistent positive hope for future. It doesn’t matter whether you have the money or not, whether you are in a relationship or not, whether you renting the place to live or not. One thing you must have is hope and it will do miracles for you and leads you to have Faith. A person who puts faith into action wins everything. Money keeps flowing in, relationships get better, health improves and focus becomes like laser sharp.The gateway to the ultimate Freedom is through Hell! Faith is the most dangerous thing you can have. Not everyone knows the power of faith and that’s exactly why very few people have positive outlook for their lives but, it all starts with hope!

The gateway to the ultimate Freedom is through Hell!

Everybody likes freedom these days. Everyone likes to talk about it. Freedom is a great experience and we simply can’t imagine our life without it. We are living in a free world. A man has a right to express his thoughts freely, free to practice any religion, free to do anything (as long as ethical and moral values are being respected). So far, if any one has problem with that…. Please let me know it’s a free world! No doubt, freedom makes us powerful and influential in the society but, it also brings us tons of responsibilities to make things better for the future. Freedom/rights and responsibilities go hand in hand. We need to know that why do we need responsibilities to achieve freedom? No one is perfect there is always room to improve. For instance, you have a car and for many months you didn’t clean it from you have bags everywhere, empty water bottles, your work clothes and food garbage. Your car is just looking like a shit-show and every-time you open the door, it just stinks and smells so badly that it messes up with your mood. You make all kind of excuses to ignore your responsibilities. It’s just getting worse and soon you find your working desk is not organized then, your room and then your house. Basically it’s a hell. Every moment you are trying to focus on your work, thoughts of messy car, unorganized desk, uncleaned room and house take place in your mind and as a result your work life suffers. Well, living in a hell provides you great opportunity to move toward the heaven and start spending 5 minutes a day to take out the garbage out of your car then slowly, working on your desk then, in your room and finally comes your house. You would see positive impact on your life. You would find you don’t lose your mind easily. You found out small things are really making tremendous impact in your life and here you go…. You finally found your freedom. Freedom is not free. You have to pay the cost to achieve it. You have to travel through the hell to claim it. The ultimate way to the Freedom is to throw yourself voluntarily into the ocean of hell and watch yourself swimming despite the fact you know that chances are quite high that, most of you will give up and few are going to make it to the heaven ( freedom) but, it’s worth trying cause, a lot is at stake especially, when it comes to your life.How Faith can do Miracles for you You have relationship, health, career issues Accept them. Take your journey to the hell and discover heaven. Take baby steps to improve life. There is nothing more satisfying than when someone made a decision to straighten his situation of life and enjoying the result of it. At the end, The gateway to the ultimate Freedom is through Hell! Decision is yours.

A world without pain and suffering

What a beautiful world it would’ve been if there was no pain and suffering. Everything would be perfect, no sign of evilness, no malevolence and no need to worry about anything. I wish I was part of this wonder world but, look at my fate born in this cruel world with so much of violence that sometimes feels like that’s it!! no more of this tyranny, no more of this human suffering. Wait a minute, when I seriously think deep about this unreal wonder world, one thing pops up to my mind that something is not right. If everything was in order, our response to even minor problem would’ve suffered tremendously cause, we are built to alleviate pain and suffering, the only way we can deal with resentment and nihilism when we have some knowledge of it. A world without problems simply means that humans have no role to play in it. Nothing is needed to be done. No doubt there are bad things happening in this world. People are dying every day, poor kids are starving, domestic violence is out there and bunch of other things. The more we acknowledge evilness, more chances are there to reduce it. More courageous men step up to fight with it, to move things slightly away from the hell. Human beings are aiming creatures. Our fundamental aim on this planet is to reduce problems but, sadly we can not fully eliminate pain and suffering out of this world even though how hard we try! Perfect things create easy time ,easy time creates weak people, weak people create difficult situations and the cycle keeps going. Maybe that’s why we have mighty responsibilities to carry out to deal with this suffering.Essence of life Life is meaningless if there are no challenges to it. I call it a dull life. I leave it up to you now to decide, If you want to become fragile keep imagining perfect world. On the other hand, if you want to become strong, humble and resilient then, make this cruel world as your friend!

Essence of life

The Essence of Life What’s the crucial element of life? A million dollars question if you ask me. Most of the people would say that the important element of life is to find Happiness or some of you might come up with the idea of having Money. Well, there is no right or wrong answer, it’s all depends upon the life choices that we make in our lives. The real essence of life is much more deeper than finding Happiness or making Money. Let’s take the first case of Finding Happiness. Now you need to ask yourself, would you be happy if you had lost $300 money to a online scammer? Probably not…. or would you be happy if you found out that your cell phone is not working and you have an important phone call to make to your client? If you ask me I would be pissed off and would’ve simply yelled and screamed at someone or if not probably at myself so, Happiness is temporary. It comes and goes. Now let’s take the 2nd case of making money/having Money. We all know that the money is the medium of economic exchange that’s how we make living. Let’s take the example of you have a family to feed, how would you feel if you just have $20 to your name. Would you be able to feed your family with that? Sounds like an impossible task to do or let’s suppose that you got millions of dollars in your bank account, I am sure you will be able to feed your family, You can buy nice house for them, go for a vacation and have a great time but why then, people with so much of financial resources end up with so much of resentment, depression why?One argument you can make that maybe, they are selfish that’s why people leaving them or you can say that they don’t have the solid reason to live that’s completely fine so, where we can find the concrete reason to live a better life? I am sure it’s definitely not found in Happiness nor in having less money or more money then where the hell you can find the essence of life?It’s hidden deep inside the struggles of life. It is found in taking heavy burden of noble and humble responsibilities and fulfilling them by keeping your head down and fight, fight and fight to justify your existence on this planet. Essence of life is found in staying away from malevolence & resentment. Taking good care of yourself. Have some plan. Not a perfect one but, a stupid plan that can give you a start at least . Accepting the truth that life is hard and it’s vicious cycle of pain and suffering but, it’s worth living. Hopefully, you start using the word ‘Happiness’ with caution but, if happiness knocks at your front door open the door, have smile and be grateful for it and same thing with the money.