Think Hard on Paper

This blog is very close to my heart and I will discuss about why it is important for all of us to think hard on paper? Let me come straight to the point what made me to think hard on paper. I wasn’t a kind of person who liked the idea of writing at first. For me at first, it seemed like I was doing nothing, putting my efforts in vain and then, I started watching podcast of great psychologist ( Dr. Jordan B. Peterson) who I deeply admire. He was talking about the benefits of writing. One thing I learnt after listening to his podcast was that, The reason we write is because we got problems, confusions in our lives. In order to fight with lack of clarity, we write about our challenges. We write about the solutions that could help us to resolve those issues. Writing sends signals of clarity to brain and makes things easy for our brain to understand. You look at wise people, I mean successful people who are really masters of their field have given a lot of stress on writing. I genuinely believe in one thing anything you write about for instance, goals that you would like to accomplish, you will get it done because, we send signals to our nervous system and our energy starts to work on all those things that are crucial for achieving that particular goal. We start to see picture becoming into reality. I can give you my personal example: When, I was working on my permanent residency of Canada, everyday, I would write it down on a piece of paper until I got my PR card.Consistency is the key If it can work for me, I am definitely sure that, it would work for you. You just have to make little bit of efforts to pick up a pen and grab a notebook and then, you are all set to go. I have learnt one thing in my life that is, if you need anything in your life then, you have to make efforts. It is not guaranteed that, you would succeed all the time but, you will have satisfaction at the end  the day.Essence of life You can start writing for 5 minutes a day and see where it takes you and I am sure it’s the best way to release all the stress, anxiety that you are facing in life. So, if you would like to take one thing out of this blog let it be ‘ Think hard on Paper

Make your own Luck

Everyone likes to get lucky not once, but, every-time. Luck is a phenomenal thing to have. The normal definition of luck is that, anything you do/touch, you just become instantly successful and achieve fame. We also tend to believe that, in order to attract good luck, we need to be good looking, charming, millions of dollars in our bank account and so many other things just to woo it! Surprisingly, we all have the ability to attract good charm. There is no surprise about the fact that, it all depends upon the right mindset. Whenever we look at any successful person, we say in our mind that I wish, I had his lifestyle and I wish I was having Lamborghini. We often tend to forget to look at the reality. We  do not realize that, how much efforts that man is making to attract success in his life. We look at the results and close our eyes when it comes to efforts. The process of out looking the harsh reality and just focusing on the good outcomes is called ‘LUCK’Consistency is the key One thing is for sure it’s very hard to make your own luck and if you ask successful people about luck they would say, it’s just the ‘By- product’ of their efforts in right direction. There are 3 things that all of us need to focus on to have never ending luck in our lives. Discipline Consistency Learning attitude I always say that, make a plan even you got a stupid plan. Stick to it and keep implementing it and see where it will take you. Who knows that, in 5 to 10 years, you probably end up with making tremendous change not just to your life but, in all those lives who are linked with you deeply. Self-doubts and perfection have killed more people than road accidents. Throw yourself voluntarily in the hell and see how far you can go ahead. Learn to take care of your responsibilities cause, it will shape you and straighten your life for good. Anyone who has taken up his life seriously and forsaken the comfort zone has won everything and  everyone ……that’s luck!

Do not fear- only Believe

I think that, this blog post is for anyone who are stuck in their lives and have no idea what decision they should take to keep moving forward. Our mind knows that if we take that one tough decision in our lives, we will be fine. On the other hand we are just constantly worried about what if Everything goes wrong? fear start sowing its seeds in our minds and we just keep thinking about it all day long and over the period, it shows right on our face. I do hope that you will find Do not fear-only believe blog post helpful. If you think that, we can eradicate fear from our lives then, you are dead wrong about it. Fear is our basic instinct that keeps us functioning, it does help us to take key decisions of our lives. If you don’t believe me then, i would like to ask you this, what makes students to do their homework? What makes employees to show up to work? What makes you to hit gym early in the morning and what makes you to eat healthy? Fear guide us to take rational actions. Fear will only start haunting us when, it becomes bigger than our core belief systems.A world without pain and suffering For instance, if someone is looking to move to a new location to start a new life, have good life experiences and your mind says that go – ahead! You know that if you take that decision, you will have to struggle for a while but, you believe that struggle is worth it for the glory to achieve. Sacrifice is worth it for tomorrow’s fortune! Your lazy self on the other hand will keep reminding you about how comfort you are right NOW. It will keep reminding you how life is so easy for you.. do not let the comfort zone to erode your future and make you weak. If someone decides to stay where they are right now for the next 5 to 10 years from now and does not take action to take some challenges, the world will move apart from that person. So, one thing that, we need to remind ourselves constantly comfort creates weakness and weakness creates disappointments. If we give more value to our fears, they will dominate our lives. Have some little faith in yourself and if you pick anything, do it with conviction in your mind. Any doubt arises to your mind… say one thing quietly ‘Do not fear-only Believe‘

wanna make a friendship…start with yourself!

I have to come to the point to start this blog post and the point is very clear the first thing you need to do to go ahead in life is to treat yourself with good care. Now you must be wondering that, how could I treat myself with respect? The answer is very clear-crystal whatever you think you become exactly the same thing. In this blog post, I will talk about if you wanna make a friendship…start with yourself! You should have no reason to think low of yourself. Do not let hatred to sow its vicious seed in your mind because it’s a slow death to creativity, excitement and happiness and it’s a sure death. There are many reason to hate yourself like lack of discipline, relaying too much on comfort food, money, career and relationships problems. I can go on and on but, I just want to give you the basic idea about why people hate themselves. The bitter truth is this, everybody knows the consequences of not taking noble responsibilities in their lives and it’s no joke why most people lose hope and curse themselves when they actually have to pay for the outcomes. It’s a harsh reality, no body likes to face it but, we have to face it someday… at some point in our lives.How Faith can do Miracles for you I know that, you might be having thousands of reasons of disliking yourself…Find one damn good reason to start working on yourself single-mindedly and see where it will take you and I hope so, it will take you to a good place and bring meaning to your life and to all those who are associated with you. There are couple of things that you can do to make strong friendship with yourself Courage will make your life a Blessing Start taking care of your vision. Make a plan. It does not matter whether you have complete plan or not but, have a clear picture what you want to do in your life. Make genuine efforts. I can talk all day long. I can write all day long but, nothing will make sense to me or you if I do not take baby steps to make my life better than the day before It’s okay to make mistakes but, do not allow the idea of nihilism and hatred to dominate you. Learning how to take care of yourself is an art. Use your own creativity, let the ideas flow and you feel the energy and take action in a right direction. The world is filled up with people who love brands, vacations and living a luxurious life, nothing wrong with that, it’s good to have dreams but, nothing is more enjoyable and satisfying than making a strong relationship with yourself. Your life will thank you for that! Remember this, wanna make a friendship…start with yourself!

It’s okay to Fail

Most of you must be wondering how the hell is it okay to fail? I do get the point that failure hurts. It way more painful than someone facing road accident. It tortures you mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Most importantly you start seeking validation from others. You start doubting yourself. Sleepless nights, anxiety, overthinking about the outcomes of the various activities that you are involved in your life plus many other random negative thoughts in your mind are good enough to scare the hell out of you. I have to say one thing that negative things have way more power us than positive things and the reason is that nobody likes to endure pain and suffering. Everyone is looking for easy way out. Thanks to the technological changes that are taking every single day to bring comfort in our lives… it’s simply unbelievable.fight to take care of your humble responsibilities One more thing that, I have noticed that, even though, we have become very much advanced in our lifestyles, our values, belief system, characters and ethical responsibilities have taken back seat. We are becoming increasingly skeptical to put our trust on each other. As our moral standards have taken a sharp dip, our ego, lust and greed have taken a big jump. So, when we fail…. Our ego hurts the most. This is for sure since, we are aiming creatures, we are always in the race to win, we can not fully eliminate ego but, one thing we can do is to keep ego in check. Excessive ego will burn you down. It’s not gonna do good for you and not for all those who are associated with you. Slowly you will find everyone is gone from your life and being lonely is the worst feeling ever you can experience. The sooner you get this straight to your head and to your mind the more relax you will feel about yourself and take your life seriously.Hope leads to Faith The best way to practice this one is to have the attitude of gratitude. It takes time to be grateful for something…. Take time and deeply think about what are you grateful for. I am sure it will help you tremendously to do well in life. People who have learned from their failure, always win. They are tough people. When you meet them you can sense it . They have hunger and passion to do well in their lives. They are always learning. Always curious. Always action oriented. When I was working on my permanent Residency… man it was tough. Facing rejection almost in every job interview. I had to change the province. I had to start from the fresh. I was so damn close in losing hope but, I kept saying ‘HOLD ON’. Tough time create tough people who are desperate to take action to achieve their vision. Do not let the opinions of toxic people to control you. Wake up and step out to take more responsibilities on your shoulders. They will transform you for good. Keep the Faith!

Having regrets are more painful than facing death

Having regret in your mind about the things that you could have done or said to improve your life but, you decided not to do/say them made you resentful, depressed and anxious over the years is the worst thing that you can ever do to yourself. In this blog post we will find out how Having regrets are more painful than facing death First thing you need to understand that, its okay to have regrets in your life. Guilt can arise from anything. I am giving you few cases like, your relationship is not working, financial distress, low marks in the assignments, problems at workplace. You name it. You should always keep your regrets in check so that, your guilt don’t start controlling you.if anytime, you start feeling low at that time, you need to say to yourself let it go’. I know that it’s going to be tough, it’s going to be hard but, have the courage and do it. There are reasons why you need to do it. First, you have to take care of yourself not only just for you but, think about your loved ones. Do it for them. Do not let the idea of shame to overpower you. 2nd, you are aiming creature, if you only think about your mistakes/ regrets guess what, you will be responsible for kicking yourself into vicious cycle of pain and suffering and if you do that, how you will justify your existence on this living planet so, stand up for good. You are way more stronger than you think! There are couple of things I do make sure that I am not the slave of my regrets. Write it down as clearly as you can- you may like it or not, writing does help in releasing stress. It helps in consistency in your thoughts. A man whose thoughts are consistent and articulated wins everything in life. Get the taste of consistency by writing your regrets as clearly and precisely you can. Take small action everyday- I can talk about motivation, hope and faith all the time but, it won’t make any-sense to you and me if you don’t take action. For instance, your relationship is not working and you have regret about it. There are couple of things you can do about it. You can pick up a book on relationship, you can watch a you tube video to improve your relationship. You can talk to your partner and let him/her know about your priorities. You can go to dating expert and tell your problem may be, expert come up with some answers to your questions.Courage will make your life a Blessing Having regret is more painful than facing death when nothing is working out, just be grateful for what you have. You need to be grateful in spite of your pain and suffering. Be grateful to the creator of the universe, your loved ones, your work, your car, your home, food. It could be anything and let the universe work for you in a miraculous way. There is nothing more painful than having regrets while you are on your death bed and you feel like victim but,there is nothing you can do about it because you are helpless! I do hope that you have liked my post on Having regrets are more painful than facing death!

fight to take care of your humble responsibilities

There is nothing more than heroic, when some one becomes serious in his life and actually take care of his responsibilities. The profound meaning of life is embedded in taking small steps towards self-improvement that not only benefits you but, to all those who are associated with you. There are 5 things that you must fight for in order to transform your life from hell 1.Fight to embrace your flaws– you are not good at doing your school homework embrace it. Suppose you are not good in making sales, communication, swimming, relationships, it could be anything, you just need to embrace it. Instead, of disliking yourself or having negative thoughts coming to your mind, try not to cover your flaws. Put one thing straight to your head and to your mind as long as you are making genuine efforts to straighten up your life you will be fine. Good things take time and let time to do its magical job. Flaws make you unique. 2.Say at least one positive thing to yourself in a day- make a promise to yourself today, right now that you will think more positive about yourself than negative. If any negative thoughts come to your life you will say ‘let it go’ and keep saying this phrase until it’s gone. Enrich your mind with hope for better future by taking actions to work on it. It does not matter whether have a penny in your bank account or a million dollars just make efforts to think highly of yourself and experience the positive change. 3.Set priorities and complete them- if you really want to go for a good fight, be productive in your daily routine. Say yess to all those things that are helpful to reach your potential and try to shun all those activities that are nihilistic, resentful and evil towards your mission. Take your daily routine/ tasks seriously. For instance, you have set priority to clean your room then, clean it. You have made your mind to sit and read an important document then, read it. It could be anything but, make sure it’s productive and gives you inner satisfaction. Make a schedule and stick to it. It will set you free! 4.Stand up for your values- you need to define your core values that you deeply care about. Do not define your value system in rush or when someone ask you to do that. Take your time and think deeply and write about the things that you care about. Our fundamental values are hidden into our daily routine and the action we take to accomplish them. I would like to share my values with you.Courage will make your life a Blessing Humbleness over materialism. Responsibilities over false sense of pride Being Grateful 5. Learn to listen- anyone who likes to improve in his life value the importance of listening in his life. Only fools know about everything. Have a learning attitude. You not only listen to people who support you but, to those too who are critical of your actions, opinions. Trust me your critics will tell you on your face where you are wrong without any hesitations. You might not like it. You need to know that truth is always difficult to digest . People with learning attitude constantly learn and make significant progress in their life. Our generation loves to take control over things. We love to give commands to others whether people or to our electronic gadgets. Make a habit of listening to others who push you higher and challenge you for the good. Respect them and take them more serious than your friends. At the end, I would like to say one thing. Be a good fighter and fight for good cause so that, you don’t have to regret when you are lying in your death bed!

Consistency is the key

Yes, you read it right. Consistency is the secret sauce for success. What you do in your daily routine, the actions you take in your daily life makes tremendous impact on your future.Essence of life The very moment you wake up in the morning and things you say constantly in your mind set the tone for your entire day. The way you walk, the way you sit, the way you speak and the way you eat also impacts you. Learn to take your daily routine seriously. Always remember that consistency is the key. There are 5 things that you must do consistently to make positive difference. 1.Start making your bed in the morning Yes, it all starts with your bed. Make a little effort, grab the enough courage and make bed, the moment you get off the bed. Here is a reason, messy bed leads to unnecessary irritation. Irritation leads to unorganized thoughts. Unorganized thoughts leads to vague actions and vague actions leads to dissatisfaction. This vicious cycle is hard to break but, consistency will help you to come out of it. When you come back from work/ school and enter your room and see your bed is already made, it gives you inner satisfaction. The real one! 2.Exercise for 15 minutes a day Honest to you, I hate working out but, I still do it. One more thing, I do not do it for 7 days a week but, I make sure that, I exercise for 5 days in a week. Never miss twice. It will definitely going to help you to have good mood. Once, you develop good relationship with workout, you will automatically start to take care of your body. I get the point, it’s very easy to say but, hard to follow. If you can’t take 15 minutes out of your busy schedule then, at least take out 5 minutes and slowly increase your time once you start enjoying working out. Trust me, it’s fun when you work on yourself. It gives you the real joy! 3. Read for 30 minutes a day I love to read books on psychology, finance, personal relationship and bunch of other self help books. Reading has phenomenal impact in my life. Reading one great book in a month will put you far ahead than others. It will expand your knowledge base and help you in formulating your arguments for good cause. A man who has knowledge and apply that knowledge wins everything in his life. If you are struggling with finances, pick up a book on finances and start reading. If you are struggling in having good relationships with your friends, start reading books on how to improve relationships with others. There are all kinds of books on science, romance, wild life, politics. You pick whatever suits you. If 30 minutes sounds too much for you, then take 10 minutes out of 24 hours but, make sure that you read and you read well! 4.Write about your goals before you hit to bed It is imperative for you to write your goals before you go to bed. We are aiming creatures. When we aim on something, our brain finds out the ways to achieve those goals. When we make efforts to achieve goals, we somehow/someway justify our existence on this planet. There is nothing more than meaningful and satisfying when you start making improvements in your life. Make sure to end your day by saying thanks to your higher power for giving you a life to make a difference. Never ever complete your day without expressing your genuine gratitude towards others who are helping you to make positive change. If you have come back from a exhausting road trip to your home make sure to say thanks to your Car. Appreciate the efforts of others without using any filters in your mind. I know that it takes time and good things take time. Be consistent and keep the faith!

Humbleness is a virtue

This blog is specifically for youngsters who think that, humbleness is a sign of weakness. This blog is for all those who think that being humble, you basically allow someone to control you, someone to torture you. Humbleness is completely opposite of all this. In order to be humble you need to start believing in your life. Find a way to make it less miserable. How humbleness is a virtue? One misconception that we have regarding humbleness is that, we often think that, people who’re humbled keep on saying yess to all demands of others. Humbled people say yes to all those things that make them mentally, emotionally strong. They do their best to stay away from all those things that makes them resentful, malevolent and deceitful. A man who is true to his values and has faith does not need to  cover his flaws. One of the vital elements related to humbleness is accepting the mistakes and making genuine efforts to make life less suffering. When we take responsibilities on our shoulders to make incremental changes in our life we add value in our lives and to all those who are associated with us. Humbled people set their priorities in their lives and plan their goals strategically to achieve them. It does not mean that, people who have clarity in their mind never fail. They do get the taste of failure. They do get depressed but, they always keep on moving forward by having discipline in their lives. Humbled people are warriors and warriors fight for good and humble causes. When life gives you to pick between humbleness and pride let humbleness win.fight to take care of your humble responsibilities Do not let the idea of pride to win over you. It will blind you and when you ask for the support of others to show you the path, they will make excuses. The key difference between humbled and prideful people is that, humbled people have an Attitude of Gratitude and learning whereas, people who can’t even swallow their own pride, know about everything and take life for granted. Whenever possible, take action to improve your life. Take baby steps to make tremendous change in your life. This world needs courage to fight with evilness, resentment and nihilism. Courage is found in humbleness only! Humbleness is a Virtue.  

Courage will make your life a Blessing

Every thing revolves around courage. When you wake up in the morning either to go to school or work you grab all your mighty courage just to get off the bed. To start something new you need courage. In order to work out in the gym you need courage. You need courage laugh or to cry . You need courage for everything you do in your life. We need to ask ourselves how courage will make our life a Blessing? We are aiming creatures. If we aim at positive things, good things start going to happen. The opposite is also true. When life changes for a good, you will also get many challenges but, with challenges you need to scale up your efforts to keep doing well in life. We have bank accounts and we want money to keep flowing in our bank account, the same way we need to have courage account in our life. The role of that courage account must be Focus on things that makes you determined, strong and resilient in your goals. There are 5 ways how courage will make your life a Blessing 1.Think more positive about yourself than negative When things are not going according to our way, we start thinking negative. I am not saying that you should completely stop saying negative things. Say it for 5 minutes or may be 10 minutes but, when the time is up, refocus on solutions, some Positivity. 2. Just be grateful Thank all of those who inspire you, who brings the best out of you. Be grateful for all the efforts that you are making to improve your life. Be grateful in-spite of pain and suffering you have in your life. 3.Write down your problems Make a habit of writing things down on paper. Write about your challenges in life. There is psychological effect of writing things down. Your brain works better and more efficiently when we know where we are aiming at? 4. Start reading put efforts to read an article/story that could inspire you to make efforts to do well in your life. Start reading for 5 minutes a day and do it for w week and see where it will take you. Slowing scale it up to 10 minutes then to 20 minutes and start experiencing miraculous things in your life. 5. Have genuine intention to help others Have courage to help people who are associated with you. I am not saying that you have to give them reckless amount of money. Only give money for good and humble cause. I deeply believe in, the more you give, the more you will start receiving. Appreciating the efforts of others. Listening to others and have empathy with them for the pain and suffering that they are experiencing.Humbleness is a virtue At the end, when you make your way to your bed, you would be asking only one thing….Did I make enough courage for the day to make my life slightly way more better than yesterday!