I read in economics that, the resources are scare! There’s opportunity cost associated with everything! I started believing in the scarcity.
I want to confess that, at some point in life, I was so obsessed with the scarcity mindset. I started to think that, everything is scarce in the universe. Resources are limited. Time is limited. Money is limited. Everything is limited. Scarcity mindset is worse than cancer. It destroys peace, prosperity and happiness.
Scarcity mindset only makes you resourceful. It doesn’t let you fully enjoy your life. It doesn’t let you enjoy your loved ones in your life. You look at the face of a man who only think about everything is limited, his face looks gloomy and pale. No smile. You can easily notice signs of frustration at his face. Always tense. Another thing, you should know about the person who lives a life full of scarcity- he is always controlling. Not creative at all. Low level of energy in every-fibre of his body!
This blog post is for everyone who wants to get rid of scarcity mindset virus. You have to start believing in universe. The truth about universe is always expanding. It’s creative. Universe is infinity. Your mind is connected with the power of universe. Be a giver. God helps those who gives! Practice gratitude. You can make a list of things that are missing from your life. You can also make a list of things that you have in your life so why not make a list of things you are grateful for?
You have to destroy your scarcity mindset. You have to. You have no other option if you truly wanna to do something. If you lose a relationship. No worries. Leave it on the universe. Universe is infinity. If you live from paycheck to paycheck. No worries! Leave it on the universe. Universe is ever expanding force. Universe is your best weapon in the world to fight against scarcity mind set!
You have to think about good things in your life despite all the troubles you are currently facing if you want to get rid of this virus!