Daily routine matters
Why do we take our daily routine so lightly? It’s the most crucial thing of our lives and it should be given importance. In this blog post we will focus on how can we improve our daily routine? What can be done better to make it more productive and have happiness in life. Most of us don’t even pay attention to our daily lives anymore. Everyone thinks that, a regular routine involves; waking up in the morning to go to work, taking lunch breaks, coming back from work, doing some chores in the evening, and going back to sleep for tomorrow. If you pay some close attention to this routine, I don’t think so you can find anything interesting or inspiring. Sadly this is the daily routine of most of us. I wonder why we live a life of resentment? Why we lack energy and enthusiasm in us? The answer is simple: we have an empty daily routine. We need to make our daily routine inspiring. I’m not saying that, we need to add hundreds of new activities to make it look cool, but we need to add few things to our routine chores to make it more fulfilling. Here are some of the things I do to have a satisfying daily routine. I add 3 things in my daily routine. One for the physical needs of the body (physical exercise). One for keeping the mind active (reading, writing or listening to the podcasts). One for spiritual needs of the body ( reading scriptures before going to the bed, journaling before bed). Most of us think that, going to work is like going to the gym. Most of us don’t even read almost nothing once, we are done schooling. Our faith is dwindling day by day. All I’m saying that, we don’t give any attention to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. When we picture about the idea of daily activities we think about mundane tasks. Your daily lives have to be inspiring and have to be fulfilling. You need to start paying attention to your daily activities. Make them look cool again!