You can’t change the fundamentals

I believe that, we are doing our best to reverse all the natural forces and laws that helps in proper functioning of this world. One group is in particular trying to form new fundamentals and is failing miserably at every step. The name of the group is radical left wing. In this blog- post I will talk about what fundamental rules they are trying to change and how they will fail every time. Fundamentals are necessary. Anything you have in this world has its foundation whether you are building a house or you are talking about human nature. Everything involves basic structure. When you try to build a house on sand, you know that it will fall down at any moment. Same goes with how you define what is a woman or what is a man? Clearly, radical leftists are doing their best with the help of corporate America and media to convince common people that, you can be a woman any time. Because your feelings are way more important than facing truth. Sadly, we have seen that, transgenderism is being celebrated all over North America. Radical sexuality is being taught in our school system. I wonder why our school kids are facing mental challenges. This is one of the most crucial challenge we are facing in the society where people know that, it’s just not possible to change your gender overnight based on your feelings. Instead of standing for truth, our political leaders are the one supporting this mental illness. Another fundamental issue we are facing right now is the utter incompetence of our corporate America. The HR of big companies are hiring people not on the basis of their skill set, but based on their skin colour, hair colour, number of tattoos and number of piercings they got. They are doing this all in the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. There’s no strange fact that why people in the past have boycotted some brands which are trying to divide America. Any country that needs to function well has to have full control over its borders and immigration. Sadly, our leaders are trying to dilute the spirit of democracy and voting power of its own citizens by changing the whole demographic of the country. In order to change the cultural norms of any country, all you need to import people from the rest of the world. America is having crisis at the border and so as Canada with mass immigration. This is against the fundamentals. You just can’t defend immigration in the name of diversity and inclusivity. The fundamental job of the media/journalist is to become the critic of the party which is in power. Their job is to become the voice of people not the other way around. Main stream media is a mess. People are losing their faith in fake media. That’s why, you look at CNN, CBC, Fox news, NBC lost all of their credibility. At the end, one thing is for sure, you just can’t mess up with the fundamentals. You just can’t.

Become more rational.

Rationality is very rare these days. We are one of the most sensitive people in the human history. We care more about our senseless feelings than facing the truth. If you are rational and you have your unwanted emotions in check then, congratulations to you, you are a great human being. Rationality, rationality and more rationality that’s what we need these days. You look at what’s being done in the name of invalid feelings… our kids are facing identity crises. They are not sure about their gender. Our leaders who we elect are not taking any rational decisions. They all care about the feelings. Instead of taking care of mass immigration, housing crises, and inflation our leaders are more worried about their self-image. They are more concerned about diversity, Equity and inclusivity. Instead of taking care of homelessness situation in Canada, we are sending money to Ukraine win the impossible war. I get it we sometimes make emotional decisions based on the desires and passion but doing the same mistake again and again is not helping us. Any decision that is needed to be made must be based on truth and critical thinking. Even when you are going out for a marriage, you need to make decisions based on truth not on your uncontrolled emotions. I’m not saying that, you need to be boring and calculative all the times. All I’m saying that, if you are seeing something that is not right, you need to investigate that thing by seeking truth. You need to be open and neutral before making any decisions. Your decisions should not be based on favouring someone you like. It should be based on facts. It needs to be well established on principles that are guided by faith. A lot of men are suffering because, they made decisions on their feelings. They didn’t seek truth. They married wrong woman. They are in a complete wrong profession. Life is not the same for them. All I’m saying that, you need to enjoy truth and once you start enjoying truth and be honest with your self, then you will not fail. You will win every time. Be rational and seek truth.

Amplify empathy

In a world where people are looking to stab each other with their words and evil actions, make sure, you amplify empathy and humility. In this blog post, I want to talk about empathy and why we desperately need it and how it could change the world for good. So let’s get started. We are living in a world where most of us have no patience. We like to control everything and everyone. When we fail to control things, we put blame on others. Blaming others leads to more blaming and more conflicts. In a world where conflicts are normal, you try to be the one bring smile on someone’s face. I have noticed that, weak men and women always try to control everyone. They are very desperate people for power. No matter how hard they try to control others, they fail miserably. Weak men and women are mean and narcissistic. People who leave things on God and do their work what’s needed to be done are the most brave people you will ever encounter in your life. They multiply empathy and happiness. They always do their best to help others without having any intentions to take anything in return. Make sure you be a grateful person. Before you go to bed even though you had a tough day or things not going in your way, you pray to God. He is merciful and Great. Young people these days are anxious and resentful because they are not sure about their future. They think that the whole system is corrupt and because of rise of social media they have started to believe that, you need to show off to others. You need to brag about your fame and your wealth. You need to take pride in your fame. All I want to say that, fame and power can come and go. You might be having stack of cash today but who knows what kind of circumstances you will have in future? One thing that’s always classy and attractive is not fame but your humility and your empathy towards others. Your job is to amplify empathy.

Burden of failure

  For some of you, it must feels like even when you try something or give your best, you still fail. The burden of failure has become so heavy and it seems almost impossible to take any one step further. Everyone feels like there’s nothing good in them anymore. Some of you might have lost all of your hope. I can genuinely feel your pain. In this blog post I will talk in detail about what is exactly the burden of failure and if you are failing, then where to find your hope. Some of you are failing consistently. For most of you, if you try something new.. you feel excitement for few days and then all the excitement goes away. You just become lonely at the end of the day. Burden of failure takes place when you have seeds of doubts in your mind than the real desire of actually performing your action. There’s a dialogue between warrior Arjuna and lord Krishna in the ‘Bhagavad Geeta’ in which Arjuna was helpless. He didn’t want to fight in the battleground against Kauravs. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that, do every action of your life in my name. Focus more on to the duty of your life than on the fruits of actions. I know that, we are not God. We are just human beings made by God. We have a habit of doing mistakes in our lives. I believe that, we have become more result oriented than action oriented. I’m not saying that, we should not focus on the results, but having your eyes only on the results sometimes don’t give you any win. Another thing I have noticed that, we are running away from God. We are the ones who are destroying solid foundations like family, culture, religion and God with our own hands. When we face any defeat, then we are quick enough to blame on God. When we become victorious, then it’s our win. We don’t give any of the credit to our Creator for helping us in winning. The only way to lighten the burden of failure when we actually understand the foundation of our life. Cheap thrills leads to short term pleasure. Short term pleasures leads to destruction. The way to ease the burden of failure when we start believing in Gratitude and surrender everything to God. Burden of failure is too heavy to Carry. Go seek help of God.

The incompetence of western leaders.

The leaders of the west think that, they are above law. They are the mighty. Whatever they say, the world is obliged to follow it. Failure to it will leads to economic sanctions and isolation from the rest of the world. Hate to break it to you guys, but I think that, Asian countries, Middle eastern countries, Eastern European countries have stopped listening to the west long time ago. In this blog post we will talk about the incompetence of our western leaders like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau. There’s no shortage of incompetence in our leaders. They have done enough damage and have brought so much of shame that people are complaining why they were even born in Canada and USA. Instead of focusing on the domestic problems, our leaders are so much obsessed with the war taking place in Ukraine and in middle east. They are sending tens of billions of dollars to other countries while their own people are starving for money. They care about so much of homelessness situation in 3rd world countries, but they fail to acknowledge that, their own people not have enough money to pay the rent. People are living on streets. They talk about too much of climate change issue that, they are forcing people to buy electric vehicles and electric heat pumps, but don’t say a single word about pollution in Asian countries. Our leaders have open door policy. I mean open border policy. Anyone including criminals and drug dealers are welcome in our country. The best part is that, they don’t have to pay for homes and food. They don’t even have to pay for health care. They are free to kill people. They are legal to vote. They got freedom and rights. If anyone says anything to them, then cops will take care of the matter. Our teachers in school and colleges are so great that they have discovered there are more than 100 genders in the world. Our kids are one step ahead. Half of the time they stay confused about their gender. Schools and colleges have become more like a joke. No future, but full on sexual indoctrination. This is the fault of our leaders who are making our country so weak and pathetic. You don’t need to worry. You go and play your stupid video games. Incompetence, incompetence and more incompetence. We need leaders like Vivek Ramaswamey, Donald J Trump and Maxime Bernier. They are the real leaders who got spine and speak about hard truth. May God help all of us to conquer utter stupidity and bring peace to the world.

Road to heaven

We all are travelling on some kind of road. We all are going somewhere. We all are busy in our journey. We all are in hurry to attain glory. We might be travelling on different roads, but there’s one road that is worth travelling and that is road to heaven. By heaven I don’t mean having some random fun by just showing to a club or just watching Netflix. Fun is a cheap word and there’s no comparison of word ‘fun’ with word ‘Joy’. You need fun every day. You probably do so many things in life to have some kind of fun and you always need to keep working and keep worrying to feed your desires and passion. Eternal joy does not drain your energy. You might derive fun from various sources, but in order to bring Joy into your life, you need to surrender to God. You need to be grateful to Him not just for a day but every single day. Road to heaven is beautiful but narrower one. Other roads are wide but not so beautiful cause they are crowded. Road to heaven is less traveled and less explored road. The reason being we have some how and someway lost our attachment towards God. In today’s world, we believe that, there’s nothing wrong in worshiping devils. For some of us we have established great connection with Satan. Satan is continuously pushing us to do evil things and there’s no need to repent because there’s no God. Sadly, most of us are believing what he is saying and maybe, that’s why we are not finding true happiness and joy in our lives. By not listening to God and not following His words we feel less energetic and everything stresses us out. Anything we do, we feel like someone is draining energy out of us. I believe that, there’s some kind of magnetism on the face of ones who have faith in God’s words. That man is full of faith and courage. He always find the way to fight with challenges. Over the course of my life time, my faith in God has become deeper and stronger. With all the crazy things happening in the world, I’m pretty sure about while others losing their sanity while I am constantly bringing myself closer to God. Road to heaven makes perfect sense who are only focused on bringing glory to God. I urge everyone to surrender themselves to God to find faith in humanity.

What’s the point of living in a tragic hell?

There’s someone who has definitely lied to you about life. Someone must have told you about there’s nothing wrong in indulging yourself in cheap thrills. Smoking weed, binge watching Netflix, watching pornography and masturbating. All of these things have become complete normal in today’s society. We are perfectly fine living in a tragic hell. The problem is we are suspicious of good things like seeking truth, having faith & courage and believing in God. For some of us having faith in God is a big problem for others who don’t believe in Gospel. Why is it people who wanna to live a life of courage and faith in God have to tolerate the utter nonsense of those who do the exact opposite? Why is it in the society people who have good intentions to do good for humanity have to suffer whereas, illegals and criminals are freely roaming on the streets? Do you really think that, just recklessly following the path of evilness is gonna do you any good? You pretty well know that evilness leads to destruction of mind and soul. Why are you letting Satan to win over you? You are not created by Satan. You are created by God. His divinity is in you. Your job is to bring glory to Lord. Your job is to seek truth and do justice. Your job is to spread love and bring peace in world. Foolish things only breeds more foolishness. You, in the name of God, pick up your Bible. Seek truth. Shun the path of hell and surrender to God. The world will surrender to you!

Your connections with God matters.

  I’m gonna say to you, I don’t care what you really care, but one thing I’m gonna say that, I’m gonna keep talking about God and His wonders every-time. I got no shame to say that, I have faith in God with all the strength and courage of my soul. In all of my blogs I tried to glorify God and his art of creating this beautiful world. So, in this blog post, I will talk to my readers your connection with God matters. so, God make connections with God There’s nothing anything like depression and anxiety. When people say that, oh! They have anxiety or, fee like depressed all The times then, it really makes me to think like why? If you dedicate all of your actions and all of your work to dear lord then, you will have no anxiety. I also saying that, you can’t kill depression in a single day. You just can’t. You need to have a bigger thing/purpose in your life to defeat anxiety and depression. There’s no bigger purpose than having faith or having a good connection with God in this entire Universe. The entire universe is created by God. He is the one who built you and put you in this world to glorify Him. When you are on the God’s side, there’s no force in this damn bloody world that can defeat you. So, putting faith in God comes with practice. so, God make connections with God This is how depression takes place and this is how you defeat depression: Some point of your life you turned your back away from God, He was still there for you. He was waiting there for you to turn your back towards Him, but you didn’t. That was your first mistake. When you turned your back away, you tried to control everything in your life, but deep inside you know you fucked up badly. Instead of listening to God’s voice, you leaned on your own stupid understanding. You trusted your inflated ego. God was still waiting for you patiently, but you didn’t turn towards God. You ultimately started blaming things on others and became lonely in your life. When you became lonely in your life, you finally realized that, I fucked up badly enough. Time to surrender to God. You finally made turn towards God and put your faith in action and now everything is fine. Your connection with God is getting better and better by each passing day. This is how you do justice with your life. I know for some of you things happened in your past and you turned your back on God. I know by denouncing your faith in God didn’t help you much. It has only made your life harder. So, why to make your life even more harder? God is patiently waiting for you and He gave you the choice either to put your faith in Him or in satan. If you put your faith in God, your life will become better and more prosperous. If you start believing in the lies of satan then, you already have a tough life and your life will get even more tougher so choose God. Go and make some good connections with God cause, you need it.

Your loneliness will give you your purpose.

  When you hit the rock bottom, you really got to know who is with you and who would leave you. Being at the rock bottom Of your life teaches you lessons in your life that no classroom could ever teach you. At some phase your life, I’m sure that, you have experienced some kind of loneliness in your life. The purpose of the loneliness is to strengthen your faith in God. The purpose of loneliness is to put your faith in your life purpose. There’s point in your life when your inner soul wants you to make some tough calls. Your inner voice probably was making those calls to you long time ago , but you were busy in satisfying your cheap thrills. You were busy and searching for meaningless relationships. You were busy playing video games and partying every other weekend. Now, your life is not the same as it used to be, you were left with nothing. Empty pockets. Meaningless jobs. High debt and anxiety broke you in pieces. You are lonely now. Now what? Your inner voice is getting louder and louder. It’s asking you to pick up yourself and start from the scratch… you got only one choice now. Listen to your damn inner voice You got no other option left. You gotta do something. You have to provide some meaning to your life. You need to fill your life again with purpose and love. What ever mistakes you had done, it’s already been done. You are all by yourself. I’m pretty sure that, meaning of life is not found in cheap thrills. I’m damn sure about meaning of life is not found on any random street of your city. I’m sure that, the purpose of your loneliness is to bring you one step closer to your faith in humanity. I’m sure about the purpose of extreme loneliness is to strengthen your faith in God. There’s a beautiful proverb I read in the Bible. It goes like this ‘put your faith in God with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. What a profound proverb with lots of wisdom.’ Your loneliness must have only one aim. It is to give you strength for today for your better tomorrow. Better tomorrow is only possible when you understand that, you are not alone. Even you can’t see God, He is with you. Your inner voice is His voice. So, put your faith in your conscience and experience wonders in your life.

Hey, woke culture we are done with you.

  Woke culture, woke culture and more woke culture. The radical democrats and liberals have only one aim is to fill your mind and brain with woke culture. The radical woke ideology has done more damage to people than a world war 2. Any where you go in north America, all you will find evidence of woke culture whether in schools and colleges. Take a case of Corporate America, the HR department is busy in hiring people on the basis of Diversity, equity and Inclusivity instead of merit. There are more examples that I will give you in this blog post. The people of United States and Canada are done with this rubbish woke culture. Time to go past this thing. In my previous blogs I talked about how woke culture is spreading in our schools and colleges. Teachers are openly talking about gender identity. Kids are becoming more and more confused when it comes to sexual content in the classrooms. The sexual indoctrination is taking place. I also talked about how corporate America is focusing solely on diversity. I also talked about how diversity on its own serves no purpose. We need a common purpose that can bind us across that diversity. It’s so absurd to say that radical leftists talks about protecting women’s rights, but don’t say nothing when it comes to why we are allowing boys to take part in women’s sports. It’s disgrace to note that, on one hand they wanna to protect women against crimes but they are the one who are people to enter the country illegally. Radical leftists talk about freedom, but they are the ones who are allowing men to enter women’s spaces freely and anyone who tries to say anything to them, then radical liberals put real men and women behind the bars by citing reasons like we need to protect rights of trans people. You know what I don’t give a fuck to trans rights. I don’t care. If it makes me transphobic so, let it be. I will keep defending truth. The radical leftists have lost all of their moral ground. They don’t defend anyone. They defend their own interests. They are the ones who talk about equality and , but they are the ones who exploit kids and women. The real people who are in the pursuit of seeking truth are done with this damn nonsense. The radical liberals are the one who are spreading communism and dividing people on the basis of colour of their skin. People who still have faith in families and God are done with the stupid nonsense. No more woke nonsense. Enough is enough.