Traditional masculinity

The world is suffering from traditional masculinity crisis. Men are becoming increasingly weak especially in the west. Radical feminism movement is on the rise. Divorces are all time high. Family values are going down hill. These are the crucial issues the world is facing. In schools and universities, students are being taught to discard traditional masculinity. If you ask radical leftists, they will say all the bad things about traditional masculinity. They will say masculinity is responsible for domestic violence, rapes, murders. Why our students are taught about traditional masculinity means protecting, providing and leading the families towards right direction. It has no give and take relationship with any kind of violence in the world. Have you ever noticed that, radical feminists and leftists always show themselves the victim of patriarchy system. Some experiments are taking place in the west to replace the patriarchal system with matriarchy system. They might gain for short period but, at the end, patriarchy will dominate the matriarchy system. The reason for this is that, in the history anywhere in the world where matriarchy system tried to dominate the world, patriarchy system has overcome the system with the sheer competence because, patriarchy system is not based on power. It is based upon competence/skills/experience that’s why, history is very much dominated by competent men. It is wrong to teach our kids that all men are looking to grab power. It’s wrong to teach the girls that, they don’t need men in their lives. Well, if that’s what you call women empowerment then, I don’t wanna to be part of this. Radical feminists have forgotten that, most of the people who are homeless are men, most of people who commit suicide are men. Most of the the people who are plumbers, electricians, construction workers etc. are men. If we just keep cursing men then, I’m sure that, the world will come apart. We need responsible men in the world from falling it apart. Feminists needs to understand this and educate girls in a right way. Men need to know especially, the young ones to take care of their responsibilities and build value in their lives instead of glueing their eyes on netflix and playing video games. Men are built to glorify God. They are built to provide and protect for their loved ones by taking care of their lives. The world is in a terrible need of men who put their purpose to serve others well and give a good fight to radical left wing ideology and woke culture that is completely brainwashing millions of people and turning them against traditional masculinity. Make sure, you should never be the part of woke culture and keep working on yourself not just for your own sake but, for all of those who care about you.

Why I’m restless ?

Why I’m restless? That’s the question that keeps popping in my mind and in the minds of many people. Day and night we are in a never ending race to impress the world. The race take place the moment you wake up in the morning and you get some break, the moment you close down your eyes but, the race never ends! This race is like you are never satisfied with anything. It’s always more and more. We are never satisfied with our efforts and never content with the result. Even if we are satisfied with the results, one part of our mind always keep on saying to us that- oh! You could have done little bit better. The result of this kind of thinking leads to more resentment and more craving for perfection. I don’t know about you but, I hate the word ‘perfection’. Even if you have the best car in the world, you will see more attractive cars than yours on the roads. It’s all work of our mind. Never sleeps and never let us to take some rest. If you are thinking that, we should simply do nothing in our lives then, you didn’t get the essence of this blog. We need to focus on word ‘content’. The scriptures talk about it. Ancient philosophies talk about it and even in-fact some modern philosophies have given more emphasis on word ‘CONTENT’ than any other word. So far I know that, being content with the things in life doesn’t mean that, you shouldn’t improve the things or you shouldn’t chase materialistic things but, with being content means materialistic things don’t dominate your mind and soul. If something/someone wanna to leave you then, you don’t become nihilistic in your life with the hole created by it. I know that, it’s very easy to say this but, every easy thing is hard to follow because you do mistakes and then, you do more mistakes but, you never lose your focus on the main thing and the most prominent thing is to reject the idea of getting into restless race to search for happiness by focusing on external factors. One noble & humble thing we can all do is to stop punishing our souls and make some genuine efforts to listen to it. Our souls won’t say the direct things that it needs but, I’m sure that, it leaves us some subtle clues what it wants and we need to make efforts to connect the dots. One sure thing we can do is to undertake journey within ourselves to know our personalities (good and bad) little bit better. Don’t be restless and punish your soul!

Pills won’t make you happy

Anxiety pills, antidepressants, energy pills and many other countless pills are dominating our lives. Pills, pills and more pills that’s what we are made up of now! This is a serious issue we are facing and we seriously need to open our eyes! It’s hard not to ignore that, our kids are taking antidepressants, they are on anti anxiety meds. Why is that? Instead of playing blame games, we really need to step forward to save our kids lives. There’s no doubt that, hundreds of thousands of kids are no pills for what? Just to feel happy. If they’re not consistent with the meds guess what? They just suddenly become cranky. This vicious cycle keeps goes on. Our school kids are going through too many challenges. They have to focus on their school work. They have to find part time job. They have to fulfill their parents aspirations. Peer pressure and relationship challenges. There is an endless list of problems that our kids are facing. I really don’t wanna to go into details but, I wanna to go deeper and deeper into finding concrete solutions for this issue. I truly believe that, the first thing we must be doing is to become aware about life is not a fair game. There are ups and downs. If we just encourage our kids about just taking anti depressants and run away from their problems then, we are not helping all of those who are becoming weak. We need to be better than that. Parents and school professors have to show some courage and say to their kids that, taking pills won’t make them courageous. Taking pills won’t make their problems to disappear. In the face of adversity they need to stand firm and keep their head down and fight, fight and fight for the right thing. Pharmaceutical companies are literally making millions of dollars by selling garbage in the name of anti- anxiety meds to common people. We need to realize this, pills might work for a day or for 2 days and then what? You need to go back and take them again. What kind of life is this where if we don’t take the pills and lose our smile and become cranky and react in an agitated manner. We need to understand especially kids, pharmaceutical companies, governments, mainstream media, social media (global matrix) wanna to make you weak and nihilistic. When you are a product of globalists, they can make any rules, they can restrict your activities. They can control you. Taking anxiety meds, energy pills and antidepressants are waste. You need a purpose. You need to engage in physical activities, writing, reading and spend more time with your loved ones. Do this for a week and see where you stand but, for a week make sure not to take any bullshit pills. Stay active. Take this as a challenge and if you don’t find any change then, go back to your old activities but, for the love of life, give it a try I will say once again Pills won’t make you happy.

Make a peace deal with yourself!

What’s the point of living a restless life? You look at the world around you it seems like we are in never ending race. We have forgotten about we came here with nothing and we will go from here with nothing. If this is the case then, why can’t we make a peace deal with ourselves? In this blog post, I would like to talk about this topic in detail. Ever since, we are born on this planet, we just find ourselves in never ending cycle of pain and suffering. When a baby is born he fights for his survival. When the baby becomes a little bit older, he leans how to walk, sit and talk (basic human activities) . when a baby becomes a little bit more older, he then goes to school and finds himself completely in a different atmosphere where he makes friends and enjoys their company (not necessarily though) then the kid transforms into a teenager. For a teenager, school is not just a place to study but, fundamentally important for forming opinions about others. Ego is at maximum. It’s hard for a teenager to swallow his pride. As a teenager grows older, he finds himself deeper and deeper in the vicious cycle of life. He is burdened with overwhelming responsibilities not just towards his own life but, he also, need to take account of his family, friends and work. This cycle just goes on and on until we find ourselves in a death bed. The responsibilities in life just get bigger and bigger. We find no time to even listen to our inner voice. If this is the case for most of us then what do we really need to do? Should we just sit on our asses with our head down and just wait and wait? One thing you need to put straight to your head is that, you can’t be everything. The moment you realize this thing you will find yourself coming out of the restless cycle slowly but, surely- step by step. The moment you understand it’s practically impossible to impress everyone you will find inner peace. I have said this earlier and I will say one more time that perfection has killed the creativity of millions of people. You don’t have to be victim of perfection. It will make you restless, bitter and resentful. Believe me you are better than that. For the fun part of your life, you don’t have to drown yourself in drinking and senseless eating. You need to say no with conviction. Engage yourself in reading, writing, dancing and drawing sketches. I’m sure that, if you engage in any one of these activities you will find peace of mind. Make a promise with yourself that, you will make a peace deal and live in harmony with nature. Believe in sharing and have faith in creator. You are a sensible person the more you believe in sharing the more will come back to you from unknown sources. Go and make peace deal with yourself otherwise, it will be too late

Enjoy holidays

Holidays have just begun. What a great time we all have to make best out of it. We can gain so much during this break. As families have come together, I only hope for happiness and peace. You can have all the money and power in the world but, what’s the point if you are still lonely and resentful? During the final stages of life one only thinks about his loved ones. No body thinks about oh! I should have made more money. I lost the opportunity to gain political power. All of these things take the back seat. The only thing that runs in the man’s mind at least, he should’ve spent more time with his loved ones. He should’ve cared for his family and friends. The only way we can leave great legacy behind us when we value qualities like kindness, courage, love and truth. At the end no one is gonna remember about how much you were making when you were alive. So, why there’s need to regret when we all know that by practicing good we can really find peace and happiness in our lives. What’s the point of stressing too much about future? What’s the point of becoming too much anxious about tomorrow? You look at the animals…do they seem like worried about their future and guess what they still eat, they still sleep and they know that, if they stay in harmony with nature it will be all fine. There’s so much we can learn from wild animals. The more we focused on our present the more we will find peace with the nature and holidays provide us time to be fully engaged with our loved ones. If we make genuine efforts then, we can negotiate peace in every relationship of our lives. I always believe in one thing that is, when 2 brains work together in peace and harmony they always find solutions. Make sure that, when you are with your family don’t bring up your work life. Please don’t try to mix 2 things up. It is same as you are mixing oil and water together. Try to spend quality time with your loved ones by working out your differences. At the end I would like to say that, May these holidays fill you with colour of love. May you find peace, prosperity and happiness in your life. Enjoy holidays

Be a man of your word (commitments)

in a world where people wear dual faces you need to be authentic. In a world where most of us are materialistic you need to be an exception. In a world where most of us break our promises you need to be a man of your word. Let’s study about this topic in detail. We are living in a 21st century. It is a century of science, innovation and technology. Human beings have made tremendous changes in the world with their creativity skills. We have achieved unimaginable things and with all the inventions, we have made significant achievements in entire human civilization. No doubt, we have done so much, but still we are not completely satisfied. We haven’t deeply experienced peace and prosperity. We wanna to know why is that? One of the primary reason is that, we don’t fulfill our promises. It’s not just about fulfilling the promises, it’s about why do we make irrational commitments in the moment and feel bad about it when we break it? I deeply believe that since human beings are social animals and when we interact with others, they form opinions about us. We are sensible human beings and we wanna to impress others. We wanna to have good relationships with our family, partners, business colleagues. One easy way to have a good impressions on others is that we over promise them but, in our in our actions we under deliver. When we over promise and deep inside we know that it’s not PRACTICALLY possible then guess what? We just lose our credibility. Losing your credibility not just in the eyes of others but in your own eyes feels like someone just raped you so brutally. So, we need to think about something to come out of this never ending cycle deceiving ourselves. One practical thing we need to do is to set our boundaries in our daily lives. You need to know that, you can’t be everything. The sooner you will get this, the better it would be for you and for all of those who are around you. It’s better for you to be honest with yourself cause it will give you ultimate peace from your restless activities. 2nd thing you need to do is to write down your emotions/your feelings in a journal. If you do it for a week, it will help you know yourself little bit better and you will know what kinds of emotions triggers you to over promise someone 3rd thing you need to do is to live in harmony with the nature that is, to be grateful for what you have in your life. I’m sure that, if you do these 3 things consistently, it will help you to calm down your emotions and when any situation takes place in real life where you feel the urge to make over-commitments you will think twice. Just in case you overpromise something, make a genuine effort to over deliver it not with your words but with your actions. Be a man of your word (commitments)

What do you do for creativity?

Have you ever thought that, when we wake up in the morning, we are always in a hurry! It seems like we are in a race. We need to ask ourselves about what we really do for creativity? Back to my example, when we wake up we are always in a rush of doing something. For parents, they need to wake up their kids and get them ready for school. For an employed person he’s in different race to get ready for the work, worried about what would happen if he didn’t catch his bus/train on time. For students, they are worried about their classes. You look at politicians/ leaders worried about their politics to woo and maintain the trust of their voters. All I’m saying that we are in a never ending race! Life is a serious business for most of the people on this planet. Everyday We are fighting for money, food, attention & energy resources etc. I mean we are fighting for the survival. We are working our asses off just to stay in the race. Think about this, we are all tired. Our souls are restless & hopeless. Sadly, we are living in a pandemic of lack of creativity. It is our work that define us. We don’t have any other identity that could define our lives. The primary question we should all ask before we go to the bed is that, what we do for creativity/fun? Some of you might say that well, we like to party with our friends, We like to play games on ps4 or we like to be on our phones scrolling up and down on our social media. That’s not fun. You need to ask your inner voice what is it feels like when you waste your time in drinking or binge watching and eating? The real creativity lies in knowing your self. The real creativity lies in doing something without feeling any burden. The bottom line is this- do something for the enjoyment of your soul. Why can’t we find half an hour in a day and have fun in our lives. For instance, engaging in dancing, singing, writing , drawing funny sketches, going out for a walk or playing with the kids at the park. You can come up with anything but, make sure you enjoy it while you doing it and also, when you are done doing that particular activity. So, pick up something. Do it consistently for a week and write down your observation in your journal. I’m sure you will have some positivity while being creative in your life. It is fair to say that, you need to take some rest from your busy life and enjoy the moment cause, you only have one life! Do something for creativity!

Why are you running away from your life!

Life is one of the most precious gift you have from the creator. Why people are sick and tired of their lives? Why we hear from people about they can’t take it anymore? There are endless questions that are in front of us. It doesn’t make any sense if we just run away cowardly from the basic questions. In this blog, I would like to put my perspective regarding what life can offer us? Look, there are 2 things in front of us. Number one is the beautiful life itself and 2nd thing is the fear of life. The choice is ours. Do we pick our life and accept whatever it brings in for us or do we just have doubts in our minds and hide under the blankets and do nothing? In life, we appreciate happiness and joy and we also face challenges. Just like a coin has 2 sides, life has 2 sides (good and bad) both of them complement each other. It’s absurd to think that all I wanna to have happiness in my life and nothing else.  Those who say to you that, life is just like a fairytale well, let me break your heart and say to you on your face that life is beautiful when you value it with sacrifices in your present for better tomorrow. Any other thinking leads to resentment and bitterness and no wonder we are sadly witnessing it in every part of the world. The situation in the west is even more worse. By just narrating only one part of the story to our kids regarding life is not helping us at all. It’s so sad to see that, our education system, mainstream media, social media and our governments constantly running a narrative which is promoting woke culture and indoctrinating our kids with the ideology of it’s okay to be weak. It’s okay to be depressed and life is full of misery and we should all blame for our problems on capitalism. The bottom line of this blog post is that, life makes more sense to us when we undertake noble and humble responsibilities to make this world a better place. With responsibilities, comes challenges and with challenges, we become wise and appreciate the beauty of life by solving the problems to bring heaven back on the Earth. So, take baby steps. Appreciate whatever your have in your life and leave everything on your fate without worrying about the results rather than focus on the efforts. If you make genuine efforts by cleaning up some mess from your life, little by little, step by step, I’m sure you will start enjoying your life. Don’t run away from your life!

A path of Righteousness.

What is path of Righteousness and why we are drifting away from the path of righteousness? We need to find out the answers about where we are going wrong and what could be done about it? Let’s find out in this new blog post. The path of righteousness is a humble path of moral and ethical values. The world is built on the values of truth, justice, love, faith, endurance and kindness. Anytime we try to disrupt this systematic order, we endure pain and suffering. There’s no doubt about the fact that, we don’t like to take the road which is less traveled cause, we have too many doubts. We think about what would happen if we fail? These are some valid questions that dominate us day and night and maybe, that’s why we hesitate to be consistent when it comes to put one step forward on the path of righteousness. There’s a presence of evil in this world. We are made in a such a way that we are temped to commit bad things. Don’t ask me why? It’s built up in our nature. All I can say that we are living in a broken world. Our lives are dominated by fears, anxiety, greed and lust. if we commit sins it doesn’t mean that, we can’t do anything good in our lives or in the lives of our loved ones. We already know that, how much bad we can do in this world. Our History is full of blood baths and horrific wars. Only thing we need to figure out how much good we can bring in this world by following the path of truth. It’s very interesting to find out. I wanna to ask you this- who doesn’t wanna to fill their lives with happiness, prosperity and peace? Aren’t we too much tired of living a low standard of living where deceit, nihilism, resentment and anxiety control our emotions? The path of evilness is very easy cause, you will find most of the people travelling on that road. Even if you gain something by doing bad things to others don’t you know that, at the end, people will find out and you will find no one around you to give you comfort while you are in your death bed? So, path of righteousness is a tough path but leads to love and peace. In a world of nihilism, peace and love are way more better to live a life. In order to keep this world moving forward, it’s is imperative to follow a tough path. We gotta do so much in this world so that, no evil thing become too strong to break this beautiful place apart. It is only possible if return back to our fundamentals. It’s only possible if we appreciate real things. Real things take time but add value everyday to your life and there’s no better living other than putting one step forward on the path of righteousness. The path of righteousness is a gateway to the ultimate freedom. It is a gateway to happiness, prosperity and peace. There’s no shortcuts!

Are you getting better?

I wonder why most of us don’t like waking up in the morning? Why most of us have given all our hopes on getting better every day? Where’s the consistency gone when it comes to improving our lives? These are some tough questions we don’t ask ourselves anymore and I wonder why? In this blog post my goal is to help my readers in some way to understand the concept of getting better. Marcus Aurelius was one of the most powerful man on the planet. He was the commander in chief of Roman empire. He had every thing in the world. Most powerful army, Money, influence on the world leaders and comfort. You name it. That guy had everything. He could simply stay in the bed all day and enjoy his comfort but, he didn’t do that. He knew that, every morning he needed to wake up and throw his blankets away and get back to his work. He knew that, being leader of one of the largest empire is not an easy task. Every day he needed to make decisions some minors and some majors regarding his troops, economy, meeting political leaders. In order to make all those decisions he knew that, he needed to get better everyday. The world’s most powerful person on the Earth saying to himself that, he needs to improve himself every day. No joke. He mentioned about this in his book named ‘Meditations’ if person like him who was so mighty reminding himself about how important is to improve his game to be at the top then, we really need to ask what we are doing in our lives to make it better? When I say we need to make our lives better I don’t mean that, we need to buy a new phone or we need to buy a new car. What I really mean by making your life better is to dig deeper in your life to make genuine connection with your inner voice. Get deeper into knowing yourself by going for reading, writing, painting whatever suits you. Do everything that gives you a meaningful satisfaction in your life. Set boundaries in your life because you can’t be everything in your life. Everyday we make mistakes. We all are human beings. Most of us make the same mistakes again and again and it becomes part of our lives. It could be anything. All of us are engaged in terrible addictions. Most of us are slaves to our terrible habits whereas few people understand the importance of what would happen if they focus more on improving their lives by seeking truth, genuinely being kind to others in their actions and listen to their conscience by acknowledging their flaws. If we have a learning attitude towards life then, we see our problems as challenges and one reason why human beings are born on this planet is to solve complex problems. At the end, I wanna to say one of the effective way to fight addictions is to work constructively and consistently on your negative side and turn it into a good side. If Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor) gets off his bed to get things done to lead his people forward then why can’t we? No more excuses only action now!