Slow progress!
I am a slow walker but I never walk backwards Abraham Lincoln Everything is changing with time. Everything is changing with technology but, one thing will never change is the principles of slow progress! The most important thing in life is to move forward consistently with humble actions and keep improving the lives of others. I believe that, our attention span has reduced considerably. Most of us are looking for instant gratification. Anxiety levels and depression are all times high, thanks to unnecessary covid restrictions. The idea of making slow progress is losing its grip. We need to ask ourselves that, where have we gone wrong and how can we come out of the mess? I don’t know about you but, I like the idea of making slow progress at least, my struggle will remind me to be humble with others when the time is tough. 2 years ago, I didn’t like the idea of writing. I didn’t care about reading and forget about working out even for 15 minutes. Now I look back I can say that, I made the right decision in my life and I don’t focus on the results. I rather focus on the consistent efforts with the intention of making slow but, a genuine progress! I would like you to to do one thing- instead of fighting with your toxic habits why can’t we accept it and surrender ourselves in order to make a peace deal? You would have to spend less energy and less efforts to make a progress. Do it for a week. Just accept that, you have flaws and you have made some bad choices and accept it without adding any ‘if’ or ‘but’. Believe me if you do this, results will be astonishing and you will be making so much of progress and in-fact you will be obsessed with the idea of making progress. Slow progress demands sacrifices in present. People who are afraid of making sacrifices in present will suffer in future. Slow progress is asking you to make consistent humble actions to improve your life and inspire others as well. It requires aggressive patience and grace of God Start believing in slow progress