At the end, pain and suffering is worth it. If we all go with the attitude of best is yet to come then, we can see all our present problems as challenges and we can build a solution oriented mindset. In this blog post, my only mission is to help my readers to have a positive mindset to make progress step by step.
No wonder how much of energy we utilize in thinking about future. You can’t change the past and I can’t change the past. I have experienced only thing that we get out of past is resentment and bitterness. The gateway to better future is only found in present. The wise ones take lessons from their past mistakes and make best use of their resources in present for building concrete future whereas, fools live only in past and lose so much in present.
‘The best is yet to come’ is only possible if we undertake noble aim in our lives. It is only possible if adopt qualities like serve people with kindness, seeking truth, revering Gods and be humble in our actions and with people. Sure, when you pursue good things it does take a lot of time but, at the end is worth it. The struggle is worth it.
There’s so much of traffic on the path of evilness. The evil is very tempting. It is because, the reward is instant but, at the end the initial reward turns into poison. For the path of righteousness there’s lots of pain and suffering at first but, as long as we have the patience and endurance, the end reward is way more sweeter than your imagination.
Even if you are facing criticism from the world but in your heart if you know that, you are standing for the right thing then, just keep your head down and fight, fight and fight. Turn your hope into action and go forth into the world and take stand for moral and ethical values.
So, put your faith in God and believe in yourself. Trust your kind actions because, the best is yet to come!