You got a sacred value

  You as a person has an immense value and integrity. With all the resentment that is currently ruling our lives, we have devalued ourselves. We have become very much skeptical about our identities. I am here to tell you that no matter what colour of your skin is? What’s your ethnicity or what race you belong to? You all are sacred human beings When we embrace our sacredness, we think in terms of opportunities. We think in terms of personal growth. It is our divine force that allows us to pursue truth, maintain faith in God and stay humble in-spite of all the human sufferings. We can’t take our sacred value for granted and indulge ourselves in spreading more hatred in the world. The world has already witnessed how much hatred a man can spread if he allows malevolence to be his partner. What world really need to have more divine people, people with sacred value to spread more love. I have noticed that, when you think more and more about resentment then, you get more hate, you drain more energy. You look like tired as hell. We are already done with nihilism. The world doesn’t need any more of stupid shit. What we need is light. What we really need is to seek truth and stick with it with all the strength and courage of our inner soul. In order to protect and preserve our sacredness, we don’t have to bow down to satin in the name of transgenderism. We don’t have to give control to the elites and globalists whose only main mission in taking control of all the resources and chant their non-sensical climate change agenda. We need to realize that, we have freedom of choice from our Creator. We have to bow down to our God only. What really differentiates us from animals is we have thinking capacity for the future. We have meaning and purposes in our lives since, we are aiming creatures. Never forget and never allow some one with tyrannical mentality to dictate you about what is needed to be done to save the planet. You need to restore your faith in God, in family and nation. You are divine and sacred created in the image of God. Always remember that!

Woke Politicians

We can’t just blame the woke culture on the globalists/ elites. We need to make our leaders and our politicians accountable for spreading radical woke culture. Radical woke politicians are destroying our beautiful nation. In this blog post, I will show you how? When your own government tries to hide truths and intimidate you by saying if you don’t follow the mandate or don’t take the covid vaccines then, we will fire you from your jobs. You read it right. It sounds pretty scary. How about this, when your leaders are so much compassionate about increasing the confusion among kids regarding gender identity? How about indoctrinating innocent kids in the name of radical sexual orientation? Well, very sad to say that, our leaders are doing exactly the same thing. No wonder why, we got so much of mental health crisis among school kids. Let me tell you straight forward the government has zero interest in improving the lives of people. Our leaders want more problems in the lives of people because, more problems give them the opportunity to say something nice in front of cameras. Ever since, our leaders have become bunch of narcissists compassionates, the lives of ordinary citizens have become increasingly difficult. They might not have the solutions of housing crisis or inflation but, they will have something to say about we need to promote gender equality. We need to combat climate crises. Addressing climate crisis or equality crisis make no sense if you can’t focus on the core elements that impact the lives of public like, housing, inflation, indoctrination of kids, rising crimes, unsustainable immigration crises. Woke leaders do politics on the basis of gender, race, colour of your skin and your ethnicity. We are sick and tired of this level of stupidity. We want politics to improve lives across all backgrounds by focusing on God, family values, pride in nation. Radical left wing leaders are doing exactly the opposite. They are censoring everyone who are raising their voices against the tyrant system by freezing their bank accounts, firing them from their jobs, and restricting their freedom. We need peace in the west. In order to have peace, you need to encourage free speech. When you ignore free speech, people scream and when you try to stop people from screaming, they do violence. So, we want an atmosphere of free speech in this country. All I’m saying that, we need to stand up for truth. We need to stick with truth, and people shouldn’t be punished for speaking harsh truths. In the end truth wins. Even though radical politicians try to censor the truth but, it will come out hard one day!

Dose of reality!

  Everyone is living in their own world. Every one of us have different sets of beliefs and opinions. When the time is tough, no one likes to face the reality. Even though we know the real consequences of shying away from the reality but, we still manage to run away from hard core truths of life. In this blog post, the main motive is to help all of you to give a dose of reality. There are some of the pills we need to take to stand up again and function better in our lives. Some of the pills are tough to take but, the life gets even more tougher for you if you try to ignore doses. The first pill you need to take is about appreciating the importance of time. Time is eternal. With time everything heals. I want you to remember this quote- ‘This too shall pass’. When you find there’s, no hope left in your life, when you are about to give up… I want you to say this quote out loud in your mind. The 2nd pill you need to take is this- God is real. We are created equal in the image of God. There’s reason why we are on this Earth. We have purpose. We got mission to make our lives and lives of all of those around us great! Ever since, we have shifted our faith from God, our lives have become very much dry. There’s a void in our lives and can be filled with the presence of God only. Another pill you need to take is excuses make your life difficult. Victimhood has only offered you resentment. You make your life better by working hard and have consistent discipline. These 2 things will make your life better. When your life gets better, you will find a positivity. Staying away from radical gender identity is a kind of self-help. No one has a right to shove the garbage in the name of race and gender identity right over your face. You know the truth and I know the truth about genders. There are only 2 genders. Stand up to truth. Don’t stand down. Taking your father for granted is a sin. Your dad is not perfect. I want you to know that your dad is working his tail off to put food on table and if you still have some daddy issues then, you need to start working your ass off to give a good life to your family. No more excuses. There’s nothing better than being humble and kind in this world. You need to be patient and humble to get things done. Being kind is different from being weak. When you feel like your efforts and presence is not being appreciated then, you need to work hard even more but don’t hold any grudges. You need to respect yourself. So, these are some hard doses to take to life little bit better than yesterday!

Leave the kids alone!

  Gender ideology is taking place in every school and colleges of America and Canada. We are living in the moment of perversive censorship. It means that, if you say anything against radical gender ideology, you are termed as racist. Our kids need concrete direction. They don’t need to be confused about their gender. Enough is enough. Leave the kids alone! Over the last half decades, there’s a new form of religion is born. The name of the religion is gender and racial ideology. We are witnessing the impact of this nonsense on our kids. They are becoming more and more depressed and resentful. Confusion in the name of more 2 genders is destroying the future. It is so sad to see that, the government, school boards and radical teachers are encouraging kindergarten kids about radical sexual orientation. In order to get money from the government, the head of the school boards have sold their souls and spreading the propaganda of globalists by teaching kids about you could be born in wrong body or it’s okay to be confused. Let me speak the truth. No matter how many times the government says to you it cares about LGBTQ community but, the fact of the matter is that, they just don’t care about them at all. The main mission or the priority of your government and my government is to control us and the best way to control us is to confuse us mentally. When a female kid says that, she feels like she is born in a wrong body and instead of helping the kid what we are doing is trying to affirm the confusion. I believe that, it is the fault of the family for not showing proper directions to their kids and as a result they are drifting around in the middle of the ocean just to go nowhere. We don’t need to stand down for truth. We need to stand up for truth unapologetically. It doesn’t matter to me if they block my access to my social media account or freeze my bank account I will not give up on the critical issue that is bothering the lives of many young kids across this nation. I will say to you that, doctors who are giving puberty blockers and opposite hormones to our kids must be thrown into the jail. The civilized society has no place for those who are sexually assaulted our kids. At the end, I would say that, many parents are stepping up and taking their kids out of public school and going for homeschooling. The fundamental duty of every school is to teach kids about how to build and create things for the betterment of the world. I’m sure, gender, race and confusion has no give and take relationship in the lives of our kids. Leave the kids alone!

Victimhood is a choice!

We got freedom of choice in our lives. We are free to decide what we need in our lives. We can decide to be happy or we can decide to be resentful. It’s all the choices of our divine mind. We are happy the most when we are connected with the highest activity of our life with virtues like truth, justice and humility. We are depressed the most when we are engaged in resentful acts and play a role of victim. Hardship is a part of life. Struggle is a part of your life. Hardships are necessary to be happy. Victimhood or playing a games of blame is a choice. Over the past half a decade, victimhood is on its rise just like inflation and housing crises in the west. The radical leftists are telling people that, if your skin colour is black then, you are inherently oppressed. If your skin colour is white then, you are racist. The radical politics is dividing people on the basis of their skin colour. The victimhood mentality is like a cancer that is destroying the lives of many people. The woke culture has made people more and more fragile. Even if you stand up with the truth and expose the lies of the government then, you are considered as a domestic terrorist. More and more emphasis are given on validating the unnecessary feelings rather than validating the truth. Ever since, we are complaining like a little bitch, our lives have gone from bad to worse. Kids are confused about their gender.Young people are confused about meaning and purpose in their lives. There’s a deeper void in our lives and we are trying to fill the void with victimhood, race, gender and climate change and so far it’s not helping us in any way or form. The more we try to indulge in our race, ethnicity and gender the more confused we are becoming. We really need something else. We need to fill the void with God, family values and national pride. At the end, I would say to you that victimhood is a choice and fall in its trap

Corporate media and wokeness!

  Wokeness is a real threat to the world. Being radical woke is threat to free speech. The reason I write so much about wokeness because, it has only one mission: Mission to destroy civilization in the west. We can’t ignore the role of corporate media of brainwashing millions and millions of people. We think that, the main stream news channels care about people and raise the valid concerns of their viewers but, ever since, wokeness is introduced in our lives, everything has changed. There’s more talks on news channels regarding race, gender ideology and fake climate change than any healthy debates on real crisis in housing sector, inflation, rise in crimes. Most of the Journalists have sold their soul to advance the radical agenda of wokeness. Instead of asking real questions about why the mental health crisis has become so worse? The corporate media is asked to be pro LGBTQ. I got no negative views on LGBTQ but, we can’t allow the perversive tyranny of the minority over the majority. We can’t suppress the voice of the majority to promote radical agenda of the minority. The primary responsibility of the journalism has changed to preserve, protect and defend the special interests of the globalists/elites who are in power. Most of the corporate media receives money from the government in the form of advertisements. When you get money from globalists then, your job is to ignore the interests of common people. We are seeing the role of social media especially Metaverse (Facebook) of systematically suppressing hunter Biden’s laptop story and the bribes that the Biden family got from Ukraine. We can’t even ignore the fact about the lies of corporate media about the origin of covid because, we know from where they are receiving the money from The primary responsibility of any true journalism is to protect, preserve and defend the spirit of democracy. The role of the media is to defend the truth. Truth wins every time.

Woke culture in corporate America

Woke culture in America is like a cancer in the body. The only purpose of this Cancer is to ruin your mind, body and soul. Woke culture in corporate America is destroying the economy on the basis of race, gender and diversity. Companies in America are not hiring people based on competence but, truly on the basis of their skin colour, race and the diversity that comes with it. I tell you why the big companies are doing this. Financial companies like Vanguard and black rock have put billions and billions of dollars into these companies to control them financially. When you control the financial destiny of a company that means you are the one who is driving the car. It means it’s your hand on the steering wheel. Companies like Vanguard and black rock force the board of directors of big tech companies to go woke. The woke culture starts with HR department and then it spreads like a wildfire in the company. I give you one example of woke culture. Pride month wasn’t even a thing few years ago. Look at now, every company in the west especially the big ones are celebrating it like a big festival. The perversive tyranny of a minority is celebrated over the majority. If someones who tries to step up is either being censored or fired. It seems like to me that, we are not living in the free world anymore. Crony woke capitalists hate America so much that, they care about gender equity, racism and diversity issues here at home but what about the same principles and same ethics in country like China? They care about climate change in the west but, what about carbon emissions done by China, India and Russia? Big companies like Walmart, Amazon, Google and many more are giving their emphasis on critical race theories. New employees and the old employees are given training on racism, gender and inclusivity. The employees are being taught about the real threat to America is not mental illness but, white supremacy. I tell you one thing, we don’t need garbage training. Workers want training that improves their competence and skill set. America is done with racism, gender equity and inclusivity. People are waking up and they are starving for meaning and purpose in their life. The meaning and purpose can be only be found in God, family values and hard-work. The west has to stand up against the tyranny of woke companies. I stand up for hard truths. Do you too?

The priorities of your government!

  The most dangerous words in the world when someone from the government says ‘the help is on its way’. This blog post is strictly based on the priorities of your government. The money that we pay to the government in the form of taxes and where does that money goes? We need to know the real intentions of the government. People who are in power must be held accountable. When we say things like, ‘the government is for the people, of the people and by the people’ I truly mean that, this statement is losing all its essence. On the cameras, the politicians do actually care about their people but, the actual show takes place behind the curtains. Over the last half a decade, we have witnessed radical change in the government especially in the west. The governments in west now, heavily focusing on left wing ideologies like, race, gender, diversity and climate change. When the focus of any government shifts from the economic welfare of its people to some radical agenda then, people of all backgrounds suffers. You see the housing crisis in Canada. Inflation is skyrocketing especially thanks to Carbon tax policy of the liberals in Canada. The mismanagement of Covid and systematically suppressing the free speech in a country like Canada means that, Canada is heading towards communist dictatorship of one person who is so incompetent when it comes down running the government and only God knows how we will solve our biggest problems that are affecting everyday lives of Canadians. Billions and billions dollars are being spent on spreading confusion among young kids in schools. The school boards are being forced to promote gender ideology. School kids are being taught about, it is possible you (kids) are born in wrong body. That’s why, we see a lot of school kids are not sure about their genders. They are confused. The big techs heavily controlled by democrats and liberals are adding fuel to the fire by spreading messages like it’s okay to be confused about your body. It’s okay to go for hormones change. It’s okay to go for puberty blockers in kids. What we need to understand is that, we got mental health problems in the country. We don’t need to celebrate mental health crisis in the name of LGBTQ but, we need to fix this problem by focusing on God, family values and national pride. When the government tries to control people by enforcing mandates and lockdowns, we need to step up and make the government accountable. No more restrictions in the name of covid. No more masks in the name of virus from China. We speak the truth. We stand up with truth unapologetically. At the end, I wanna to say that, in America, when we say that, ‘in God we trust’ that means in Government we distrust.

Who wanna to see you at the top?

The real question we need to ask ourselves is this why should we try things in our lives? Why should we even care about others if others don’t care about us? Why should we try to achieve success in our lives if everyone around you is full of jealousy? I tell you why. I will tell you who wanna to see you at the top so, keep reading this blog post… You really wanna to know why you need to try to be better in life? Cause, you were created by God. You are created in His image to bring Glory to Him. He is the one who created this universe so, you can’t act like a cheap shit. You need to pick up responsibilities in life and make it better. God wants you to be at the top. He wants the best for you. So, you start your day with God. End your day by being grateful to him. Your parents want you to be at the top of the world. They want you to be a better person. You need to know that, your parents have sacrificed so much for your happiness. They have tried their best to fulfill your demands. All they want respect and love from you in return. I know that, you are looking for perfection. I get it. Your parents are not perfect. You need to know it and work accordingly. Your competent friends want you to achieve goals. They are there for you to help you. You don’t need to be surrounded by foolish friends who don’t have no goals, no money. You need to stay away from toxic people. Rule of thumb is toxic people only bring toxic things to your life. You need competent friends who have the courage to help you and genuinely happy to see you at the top of your field. Your haters want you to see you at the top. I know it sounds weird but, they bring all the negativity out of you. If you are wise man, you will work on your weakness and try to convert them into your strength and hatters bring out your weakness so, ultimately they are the real ones helping you to get better and really owe them something and that is grand successes. So, get up. Pick up your responsibilities in your life and try to be a better person cause, you are a better person.

Ego/jealousy kills but only love saves

There’s no deny about the fact that, our hearts are filled with egos. It is true to say that, we can get insecure quite easily! It is also true to say that, it is merely impossible to get rid of ego. Now the question Aries if we can’t get fully rid of our egoistic nature then what can really saves us? Could love become our true saviour in killing our narrow minded personalities? In this blog post I would like to show you how Ego/jealousy kills but only love saves. Why we have ‘unnecessary’ egos? I have to be realistic with you guys since, we can not get rid off ego completely but, we can still keep it at minimum level to promote common good for all human beings. The world keeps changing n changing. If you have power today to change something who knows that, whether you would have the same level of authority over others in future? With time everything changes. We always need to remind ourselves that, change is the law of nature! Many powerful people had taken birth on this living planet and with time, they are gone. So, why so much of arrogance and jealousy? I certainly believe that, nature only favours those who choose to stay humble in-spite the fact that, with the level of authority they got, they could make someone’s life like a tragic hell. I would like you to do one thing and only you can do it and that’s why I am asking you to do it. No matter how much someone be envy of you. No matter how much someone hates you but, you will not fall down to his level. You have the freedom to control your emotions. You choose to love. You make a decision to be humble with your actions. You have no right to control the reactions of others except yours. When things go tough, you put your faith in Almighty. With all the strength and the courage of your soul do not be the victim of jealousy. A man who has faith, has wisdom. A man with wisdom kills his ego with truth and love. With truth and love he doesn’t doubt himself. So, with unwavering faith choose to love!