Shun your toxic habits before it ruins you.

I have to be honest with you our toxic habits are making us weak and nihilistic. Bad habits are destroying the lives of millions of people. Evil actions are making us depressed, anxious and physically weak. In this blog post we’ll talk about toxic habits and try to find some solutions to get control back in our lives. Major toxic habits that the world is facing right now- Pornography ( explicit content)- believe me or not, porn has actually destroyed the lives of many. I know that, people who belong to the radical left wing try to come up with the idea to defend it by saying, it helps in controlling rape cases. That’s all bullshit. Porn has made men weak and women as sex objects ( sorry ladies but, this is the reality) porn has destroyed the very essence of beautiful relationships between family members. It has destroyed countless marriages. Not only just that, porn industry has lead to physical abuse to women, drug abuse, human trafficking. More than 60 to 70 percent traffic on the internet is because of porn. Imagine, how much time is being wasted on porn sites which could’ve been used to build this world a better place. Masturbation- one of the major crisis, men are facing right now is the habit of uncontrolled masturbation. I think that, excessive masturbation leads to loss of vital nutrients that are vital for the overall growth and development. Maybe, that’s why our youngsters always feel tiredness and fatigue. If it’s done on a regular basis we tend to lose our interest in performing our daily activities. It has direct impact on the overall confidence in men. I think that the deadly combination of porn and masturbation have made men overly emotional. If you (men) wanna to have rational thinking, emotionally stability and sexual attractiveness then, please focus on semen retention. Let the body uses its natural way to take excessive nutrients out of your body instead of you taking them by force. If you are doing this tragic thing then, you need to find your purpose. Start making genuine efforts.Consistent self discipline 3. Weed/vaping/smoking/ alcohol- youngsters are lost in endless cycle of cheap dopamine. Instant gratification is damaging the brain structure of our young people. Have you noticed that, our youngsters have developed all kind of health crisis. Not just the health crisis but, also becoming the victims of depression and anxiety. There is no solution of stress in giving toxic substances place in our bodies. Learn to say no. If your friends like to party every other weekend then, you need to stay away from toxic people.Think good and attract happiness Toxic people can only teach you toxic things. Don’t be just friends with anyone if you think that, Weed/vaping/smoking/ alcohol make them cool. Come out of fantasy world. Open your eyes for God’s sake. Too much of reliance on comfort food- if you wanna stay healthy better make your food most of the time at home. We are facing huge problem of health crisis. Kids are eating junk food all the time and guess what? They are ending up in hospitals. Focus on eating home made meals. Exercise daily for 20 minutes. If you want to enjoy life, live longer and look younger you need to do groceries and make food from scratch. No excuses. The mainstream media would like you to be weak. Government, globalists, leftists and big corporations would like you to keep up with porn, masturbation, drinking and bad food habits. All they want to have control over you. You need to say no to them. You need to eradicate evil habits. If you do that, you will be unstoppable. I give you pinky promise:)

when you are about to give up

Giving up on the things that really matters is easy. A man with courage and immense strength will never allow the nihilism and malevolence to rule his life. We have a wonderful gift of freedom of choice. Freedom of choiceWe are free to choose our habits, we are free to decide with whom we would like to have friendship with. We are free to decide which things we need to give up or keep carrying. I hope that, if we ever need to give up on anything, then it must be toxic behavior, blaming attitude and our bad habits. I certainly believe that, anything that is productive or noble must be carried out with humbleness & mighty courage. All we can make just efforts. We can do the things to the best of out abilities but, the result is not in our hands. It’s with the universe/ God. There is a quote I often say quietly and it goes like this- ‘pray like everything is dependent on God and work like everything is dependent upon you’. I also see that, we try to complicate the things too much starting from the clothes we wear to the house we wanna to buy. We are living in a information world. Information travels at the speed of light. Too much of information leads to confusion. Our job is to focus on the fundamentals and move towards the common goal with consistency. In this world, we got relationships issues, health, money, depression issues. You name it! The majority of the problems appear bigger in front of us when we close our eyes to the fundamentals of life. If you face any problem, go back to the basics. focus on the fundamentals of life Focus on few vital things with consistent efforts and leave everything on the universe to decide. Do not trade in your values for cheap gratification. Don’t be afraid of seeking help of those who are way smarter than you. Even if you still think that, giving up is the only way out then, close your eyes and just think – you were born on this planet to justify your existence. You were born on this planet to build, create and add value for the common good. So, pick up the courage and get back to work cause, you have miles to go!

Have a learning attitude

Attitude is what makes a good personality. I mean a good attitude. In this blog post, we will try to understand about good attitude. What is an attitude? I think that, an attitude is a behavior that reflects your personality. It is the way you conduct yourself in the society. I believe that, a great attitude will never let you quit and a bad attitude will always find its ways to make excuses! Unprecedented crisis in terms of attitude. Sadly, our world is going through many crisis. Bad attitude is one of them. A bad attitude takes place when we close our eyes to take care of our noble duties/ responsibilities. I have seen that, everyone of us go for rights. When someone talks about responsibilities, we just go blank. We have an attitude of ‘this is mine’ ‘I hate doing this and that’. A bad attitude will never help us to find meaning in our lives. I genuinely believe that, all we need to have learning attitude not only to make a difference in our lives but in all those lives who are related to us. With instant gratification, no body got any patience. We want everything in our lives right now! Right here on our table. Most of us are damn too lazy to move even an inch. When we don’t get the things we want, we become aggressive. We look for ways to lay down the blame on others. The bad thing is that, this tragic cycle only ends when we are about to die. How to end crisis of bad attitude? The one line answer to this situation is to take good care of your responsibilities.Value life and realness In the journey of your life you will probably fail a lot. You might have to do a lot of sacrifices for a better tomorrow. In order to do that, you have to have learning attitude. We need to focus more and more which is within our reasoned choice. Our bodies could become ill anytime. Weather could change anytime. People could leave us at any given opportunity but, there is one thing that is completely in our control. OUR MIND. Let your mind not to make you victim of bad attitude. May you always find the way to get back on the track of your life by making humble efforts for a good change. Remember, money doesn’t stay. Power is nobody’s friend. Only learning attitude is your best friend. So, discard the bad attitude right now! Right here! Let’s become a great friend of our learning attitude and restart our lives again. Are you ready?

Daily Routine

Routine, routine and routine is the most crucial thing. A good routine makes profound impact on your lifestyle. In this blog post, our main focus is on routine – consistent disciplined routine. So, let’s get started. Consistent self discipline Don’t get lazy with your routine The moment you wake up in the morning, it sets the tone for the entire day. In order to have energetic day, we need to have disciplined routine. It all starts with a decision. Nobody has to make that decision for you. Only you have to. If, you become sloppy with your daily chores then, you will have less energy to do things. Less energy leads to loss of interest. Loss of interest leads to loss of creativity. When creativity is gone, there is no point of living a life. Things that must be included in your daily routine There are few things that I like to do in my daily routine 1.Start making your bed in the morning Yes, it all starts with your bed. Make a little effort, grab the enough courage and make bed, the moment you get off the bed. Here is a reason, messy bed leads to unnecessary irritation. Irritation leads to unorganized thoughts. Unorganized thoughts leads to vague actions and vague actions leads to dissatisfaction. This vicious cycle is hard to break but, consistency will help you to come out of it. When you come back from work/ school and enter your room and see your bed is already made, it gives you inner satisfaction. The real one! 2.Exercise for 15-30 minutes a day Honest to you, I hate working out but, I still do it. One more thing, I do not do it for 7 days a week but, I make sure that, I exercise for 5 days in a week. Never miss twice. It will definitely going to help you to have good mood. Once, you develop good relationship with workout, you will automatically start to take care of your body. I get the point, it’s very easy to say but, hard to follow. If you can’t take 15 to 30 minutes out of your busy schedule then, at least take out 5 minutes and slowly increase your time once you start enjoying working out. Trust me, it’s fun when you work on yourself. It gives you the real joy! 3. Read for 30-45 minutes a day I love to read books on psychology, finance, personal relationship and bunch of other self help books. Reading has phenomenal impact in my life. Reading one great book in a month will put you far ahead than others. It will expand your knowledge base and help you in formulating your arguments for good cause. A man who has knowledge and apply that knowledge wins everything in his life. If you are struggling with finances, pick up a book on finances and start reading. If you are struggling in having good relationships with your friends, start reading books on how to improve relationships with others. There are all kinds of books on science, romance, wild life, politics. You pick whatever suits you. If 30 minutes sounds too much for you, then take 10 minutes out of 24 hours but, make sure that you read and you read well! 4.Write about your goals before you hit the bed It is imperative for you to write your goals before you go to bed. We are aiming creatures. When we aim on something, our brain finds out the ways to achieve those goals. When we make efforts to achieve goals, we somehow/someway justify our existence on this planet. There is nothing more than meaningful and satisfying when you start making improvements in your life. 5. Be Grateful every single day Make sure to end your day by saying thanks to your higher power for giving you a life to make a difference. Never ever complete your day without expressing your genuine gratitude towards others who are helping you to make positive change. If you have come back from a exhausting road trip to your home make sure to say thanks to your Car. Appreciate the efforts of others without using any filters in your mind. I know that it takes time and good things take time. I think that, we can all make our daily routine a great one if, we decide to put some work on it. People who have reached to the peak of their lives have given great credit to the choices they have made and implemented in their daily routines. Poor choices have never led to great results and great choices have never made you let down. So, choice is all yours. One thing that has a tremendous impact on your lifestyle is your relationship with your routine. Get good with that!

perfection is an illusion

Courage to take decision and act upon it is the best thing you can ever do. We think a lot. Everyone likes to have perfect life but, dream of having perfection has made many people sick and depressed. In this blog post, I would like to talk about how perfection is brainwashing us. One bitter pill everyone needs to swallow is that, perfection is an illusion. The more time we spend on social media by taking peek into the perfect things happening in someone’s else life, the more we will become the victim of perfection. I’m not saying that, if something good has happened to your friend for instance, he has lost 30 pounds then, you should be envy of him that’s not a good response. What you need to do is this- any positive change you see in your friend, you should take inspiration from him. Instead of competing with someone why not to compete with yourself? In that case, why not to start going to the gym? You feel good about it. Try it! One of the most satisfying thing we can do is to shun the idea of perfection by focusing on the idea of doing the things to the best of our abilities. Constructive Thinking We don’t need to know about everything of a particular activity/task/goal/ mission. In order to make things adventures and excited, we need to have some suspense that would motivate or inspire us everyday as long as we are performing that particular activity. One rule which I deeply follow is that, if any particular task/goal catches my attention then, I take the initiative to move forward. As I step forward, I see things unfolding in-front of me, I take action accordingly. The goal is to enjoy the task by thinking less and less about making things perfect. At the end, if one thing that you should take away from this blog post is this- perfection is a modern era poison that has destroyed the joy of life. Perfection has killed more lives than any other thing on this living planet. In order to live, we must do the things to the best of our ability.

A road to recovery

Mess is a mess. Nobody likes to be in pain & suffering. Everyone likes to make sure that, they put their lives together. Most of them make efforts to bring peace. Some quit half way down to the road and few people, stay on the road of recovery and make progress! They become resilient and inspire millions. So, let’s talk about the road that we all can take to recover ourselves from adversity. Recovery is hard. The bad things are very attractive. We don’t have to force ourselves to do toxic things. Anything that is bad, it’s easy! It makes you happy for a while (as long as you are consuming it) once, you are done doing it, you realize that, ‘I shouldn’t have done it’. But, it’s too late to do anything. Maybe, that’s why recovery is very hard cause, you are in a total grip of your bad addictions. Believe me everything is not gone yet! Road to recovery starts with a tough decision. Anything we say or do, takes a decision. For a person who is desperate to make incremental changes in his life has to start with a decision- A tough decision. A tough decision is like a poison at first. At the end, it’s like honey or a chocolate (whatever you call it, I leave it up to you). Once, you make a decision to bring an order back in your life, there will be millions of times at least, you will still go back to your previous depressing habits. It’s all fine. If you can’t fully eradicate an addiction (let’s suppose alcohol) then, for heaven’s sake make a genuine effort to reduce its consumption. First make the decision and stick to it no matter what. If you find anything interesting while on the road to recovery, be flexible, adopt good ideas and implement them! You are not all alone on this road of recovery! Remember this, your life is not just yours. Your life deeply impacts your relationship with your own purpose, God, parents, girlfriend/spouse, kids, friends. If you truly care about anyone of them then, please don’t quit. Just hang in there. Anytime you make the same mistake, get your focus back on the track. Think about the time when you are most vulnerable to your bad addictions. Note down the trend and replace it with good habits. For instance, if you think that, it’s the evening time of the day I drink and lose control, one thing you can do is that, get out of your room/ house either, start walking or hit a gym. Set priorities to thrive in the world!Once, you do it on consistent basis, your urge to binge drink will gradually lose control. Have the courage to disappear. You have to take the decision at the speed of light! Being grateful helps a lot.  Recovery is impossible, if you are not grateful. Write down all the things that you are grateful for.Think Hard on Paper Every night, when you hit the bed be sure to say thanks to the universe. If you like to pray at night time, make sure you do it. Learn to make positive connection with the universe! At the end, I would like to say…may God give you enough strength and courage to get through the bad times. Amen!

The critical role of Good and bad

This world is made up of 2 things- good and bad. They both complement each other.  they have  a critical role to play in our lives to decide our fate So, in this blog post. let’s discuss about them in detail. The role of good in this world Good things (meaningful) bring order and some sort of certainty & clarity in our lives. Good qualities in people make the world to move forward. Good is an initial stage to become great! Anytime the world has encountered any problem, noble people have step forward to make sure that, the world gets back on the track of functioning. It’s a hard job to find solutions of problems that force us to cease moving forward. The world needs more than ever before good people who are physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually tough to seek truth. We should also be cautious of good things too! Good things have hidden cost which can only be seen when things are not going well! We need to make sure that the things that are made for our comfort by no means throw us under the bus. The purpose of good things is to make your life easy, not lazy. Have the courage to be grateful to all the good things are happening in your life but, never allow them to control you. Keep your eyes wide open. The critical role of bad things Bad things are full of chaos. No body likes mess in their lives ( I don’t for sure!) For a while, we might be hostile, full of resent when things are not going as per the plan but, there is another perspective we need to look: whatever the bad things happening in our lives, there is always a message hidden behind the curtains. All we need to grab the courage to take few steps forward and lift the curtains to seek truth! Courage will make your life a Blessing Sure, it takes time & efforts to take the responsibilities of all the bad deeds that have happened to you. It’s hard at first but, it’s worth it. People who have become good in their lives know that, there is always something to learn during tough times. Resilience, determination and strength always build up when things are upside down. From bad to good I genuinely believe that, there is a possibility of ‘bad’ in this world. Even you like it or not things are not always perfect. If there was no ‘bad’ then, we wouldn’t have appreciated good things or valued them. When we put our shit together, we become humble & gain senses to look at the world with new approach. Going from bad to good teaches us how to be courageous and treat others with respect. Bad things are necessary because there is always lesson at the end and good things are the sweet fruits when ‘bad’ is treated well with patience.

The ultimate source of strength & courage.

From where does the strength & courage to do things come from? Think…. It’s not just food, it’s not just what we watch or read. The ultimate source to do something comes from within. Your soul is the foundation for your strength and the courage to do something meaningful. In this blog post, we will try to learn in detail the importance of our souls. According to the various scriptures, physical body (human body) can be destroyed. It can be tortured and can be burned out but, there is no way someone can kill the soul. The soul (eternal) is indestructible, inexhaustible & immeasurable. Our souls make us great! The reason why our souls make us great because, it gives us the strength & courage to do mighty things in our lives. Our bodies can become gravely ill but, one thing that never changes is the soul. What we constantly say to ourselves, we become exactly that individual. Our souls listen to us whatever we say, whatever we think. It is imperative to have great relationship with the spirit. The way we talk, sit and walk deeply impact our inner self. By indulging in toxic habits we continue to erode our spirit and once, spirit is gone, there is no value attached to human beings. We got choices Freedom of choice One thing, we need to be thankful for is the gift of freedom to choose. We might not have any choice when it comes to picking our parents but, we are free to choose our habits. It is tempting to go for bad habits because, they look attractive during the initial stages and then, we get lost in the never ending cycle of pain and suffering. It is in our hands how much good or bad we can make our lives. We already know the consequences of worse things. We are aware about the fact that, malevolent things bring poison to the world because in our lives, we have faced the brutal history of the things that, almost eradicated the entire life from the face of the Earth. I think that, one of the major reason why the world is still functioning because of majority of people have good spirit (soul) plus have the courage to find the beauty even if the things are not going as per the plan. This world needs great souls. Whenever feeling low or discouraged, get back to work . Go and talk to yourself. Pick up something to make things work out in your life. With all the strength & the courage of your soul, do good things but, it all starts with the decision. It all starts with the choice. What’s your choice?

Freedom of choice

We are so fortunate that, we got freedom of choice. We have the ability to think and plan our future. It is the freedom of choice that makes us unique. We have the ability to Decide what’s best for us. We have the mighty will to make our lives a better one. Let’s discuss about this special power in detail. Why Freedom of choice? The basic question we need to ask is this- why are we given freedom of choice? Are we special? May be we are. We are born on this planet for a special cause. We all are on a mission. A mission to build, create and value lives that would compel the world to move forward. For some people, it is easy to find the purpose. For some, it’s not that simple. I think that, freedom of choice is given by God to us so that, we can decide between good and bad. Why Freedom of choice really matters ? Everything we do or say is completely dependent on our choices we make daily. As I said it earlier, we have the ability to think because, of this skill, we are different from the rest of species on this living planet. It is up to us to decide what kind of thoughts to bring into our mind. We have the capacity to choose between heaven and hell. We have the power to decide between righteousness & unrighteousness. Constructive ThinkingI think that, Freedom of choice is a dangerous power because, anything we choose (good or bad) our actions reflect those choices may be that’s why, we need to rationally. Components of freedom of Choice We are so fortunate that, we have the ability to think and take actions in our lives. We all think about the future and take actions accordingly. Better future depends upon what choices we make in the present. It is not guaranteed that if, we are thinking good about our future, good things are going to happen. For that purpose, we need to open to the challenges in our mind by keeping our focus on all the sacrifices we are making in our present for better tomorrow. By choosing right attitude, everything is going to be just fine at the end. We have freedom of choice when it comes to show our emotions. Here is a beautiful quote I would like to share- “Keep this thought handy when you feel a fit of rage coming on- it isn’t manly to be enraged.Rather, gentleness and civility are more human, and therefore manlier. A real man doesn’t give way to anger and discontent, and such a person has strength, courage, and endurance – unlike the angry and complaining. The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.” -MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 11.18.5b At the end, I would like to say that, The greatest gift we got from God is the freedom of choice. May we choose righteousness over unrighteousness, humility over pride, Purpose over pleasure!

Unprecedented crisis of mental health.

If you ask me the most scary challenge that our society is facing right know is the challenge of mental health. Every day, it’s so painful to see people mostly youngsters are becoming the victims of this disease. It needs our utmost attention. We need to find permanent solution of this problem. So, let’s talk about it in this blog post. How did we end up in this mess? The fundamental thing we need to ask ourselves is this – how did we allow our people (especially youngsters) to fall in the tragic hell of terrible mental health? Have we forgotten that, we have inherited the land from our forefathers who made the ultimate sacrifices of their lives to preserve, protect and defend the core values focus on the fundamentals of life (Responsibility, provide, protection & leadership) of the society. Ever-since, The Earth was created, there has always been countless number of wars- major and minor ones. The last big war we had to witness was WW2. Tens of Millions gave up their lives to defeat nihilism and unrighteousness from the face of the world. There is a lot to be learned from history. History lessons will keep on repeating until, they are learned and implemented properly to lead the society out of chaos. Modern crisis of mental health When we forget our history or try to keep the brutal lessons of our history (how the world suffers when evilness reigns) away from our kids, we suffer immensely. I genuinely thinks that, Mainstream media, our governments and our institutions are busy in fabricated and selling senseless ideas like gender politics, gender pronouns, easy availability of credit, drugs, focusing too much on rights than responsibilities & explicit content to our people. Believe me or not, we might be ignoring the consequences for now but, 10 years or may be 15 years from now, we have to pay a hefty price for all the things we are doing to make our kids weak and away from real things. The solution… There can not be one answer to this problem. Different people come with different solutions. Most people look for cheap solutions like (instant gratification) cheap solutions might divert your attention for some time but for how long? The question is worth asking. Mental health problems requires mental toughness. Mental toughness Tough times shape you for the best can only be found in having a purpose or taking care of your responsibilities consistently. Sure it’s going to take some time to know what your purpose is but, it’s way better than hiding yourself in your house! Have the courage to pick up some responsibilities to justify your existence!