At least, be honest with yourself!
Do we have the courage to go for a real talk with ourselves in front of a mirror? The things that we have done wrong with our lives and others who were once the part of our lives… Are we ever gonna accept the mistakes that we made and hold ourselves truly accountable and re start our lives again? For how long is it okay to hide things under the carpet? One day, we have to face it. I believe that, there’re awful things we are doing in our lives. The sins we are committing in our lives are like, willfully indulging in Toxic habits, keep giving up and not taking the humble and noble responsibilities to make life better. Our governments, radical left wing people, globalists and mainstream media are blinding people and doing their best on social media to create nonsensical issues around people like gender politics, discrimination against all of those who refused to get covid shots, creating confusion in the minds of young people against their own biological identities, removing essence of God from the life and the whole new radical feminism movement taking place and turning young girls to hate men. The goal of this blog post is clear-crystal. It is to open the eyes of people especially, young ones to focus on real issues that are related to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of their lives. Any kind of resentment and bitterness can be overcome if you have the positive attitude and the courage to take extra responsibilities on your shoulders to make your life little bit of less suffering. Just relying on cheap drugs, cheap friends and Ill-mentality are not going to help you in your life. If you think that, by crying on social media you can bring your life back in order then, good luck to you! If you think that, by changing your sex overnight will bring you glory then, good- luck with that! Real problems need real answers. Answers can only be found if you are willing to make sacrifices of your toxic habits. Life can only get better when you realize that, pain and suffering are indispensable part of life. Without evil, there’s no way to appreciate good. Without toxic things, there’s no way to value real things. People need to come out of the bubble created by radical left wing people. They need to discard their ideologies and take control of their lives again. People, especially young ones need to put one thing straight to their heads there’s no nobility in complaining. You devalue yourself! Dig deeper in the darkness to find something meaningful and stick to it maybe, that would show you some light and enlighten your life with strength and courage. Have the brass balls to face the devil inside of you. Acknowledge it and make best use of it. Have the courage to be little bit honest to yourself and take responsibility!