Flow like river!
Our lives are like a flow of water. It never stops. It is always governed by the laws of nature. Anyone who has ever tried to stop the flow of his life has failed terribly. There’s so much we can learn from the flow of river. When we are in the times of difficulties, we often think that, this is going to be the end of life. We often think about, why us? What did we do wrong? One thing we need to understand about life is that, good things and bad things are part of life and that what helps the life to keep going. The first life lesson we can take away from the flow of the river is that, when it comes to problems, we don’t have to stop. We just need to make efforts and we just need to go with the flow. 2nd life lesson we can take from the river is that, at the end of its journey, river connects with the ocean. The river has a destiny to re unite with the ocean. You don’t have to use any map to the river to find the ocean. Same with us, we have the ultimate journey on this planet. We are here to justify our existence. We are here to give glory to the Lord. We are here to connect our souls with ONE! We don’t need any map for that. We just need to become self aware. 3rd thing we really need to learn from the flow of water is that, how to be humble. Humility is one of the most noble characteristics a man can have in his life. The water of the river flows so eloquently without any pride and arrogance. The river knows its ultimate fate of meeting up with the ocean. The river submits itself completely to the ocean. The same thing we need to do. We need to surrender over-selves to the Supreme. We need to accept the rules of the universe/nature and live with humility as much as possible. Especially, in the world of pride and arrogance, we need to have peace, love and prosperity. The way to achieve meaning in life is to be humble. We need to know that, everything in this world is temporary. The money, the power, the relationships are not permanent so why we have egos? Why so much arrogance? Why not just go with the flow! So, there’s so much to learn from the flow of water. The persistence, resilience, focus and humility. The river is a great life teacher. It says it all without saying any words So, flow like river!