Have you ever thought that, when we wake up in the morning, we are always in a hurry! It seems like we are in a race. We need to ask ourselves about what we really do for creativity?
Back to my example, when we wake up we are always in a rush of doing something. For parents, they need to wake up their kids and get them ready for school. For an employed person he’s in different race to get ready for the work, worried about what would happen if he didn’t catch his bus/train on time. For students, they are worried about their classes. You look at politicians/ leaders worried about their politics to woo and maintain the trust of their voters. All I’m saying that we are in a never ending race!
Life is a serious business for most of the people on this planet. Everyday We are fighting for money, food, attention & energy resources etc. I mean we are fighting for the survival. We are working our asses off just to stay in the race. Think about this, we are all tired. Our souls are restless & hopeless.
Sadly, we are living in a pandemic of lack of creativity. It is our work that define us. We don’t have any other identity that could define our lives. The primary question we should all ask before we go to the bed is that, what we do for creativity/fun? Some of you might say that well, we like to party with our friends, We like to play games on ps4 or we like to be on our phones scrolling up and down on our social media. That’s not fun. You need to ask your inner voice what is it feels like when you waste your time in drinking or binge watching and eating?
The real creativity lies in knowing your self. The real creativity lies in doing something without feeling any burden. The bottom line is this- do something for the enjoyment of your soul. Why can’t we find half an hour in a day and have fun in our lives. For instance, engaging in dancing, singing, writing , drawing funny sketches, going out for a walk or playing with the kids at the park. You can come up with anything but, make sure you enjoy it while you doing it and also, when you are done doing that particular activity.
So, pick up something. Do it consistently for a week and write down your observation in your journal. I’m sure you will have some positivity while being creative in your life. It is fair to say that, you need to take some rest from your busy life and enjoy the moment cause, you only have one life!
Do something for creativity!