The political state of Canada.

The political state of Canada used to be good. It was considered way better than the political state of US. The things have changed drastically Ever since liberals are in the power for more than 9 years. In this blog post, I will share you the dire state of Canada.

Even, I’m confused from where to start? Should I start with housing or should I start with the radical climate change action plan of Trudeau’s Government? It seems like anything Trudeau touches… it just not working out for him and for his party. Believe it or not, it wasn’t like that before. Things rapidly gone worse after Corona virus. All the lockdowns and the vaccine mandates have turned Canada from a free nation to a communist. Some Neo cons liberals sitting in Ottawa are proud of the accomplishments of Trudeau government, and have become totally blind.

Canada used to be hot spot destination for immigrants from all around the world. It’s sad to say that, Trudeau has turned immigration into his voting bank. With skyrocketing immigration, the housing market is out of control. Instead of closing the flow of millions of people coming into Canada, the government is focusing on its radical gender ideology programs. Instead of stopping crimes, the priorities of your government is to ensure how can they have healthy gender equality. Immigration is a total mess. Most of the immigrants coming to Canada are actually leaving cause of the poor living standards.

Housing market is a complete trash despite all the money spent by Trudeau on the advertisements. Total waste of money. He promised to build 500k houses every year. Unfortunately, Canadians still can’t afford to rent or own their dream homes.

This government is also responsible for destroying the mental health of our kids by forcing gender ideology onto them. Lockdowns made the situation bad, but the indoctrination of kids into gender ideology has made the situation more than worse. On one hand kids can’t read and write and do the basic maths, but somehow, they are being taught about there are more than 2 genders.

When it comes to foreign relations, Trudeau is not even have any spine. No one takes him seriously other than Ukraine. Canada should have no right to fuel the war in Europe by sending taxpayers money, but guess what? He doesn’t give a fuck. All he cares about Ukraine and more Ukraine. He claims he stands up for democracies for all around the world but, he is the one who froze the bank accounts and took away our freedom with his emergency act. He is total disgrace when it comes to leadership role. No wonder why his approval rating is so low among Canadians.

So, this is what I have to say. Canadians need to wake the fuck up. I’m already awake. Are you?