Radical leftists want endless wars!

Yes, you look the world around you and if you are honest with yourself, you will say that, ever since Donald J. Trump left the office, there has been no peace whatsoever in the world. In this blog post we will discuss about it. we have only seen endless wars.

You can be a democrat or a liberal. It doesn’t matter. After 2020 we have not seen peace in this world. There’s always chaos in this world. Ask yourself honestly, is Europe having any peace? Is everything fine in the Middle east? Is there any peace in Asia? If you are completely honest with yourself and I hope so.. if you don’t think in terms of a liberal or a democrat point of view then, we can agree about the world was in much better shape before 2020.

I know some of you will say that we need to stand up with Ukraine and we need to teach a tough lesson to Putin for invading Ukraine. Look, I’m not on the side of Putin nor I’m on the side of Ukraine. So far, we have given them hundreds of billions of dollars. The result is millions more are dying. Instead of promoting peace, we are the one in-fact both liberals and democrats are fuelling the endless wars in the Europe and in The middle east. The reasonable question that we need to ask is this: how many more billions of dollars are we gonna give?

Your tax dollars belongs to you and if your politicians spend your hard earned money to fight foreign wars then, you have to make them accountable. They can’t censor you. They have no right to censor you! You hired them to run the country. You are in the control. Not THEM! Ever since the collapse of Soviet Union, NATO has only expanded to the East. Russia doesn’t want NATO to reach its doors. Back in the 90’s the Russian president got the promise from the President of USA that NATO won’t expand to the east. We see the opposite happening.
Also, if the west is so serious about giving membership to Ukraine, they would have given it already. Why they haven’t done it yet? Why wasting billions of dollars on a war that you can’t win. Also, in the Middle east why should I support the war? There’s an immigration crises in the west. The inflation is out of control. Gas prices make no freaking sense. You can only afford a home in your dreams. There’s no good paying jobs and yet our stupid politicians are finding ways to fund foreign wars!

I’m against foreign wars. If you wanna fight a war against homelessness, drugs, inflation and housing… I’m all in then. Let’s make some real progress and say no to endless wars!

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