Discovery of Sacred energy.

We humans are built to discover the world. We are made to discover the things that are never been discovered before. Day and night, we chase happiness, joy and money. We are constantly chasing the world. Even after having all the luxuries of the world then, why we are still not happy? Why we are stressed all the times? In this blog post, we will try to Reveal the answers of Sacred energy

I don’t know from where to start, but I will start from somewhere. Let me start from the ‘person’ who is with in you. There’s a divine light with-in you that knows your existence. There’s Sacred energy flowing with-in you that, knows everything about you. It’s disgrace to say that, we are not interested in knowing our inner spirit. We like to busy ourselves so much in other things that, we hardly have anytime for having good conversations with our divine energy. No wonder, how much time we waste in chasing lust, greed and dishonesty. Even after running behind all those things, we are still not happy? We are still not satisfied.

We have millions of things in our mind. The only thing that we are missing is not making enough connections with our sacred energy. Imagine we really try to make efforts in knowing our inner-self? We don’t make any efforts. We only value those things that we don’t have. We hardly value things that we own… Sacred energy is one of that thing. For example, you have a car that you use to drive to work. One day driving to the office you came across a very good looking Lamborghini… your mind will say that, Oh! i wish I had this car. Even tho if you were driving Ferrari to work. The same thing is happening with our divine force, that guide us to make decisions. We don’t listen to it.

Your intuition is one of the most beautiful gift you have gotten from the Creator. We need to value that gift. By spending some time with our divine force, we can get closer and closer to God. Our intuition/Sacred energy is God. We have the universe with in us. We just need to discover what is with-in us. Life will automatically start making some sense.