Absence of love is fear!

Fear is nothing but absence of love! Darkness is the same way! Absence of light means there’s darkness. In this blog post, we will talk about why the world needs more love and more light! The moment you switch on the light, darkness will disappear! We have to do the same thing with fear. The moment you turn your love mode on, you will find there’s no fear in this world. It all depends upon where we focus on. We have to put our focus on right things. As far as I can say, the world needs more love and less fear! When you pick love, something has to die. The fear dies. The ego dies! Everyone can be miserable. Being in a misery or in cowardice is easy. You have to do nothing. That’s what most of us are doing! That’s why most of us hate our lives so much! It’s like a prison! Love needs courage! Not an ordinary courage! Ordinary people can’t love. They treat love as a commodity. Love is blissful. To be blissful, it requires greatest courage. It’s a uphill task! Very few people have the courage to love! Very few people have the courage to stay in their true being! A true love has no ego! It has no jealousy. It’s not poison. It knows no fear! There are either 2 things take place in your life. It’s either you deeply love not just things but also people or you are full of fear! Wherever there’s fear, you will find ego! Both ego and fear are artificial! Only one thing is real that is love! To remove fear, I want you become a loving being! Go deep into loving! Don’t expect anything in return! Just love! Love is such a beautiful phenomenon. We need to enjoy it! I know most of us hate ourselves for no reason. You need to love yourself! Love yourself with full awareness. When you love, you become more lovable. When you become more loveable, you become less demanding! You look for silence and peace follows you! So, love yourself at all cost. Focus only on love! Fear will start disappearing. You are an intelligence of existence. You are the soul of existence so, how can you treat yourself so bad?! As I mentioned, love needs courage and those have the courage will love themselves! So, go on and love! You are divine! The world needs love!

Government spending is out of control

Government’s reckless spending is what bankrupting Canada. Our government spending is out of control. Some of the spending does not even make sense. I want to say that, no real politician in Canada has the guts to talk about out of control bureaucracy and reckless spending! Thanks to the DOGE, the American government is taking control of hard earned taxpayers money being spent on useless things like promoting DEI institutions and their non sensical programs. The DOGE department is going to scrutinize various US departments like Pentagon, Department of Education, defence, health and IRS etc. In Canada, we need to have the same kind of system. We are tired of our liberal government. Canadians are tired of fiscal deficits every year. I have not seen any Canadian politician other than Maxime Bernier talking about real things that really matters to Canadians. Canadian government is spending billions of dollars to built LGBTQ+ Museum. The useless and incompetent leaders think that, it’s way more important to give money to LGBTQ initiatives than giving it to solve housing crisis, inflation crisis and for basic infrastructure projects. The incompetent leaders don’t care about the taxpayers money. They all care about printing more money. They think that if they increase the supply of money and raise taxes everything is gonna be fine! Well, they are badly mistaken. With fiscal deficits, the government has no money. Guess what, they are squeezing money from Canadians and spending on increasing the size of the government. I am not against government spending. It has to be sane. It should make some common sense. If you have billions of dollars for other countries like Ukraine and middle east ( btw it was huge mistake of Canada giving tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine for the pointless war) that means you hardly have any money left for Canadians. I am not against government spending. I am not but, what has happened to all the government spending? Where is it going? Our schools are shit! Kids don’t know basic maths other than trans shit. Long waiting at the hospitals. Not enough doctors and nurses. Town and city roads are garbage. Housing industry is in crisis. Normal Canadians can’t afford a decent place. You forget about the groceries. Where the hell the money is going? If we can’t get basic facilities then, why there’s budget deficit? Who is taking the money? Canadians need to wake up. Otherwise, these goons in the government are going to bankrupt Canada!

You are a human being!

Dear God has made us superior than Animals. We are not the same! God has given us divine powers to create our own future! He has given us the ability to think in a constructive way! I just want to remind you that, we as human beings, under no circumstances go fall below the level of animals ( note: I want my readers not to think that I don’t care about animals.they are a wonderful creation of God! It’s sad to say that, even tho we are created in the image of out God but, we have fallen below the level of animals. We don’t act like human beings at all! Animals only kill other animals if they are hungry! We are living in best times and we kill each other for over any trivial reason. When you to the forest and look at animals you can hardly find anyone that seems greedy. You, now come to the real world if you interact with most of human beings you can pretty well sense that who is greedy and who isn’t. We cheat, we lie, we think about greed.we break promises. We got addictions of all sorts of things. We are full of flaws. The hard truth is that, we don’t love ourselves. We hate ourselves so much. We run away from harsh things. Most of us don’t even know that whether we are alive or not! Most of us live unconsciously. Most of our actions are unconscious. We are indulged in all kinds of metal hysterical perversions. There’s nothing human about us. I have to say that, animals are way better than us cause they don’t cheat. They don’t act greedy! There’s one thing that separates us from animals that is we have freedom to make choices. We have freedom to make decisions. We can make decisions consciously or unconsciously but we have the ability to make decisions. The only thing that makes us humans is the ability to make decisions with consciousness. When we make conscious decisions we can never make wrong decisions. So, I pray to God that, please Guide all of us to be remain self-aware and justify our existence on this planet!

A secret Energy!

This is a very special blog for me! It’s not that all the other blogs that I wrote so far aren’t special but this one is too special for me. We all have secret energy. A very few people are aware of this secret force that can transform our lives to the fullest. So, in this blog post I will talk about what I learnt so far about this Secret Energy! Recently, I read a book named- Sex matters. How to transform sex into super consciousness by Osho. I would like everyone to read that book for once in their lifetime. I promise you that, this book will change your life forever. Sex energy is a life force. It’s divine and has far greater value than electricity. It’s godly. If sex energy can give life to birth and just imagine what if would do to you if your transform your sex energy into higher level. I learnt about sex is the foundation of life. Most of us are just struck there. Sex is just the first step of the ladder. It’s not the END. If we transform our sexual energy, we can rise in Love and from love, we can transform it into divine prayer. In this world there’s a complete repression of our sexual energy and maybe, that’s why, we are into so much of Perversions. You take any example from porn to masturbation, from drugs to alcohol. From binge watching to complete laziness. It’s all result of our repressed sexual energy. You can not destroy this divine energy. It will come out someway and somehow. We can completely channelize this godly energy. What we are doing with this energy is simply wasting it out of no reason. We are indulged in all kind of sexual perversions. We are like caged animals who have no idea how to be creative with this life force. We all are very low on our sexual energy. More sexual energy = Better health, better confidence, more expansion, more productivity, high creativity, more muscles, deeper voice, more focus, better communication, better understanding and better over-being! I can find only one reason why we hate ourselves. We hate ourselves because we have not under stand the value of our sexual energy. We all responsible for sheer wastage of this divine energy that has the capacity to create a life. Imagine if this life force is capable of creating life then if we truly understand it with the help of meditation and love then, how better we can function as human beings. So, I would urge everyone to read that book to understand the value of your secret Energy!

Make Marriages great again!

The world is going through a lot of challenges. Sustaining a marriage is one of the biggest challenges that we are currently facing! I would like to say that, crisis of marriages are way bigger than climate change crises. There’s a great need to make marriages great again! Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman. It’s combining of 2 bodies into one soul! This is a pretty solid definition of a marriage! If this is a solid definition of a healthy and prosperous marriage then we need to understand it in a deeper level. What is a Sacred bond? Why is that bond so special and why we have forgotten about it? Just like a car needs fuel to go from places to places, same thing takes place in the marriage too! Sacred bond is not just consist of love only, It consists of so many different things too like, deeper level of understanding, mutual respect, mental, emotional and spiritual connection. You need to continue to put gas in your ‘marriage car’ if you want to make it work for longer periods of time. With time, boredom starts overwhelming. If there’s boredom in a marriage, that doesn’t mean that, it will going to stay like this forever. Most of the couples say that, they used to date before they got married and now, they don’t go for any special dates. They don’t go for any drives or even they don’t go for a cup of coffee in a local shop! It seems like that, they take their marriage for granted. Couples start making excuses that, they got kids now and they have to take care of them. They both work full time. They hardly have anytime for each other. I can totally understand it. You might be having tens of thousands of responsibilities but, it does not give you the right to stop dating your partner again! Everyday is an opportunity to date your partner. Don’t miss on simple opportunities to make difference. Your love for each-other has not be extraordinary. Enjoy each other’s company! Care about each other. Meditate, pray together, dance together and sometimes out of dancing and meditation and prayer, suddenly, you feel you are making love. Not that you are making it happens; suddenly you see that it is happening. Then it’s a tremendous beauty! What really kills a healthy marriage is ego and jealousy. Remember, you guys didn’t marry to show each other who is superior and who is not. So leave the ego aside! Work on the love. Work on the things that can continue to make your marriage great!

Canadians needs to wake up

Americans made smart choice of picking Donald J. Trump over fake Kamala Harris. Canada needs to wake up and chose wise and competent leadership to lead canada for Canadians. In this blog post, I will talk about my opinions regarding who is the really wise leader in Canada? You need to read this blog post to end to find his name! Canada is in crises! Canada is in a big trouble. The main reason why we are in trouble because, we don’t have a competent Prime Minister. No one takes Justin Trudeau seriously. Donald J. Trump does call him governor of Canada. He doesn’t even consider him the Prime Minister of Canada. Justin’s main partner, the head of NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is a complete hypocrite. He knows that Canadians hate Trudeau and he is just busy in making excuses. He has no moral ground. He is a left wing lunatic. He is fighting for his own Pension. Over the period of time, Canada has witnessed real downfall under the leadership of Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh! Inflation is rising. Immigration is a mess! Houses are too expensive. Rent is too high! Health care system is in a complete disaster! Kids are confused! Schools are shit! Canadian dollar is tumbling. Crime is rising! Borders are not safe. A sense of Canadian identity is lost. The relationship of Canada with the rest of the world is going not so good. Literally, everything is a mess! The opposition leader Pierre Poilievre is also very soft politician. He is too scared to ask tough questions to Trudeau. He just wanna to sound politically correct. He doesn’t want to upset his lobbyist. He didn’t say anything against covid vaccines, mandates and lockdowns for 2 years. He didn’t even support Freedom convoy! Now all of a sudden he is speaking against covid, censorship of freedom of speech and corruption! He is an opportunistic. He has no moral ground. He is weak on immigration. He is too weak on housing. He is too weak on protecting and preserving Canadian culture as a whole! Weak politicians can’t do anything! They have to answer to their bosses! What I can say that, We need strong leader. I can’t think of anyone better than Maxime Bernier. He has strong moral grounds. He stands up Canadians. He was against covid vaccines and mandates. He is the one who is clear about immigration crisis, housing crisis, mental health and inflation crisis. He is not afraid of upsetting the globalists. I am so glad that, he is the real voice of Canada. He is the real politician who is not afraid of raising the issues that matter to most of Canadians. No matter how hard they try to shadow ban him on X, no matter how hard they try not to take him seriously in main stream media but, he is the man that Canada needs desperately! So, all I can say that, Canadians need to wake up otherwise we won’t have any country left to be saved!

Scarcity mindset won’t let you go anywhere!

I read in economics that, the resources are scare! There’s opportunity cost associated with everything! I started believing in the scarcity. I want to confess that, at some point in life, I was so obsessed with the scarcity mindset. I started to think that, everything is scarce in the universe. Resources are limited. Time is limited. Money is limited. Everything is limited. Scarcity mindset is worse than cancer. It destroys peace, prosperity and happiness. Scarcity mindset only makes you resourceful. It doesn’t let you fully enjoy your life. It doesn’t let you enjoy your loved ones in your life. You look at the face of a man who only think about everything is limited, his face looks gloomy and pale. No smile. You can easily notice signs of frustration at his face. Always tense. Another thing, you should know about the person who lives a life full of scarcity- he is always controlling. Not creative at all. Low level of energy in every-fibre of his body! This blog post is for everyone who wants to get rid of scarcity mindset virus. You have to start believing in universe. The truth about universe is always expanding. It’s creative. Universe is infinity. Your mind is connected with the power of universe. Be a giver. God helps those who gives! Practice gratitude. You can make a list of things that are missing from your life. You can also make a list of things that you have in your life so why not make a list of things you are grateful for? You have to destroy your scarcity mindset. You have to. You have no other option if you truly wanna to do something. If you lose a relationship. No worries. Leave it on the universe. Universe is infinity. If you live from paycheck to paycheck. No worries! Leave it on the universe. Universe is ever expanding force. Universe is your best weapon in the world to fight against scarcity mind set! You have to think about good things in your life despite all the troubles you are currently facing if you want to get rid of this virus!

The first step towards creation is destruction.

That’s true! The first step toward any creation is through destruction. Now the question is destruction of what? You have to go for destruction of your old self. In this blog post we will talk more about it in detail. Destruction needs lots of courage. You can’t expect a weak guy to destroy anything. It needs a lot of strength and a lot of risk. Re- creating yourself is a mighty task. It’s not a renovation. It’s a complete overhaul. When you remake the foundation of your life again, you go through a lot of pain and suffering. You still go ahead with that cause, you have no other choice. I know that, some of you are tired of using the old methods over again and again and expecting new results in your life. Someone of you wanted to stay politically correct and not to offend others. Who cares? You have to be authentic. You have to take risks. There’s a greater risk of not saying what is true and authentic. Sometimes you have to stand alone but, in your heart you will experience greater peace and satisfaction which can’t be expressed in words. This 2024 is ending soon. If you stay the same in the next year, if you don’t put a new foundation then, the old building soon gonna come down and you will be left with nothing. Destroy your old way of living. Stick with truth. You have to take some bold moves to move ahead! Destroy toxic habits. Destroy toxic relationships. Make friendship with God! If you want new life, destroy the old one! The first step towards creation is destruction.

To fight against the tyranny, you have to become a rebel.

The government in the power doesn’t like rebels. It’s a fact. We had recently seen in American Elections in which if you are supporting MAGA then, the government will come after you and tries to shut you down. To fight against the tyranny, you have to become a rebel. I am not comparing BLM rioters with MAGA people. I don’t care what you think but the BLM movement was a political motivated movement that destroyed the beautiful cities across America in the name of peaceful protests. MAGA people fought like hell against the evil doing of the government. The left wing government doesn’t like those who dare to ask the leaders tough questions whether it’s regarding covid vaccines, lockdowns and the integrity of 2020’s elections. The covid and the recent elections really showed all of us the power of people. It really shows about if you have courage and if you stay with truth then, you will be unstoppable. The left wing government had the fake news, Hollywood, big tech, billions of dollars but, they still failed to win against the will of the people. Everyone needs to know that, people don’t believe in protesting against any government. It’s a lot of efforts, money and time consuming but, when your chosen government becomes tyrannical and you have tried everything in your disposal then, you are left with only one option that is to start a revolution and act like rebels. I salute all those heroes who stood firm against covid mandates. I salute all those people whose bank accounts were frozen who were taking part in Freedom convoy. I stand strong with all the MAGA heroes who supported Donald J. Trump in 2024. One last thing I want to say is that, if you really want some positive change in your country and within you then, you need to become and act like rebel

Start working and keep winning!

If you are looking for new motto in your life, then you can have it- start working and keep wining! If you are hurt and you don’t know what to do then, you have no other option other than, start working and keep wining. Just imagine, you are lying on the ground. You are wounded and helpless. You are thinking about all of those people who have deceived you and laughed at you. That’s a real bad feeling. I want you to think about it. It’s your time now. You read it right. You have to shun your old life. Completely reinvent yourself. You have to do it. There’s no other option for you. Standing up again may cause you pain and suffering but for how long? Ultimately, glory will follow. Your only job is to focus on the glory. At the end of the day, It all depends upon your efforts. Everyday, you need to make genuine efforts to keep wining. Efforts will soon turn into confidence and confidence will bring you glory. Keep everything aside. Stop playing the blame game. It’s not worth it. Your success is your best revenge. You need to have good relationship with God, your family and surround yourself with competent people. You will see dramatic change in your life. Do the work! Start working keep winning