How can faith become your reality?!

  You can say what ever you want to say. You can believe what ever you want to believe in, but only one thing that really matters is the reality. It’s the present moment. You might have thousands of things going on in your mind, only one thing that really makes sense is how can your faith become your reality? In this Blog post, we will talk about it. I have observed many interesting things in my life. One of the things that really intrigues me that, all of us have hopes in our lives. There’s not one single person on this living planet who doesn’t rely on hope. Most of us have faith in our hopes. We all want beautiful and thriving future in our lives. If we all hope for good future then, why most of our hopes fail? Why do most of us die in endless hopes? There’s hope and there’s Faith. Most of us are living only in these 2 dimensions. No one is talking about there’s one thing that links hope with the faith and that is ‘Actions taken in present’. The more the actions you take, the more stronger your faith becomes. Having endless hopes won’t get you anything done. I’m not saying having hopes is a bad thing. It’s the first thing you need in your life. All I’m saying is that, having too many hopes leads to too much of burden on your shoulders. Only hopes doesn’t add any fuel to your faith. That’s why I said it to you that, you can say what ever you think, but there’s only one thing that really matters is what actions you are taking to strengthen your faith. When you take actions, it’s either you succeed or you just keep trying. Some people are so tired of making actions so, they have given up. When you take actions and you have faith in God and in your hard-work, then you will not fail. You might encounter problems, but guess what who doesn’t have problems? The answer is… the only dead ones have no problems. You have problems. I got problems. So instead of complaining and whining all the times, you work on your actions. You have strong hope, but your action must be more stronger than your hopes. I hope, you got my point. So make your actions great again!

Energy 1.0

I have written couple of blogs on human Energy, but still my mind is not very satisfied. The topic is very intriguing and it just makes me to write even more and more about it. I have written blogs like your energy matters, Your energy makes you lethal, Your energy is Sacred. In all of those blogs, my main focus was on your energy is a gift from your Creator. It connects your energy with the energy of God. In this blog post I’m going to focus more on this and we will try to go beyond and understand the real essence of Energy. If you are thinking about that I’m going to write about you need energy to function in your daily life and you can get energy from food then, you are all wrong. I’m not going to say anything like this. You know about it so well. The main focus of your energy is to know only about the ‘ONE’ . Your energy should only be devoted to know about the brilliance of the ‘ONE’ who created you and put you forth in this universe. Your energy must only be flowing with in you. The flow of your energy should always be inward. It shouldn’t not be 99% of the time outward. Sadly, this is what we are doing. We are 24/7 chasing something everyday. Everyday, we are chasing something that makes no sense to all. Someone of us chasing money, chasing lust, wasting our time on drama. It’s fine if you wanna to live for the world. It’s fine if you wanna to die for the world. What’s the fun of living and dying if you continue to flow your energy to know the outside world. The outside sun shines every morning, but what about the inside Sun? Why there’s so much of darkness with in you? Why don’t you allow the Sun of energy to work inside you? Your energy matters. It only matters if you are completely honest with your-self. The problem is that we stress so much about being honest with the outside world and forget about being honest with ourselves. Whatever type of energy you generate, it will reflect outside. The only reason why you are so low in energy because, you never understood the principle of energy. It’s always there. You can never destroy it. All you can do to channelize your energy into something creative and there’s nothing more creative than knowing the ‘ONE’ the Creator. In order to know him. You need energy. You need to protect your sacred energy. Don’t let it spilled.Don’t let it wasted on cheap thrills. You need to save Energy with in you and soon the rocket of energy will ascend into brain and mind and fill you with the love of God. People who hate God are low on Sacred energy. Don’t be that person.

Don’t be too much tolerant!

  Yes, you read it right. I’m not against tolerance. I’m in full support of tolerance. In this blog post, I will talk about which side of tolerance I don’t like. I support tolerant people who always go for seeking truth. I like people with patience who work constantly to improve their skills. I think we need more patient people in this world. We need patient civilians. We need patient scholars, scientists and employees. I’m in all support for patient trainers who work their tail off to provide good training to the new employees. I hate tolerance when you know that, someone is ruining with the fundamentals of life. I don’t understand why we are accepting garbage in the name of tolerance. Everyone knows that, there are only 2 genders in this world. Either you are a man or a woman. It’s so bullshit for us to accept that, there are more than 2 genders in this world. We are being forced by the elites and the governments that, you have to tolerate it. If you say anything against it then, we will charge you with hate speech. This is complete nonsense. By tolerating lies, we are encouraging kids to become mentally ill. Another thing we are forced to tolerate is climate change is real. Wildlife are taking place because of climate change. If Climate change was so real then, why are the banks still selling mortgages for 30 years? If climate change was so real why our elites and politicians travel with hundreds of cars? Climate change is just another word for complete control. The globalists and the elites don’t wanna to say it too loud so they came up with a term “climate change”. By the way, they have done nothing for the climate. They are forcing people to buy electric vehicles so they can have control over the cars. They have introduced carbon tax so that, they can exploit more people and put people back on poverty. They are making us to tolerate the bullshit of illegals. Radical leftwing lunatics are forcing us to tolerate those who have entered the country illegally. Private property rights are being exploited in many states of US. The democrats and the liberals are welcoming all the criminals and the rapists from other parts of the world just to show the world that, they support diversity. No more tolerance to their new world order agenda. Let freedom be celebrated. We didn’t get no rights from the government, but we got all the rights from our Creator. No more tolerance to their stupidity. Stand up for Truth.

Cut out the bullshit.

Hey, you? Aren’t you tired of the bullshit excuses you are making to yourself every single day? Every day, you do the same mistakes over again and again. You know pretty well that, the mistakes that you are making are not helping you in anyway. So, why don’t you cut down the bullshit and get back to work. You are put forth in this world to do something meaningful. You are made so that, you can bear the burden of responsibilities to do something good for the society. If you wake up in the morning, and don’t give a thanks to your Creator for creating you, and giving you a yet another beautiful day to live, I would like to say to you that, you better find something meaningful. You got immense potential in you. You are the one responsible for your potential. You can either create something out of it or you can go with full force and destroy it. Sadly, this is what our young men and women are doing. Just to satisfy their instant gratification, they go for cheap thrills. You know why young men and women are so unhappy cause they are willfully destroying their potential. For young guys, they are addicted to porn, masturbation, alcohol, drugs, weed. For young women especially, radical feminists are destroying womanhood by encouraging more and more young girls to objectify their sexuality. Young girls are taught that, if a man is trying to control you then, it’s an attack on your freedom. If your man saying things like your dress is too much revealing then, you leave him. Why we are teaching our young girls garbage? Why we are not teaching our young guys to be more responsible and it’s their job to protect and lead their family? I’m glad some young men and women are waking up. They are following the path of righteousness and that’s why I’m on the mission of seeking truth and open the eyes of my fellow young friends. Young men and women you need to cut down the bullshit and get back to work.

Wake up! Satan is not your friend

Yes, all of us need to wake up. Satan is not our friend. Satan is not a cool buddy. He is not here to give you any comfort. He is in your mind to destroy your peace. He is in your mind to put some doubts regarding your existence. In this blog post we will talk about satan is evil. He is cruel. He likes violence and you need to shun him. Why in this world some of us in the west is celebrating Satan. Why? What has gone so wrong in the last decade with all of us. Why are we tolerating things that are unholy? Why our governments in the west are deliberately destroying Christian values that inspire life? I would like to start with why are we celebrating mental illness? Instead of really helping our kids to find an identity in Christ we are actually encouraging our kids to destroy their inner peace by becoming trans. This is not right. No matter how many arguments you put in favour of transgenderism, I will still say to you that, it’s a sin. If we go against God rules, He will discipline us just like a Father disciplines his son. When a Father disciplines his son, it does not mean that he does not love him or doesn’t care about him at all. What it truly means that, he really care about his Son. It means that, he will do everything to protect the dignity of his son. I know that, satan will do everything in his reach to approach you. He will say to you that, what’s the point of doing so much of hard-work? What’s the point of being so honest? He will say to you that, come and follow me and I will make your life comfortable, but actually he forgets to mention you that, he is just making your life like a living hell. In this world, everyone has to suffer for a good cause, even Jesus Christ suffered. He went through immense pain and suffering. He could have gone the easy way, but He decided to take the path of suffering and pain. In the end He became eternal. He defeated death. Death lost its grip on Him. The question is not about having a comfort in a life. It’s about glory. It’s about having eternal life with God. The eternal life with Christ is worth more than the comfort life which is built on lies and dishonesty of Satan. So, if you really make a good friend then, be with God. He will fill you with peace. Follow Him. He created you. You are made in His holy image.

Clean the damn mess out of your life please!

Today is a great day to decide that, you have good intentions of cleaning the mess that you deliberately created in your life. You have to take every possible steps to clean the mess. In this blog post, we will talk about it. Look, I know some of you are hopeless. You are doing your best to own up all the mistakes you have made so far in your life. You don’t want to end up 2024 with hopelessness. I’m with you. Now, it’s high time for taking actions. You should be done with empty words. Now is the time to roll up your sleeves and get your life back. First action you need to do have a strong faith in your life. Your life is not just yours. You got it from the Creator. You are Created in His image. Your job is to bring glory to him. 2nd thing you need to do is to garbage all the anti depressants and all the anxiety pills you are taking. You know that, it’s not helping you. It works for a while and then, you feel the same shit. It’s like ‘same shit every different day’ 3rd thing you need to do is to read Bible/ Quran/ Bhagwat Geeta. What ever you believe in. You need to believe in God. You need to study Him. You need scriptures to guide your life. You need to love your God and have Faith in Him. 4th thing you need to do is to say No to Satan. Satan will say to you that, he will bring comfort in your life. He will say to you that, there’s no external life. He will say to you that, build your life on lies and dishonesty. Every scripture book you will read, it clearly say that, there’s an eternal life. The question is not about, comfort. It’s about glory. It’s about having eternal life. For having eternal life, build your life on the principles of God. There will be time, when you will say that, I can’t bear the burden of suffering anymore. I wanna to go back to the easy way. I will just follow Satan. For that particular moment, I just want to say to you that, hold the line! Your faith in God will never betray you. It will become stronger every day. You keep the faith. As long as you are with God, He won’t let you fail. You build your life around Him. Seek his guidance and He will help you cleaning your mess.

You can’t change the fundamentals

I believe that, we are doing our best to reverse all the natural forces and laws that helps in proper functioning of this world. One group is in particular trying to form new fundamentals and is failing miserably at every step. The name of the group is radical left wing. In this blog- post I will talk about what fundamental rules they are trying to change and how they will fail every time. Fundamentals are necessary. Anything you have in this world has its foundation whether you are building a house or you are talking about human nature. Everything involves basic structure. When you try to build a house on sand, you know that it will fall down at any moment. Same goes with how you define what is a woman or what is a man? Clearly, radical leftists are doing their best with the help of corporate America and media to convince common people that, you can be a woman any time. Because your feelings are way more important than facing truth. Sadly, we have seen that, transgenderism is being celebrated all over North America. Radical sexuality is being taught in our school system. I wonder why our school kids are facing mental challenges. This is one of the most crucial challenge we are facing in the society where people know that, it’s just not possible to change your gender overnight based on your feelings. Instead of standing for truth, our political leaders are the one supporting this mental illness. Another fundamental issue we are facing right now is the utter incompetence of our corporate America. The HR of big companies are hiring people not on the basis of their skill set, but based on their skin colour, hair colour, number of tattoos and number of piercings they got. They are doing this all in the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity. There’s no strange fact that why people in the past have boycotted some brands which are trying to divide America. Any country that needs to function well has to have full control over its borders and immigration. Sadly, our leaders are trying to dilute the spirit of democracy and voting power of its own citizens by changing the whole demographic of the country. In order to change the cultural norms of any country, all you need to import people from the rest of the world. America is having crisis at the border and so as Canada with mass immigration. This is against the fundamentals. You just can’t defend immigration in the name of diversity and inclusivity. The fundamental job of the media/journalist is to become the critic of the party which is in power. Their job is to become the voice of people not the other way around. Main stream media is a mess. People are losing their faith in fake media. That’s why, you look at CNN, CBC, Fox news, NBC lost all of their credibility. At the end, one thing is for sure, you just can’t mess up with the fundamentals. You just can’t.

Become more rational.

Rationality is very rare these days. We are one of the most sensitive people in the human history. We care more about our senseless feelings than facing the truth. If you are rational and you have your unwanted emotions in check then, congratulations to you, you are a great human being. Rationality, rationality and more rationality that’s what we need these days. You look at what’s being done in the name of invalid feelings… our kids are facing identity crises. They are not sure about their gender. Our leaders who we elect are not taking any rational decisions. They all care about the feelings. Instead of taking care of mass immigration, housing crises, and inflation our leaders are more worried about their self-image. They are more concerned about diversity, Equity and inclusivity. Instead of taking care of homelessness situation in Canada, we are sending money to Ukraine win the impossible war. I get it we sometimes make emotional decisions based on the desires and passion but doing the same mistake again and again is not helping us. Any decision that is needed to be made must be based on truth and critical thinking. Even when you are going out for a marriage, you need to make decisions based on truth not on your uncontrolled emotions. I’m not saying that, you need to be boring and calculative all the times. All I’m saying that, if you are seeing something that is not right, you need to investigate that thing by seeking truth. You need to be open and neutral before making any decisions. Your decisions should not be based on favouring someone you like. It should be based on facts. It needs to be well established on principles that are guided by faith. A lot of men are suffering because, they made decisions on their feelings. They didn’t seek truth. They married wrong woman. They are in a complete wrong profession. Life is not the same for them. All I’m saying that, you need to enjoy truth and once you start enjoying truth and be honest with your self, then you will not fail. You will win every time. Be rational and seek truth.

Amplify empathy

In a world where people are looking to stab each other with their words and evil actions, make sure, you amplify empathy and humility. In this blog post, I want to talk about empathy and why we desperately need it and how it could change the world for good. So let’s get started. We are living in a world where most of us have no patience. We like to control everything and everyone. When we fail to control things, we put blame on others. Blaming others leads to more blaming and more conflicts. In a world where conflicts are normal, you try to be the one bring smile on someone’s face. I have noticed that, weak men and women always try to control everyone. They are very desperate people for power. No matter how hard they try to control others, they fail miserably. Weak men and women are mean and narcissistic. People who leave things on God and do their work what’s needed to be done are the most brave people you will ever encounter in your life. They multiply empathy and happiness. They always do their best to help others without having any intentions to take anything in return. Make sure you be a grateful person. Before you go to bed even though you had a tough day or things not going in your way, you pray to God. He is merciful and Great. Young people these days are anxious and resentful because they are not sure about their future. They think that the whole system is corrupt and because of rise of social media they have started to believe that, you need to show off to others. You need to brag about your fame and your wealth. You need to take pride in your fame. All I want to say that, fame and power can come and go. You might be having stack of cash today but who knows what kind of circumstances you will have in future? One thing that’s always classy and attractive is not fame but your humility and your empathy towards others. Your job is to amplify empathy.

Burden of failure

  For some of you, it must feels like even when you try something or give your best, you still fail. The burden of failure has become so heavy and it seems almost impossible to take any one step further. Everyone feels like there’s nothing good in them anymore. Some of you might have lost all of your hope. I can genuinely feel your pain. In this blog post I will talk in detail about what is exactly the burden of failure and if you are failing, then where to find your hope. Some of you are failing consistently. For most of you, if you try something new.. you feel excitement for few days and then all the excitement goes away. You just become lonely at the end of the day. Burden of failure takes place when you have seeds of doubts in your mind than the real desire of actually performing your action. There’s a dialogue between warrior Arjuna and lord Krishna in the ‘Bhagavad Geeta’ in which Arjuna was helpless. He didn’t want to fight in the battleground against Kauravs. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna that, do every action of your life in my name. Focus more on to the duty of your life than on the fruits of actions. I know that, we are not God. We are just human beings made by God. We have a habit of doing mistakes in our lives. I believe that, we have become more result oriented than action oriented. I’m not saying that, we should not focus on the results, but having your eyes only on the results sometimes don’t give you any win. Another thing I have noticed that, we are running away from God. We are the ones who are destroying solid foundations like family, culture, religion and God with our own hands. When we face any defeat, then we are quick enough to blame on God. When we become victorious, then it’s our win. We don’t give any of the credit to our Creator for helping us in winning. The only way to lighten the burden of failure when we actually understand the foundation of our life. Cheap thrills leads to short term pleasure. Short term pleasures leads to destruction. The way to ease the burden of failure when we start believing in Gratitude and surrender everything to God. Burden of failure is too heavy to Carry. Go seek help of God.