Aren’t you tired of lies of government ?

  Lies, lies and more lies. How many lies are we gonna tolerate about Canadian government? Enough is enough. In this blog post, we will uncover some lies that the Canadian government has committed against its own people. The life of the federal government of Canada is based on lies. The government has no guts to accept the reality at its face value. We think that, the government is good when it talks about public safety. We don’t know about how the government is trying to control us with its evil ideologies. I’m sure no one has forgotten about mandatory lockdowns and passports with covid pandemic. Most people, in- fact 90% of Canadians got vaccine shot. They all thought that, they did a really good job of protecting themselves and others. Unfortunately, all that appears on Camera does not necessarily mean is good or truth. Ever since, twitter is bought by Elon Musk and free speech is reinforced on the platform, it is found that, people were against the unnecessary covid mandates. People are slowly waking up and raising their concerns about how government tries to control its citizens in the name of safety. Recent judgement by the federal court in Canada said that, the liberal government made wrong use of emergency powers to kill the freedom convoy movement. They tried to seize the bank accounts of innocent individuals who were raising their concerns about vaccines. They were called fringe army, but you know what, you can’t hide the truth. Truth is power. Truth is beauty and you can’t suppress truth with lies. Truckers of Canada have really shown that with courage and conviction, there’s sure way to win. I appreciate and applaud their courage. Another, biggest lie you can ever commit to your people when, you start believing that, there’s more than 2 genders. I can’t even imagine how people can even swallow this lie? Makes no sense. The role of the government is to provide some clarity to its people. Some kind of noble vision. You can’t except any noble vision from Trudeau’s government. They are pretty much in making people more confused about genders. We are witnessing the consequences. Kids are facing mental health problems. They are committing suicide. They are going for complete gender change surgery. This is insanity and Trudeau’s government must be punished for treason and committing crimes against its own people. The list is very long. Mass immigration is also very badly treated. Inflation, climate hoax,15 minutes city and many more. The list is endless about the lies of the government. The best thing we can all do is to face truth and make out governments accountable for their terrible actions by encouraging freedom of speech and expression.

Righteous war!

There’s a righteous war going on in the west. There’s a war between those who are with the humanity and those who support marxism in the west. Make sure you are on the side of humanity. Make sure you are the part of this righteous war. Make sure truth wins at the end of the war. It’s sad to see people are justifying things that are morally not right. It’s sad to see people are not thinking in a sensible manner and rejecting common sense. For instance, I have said many times that, indoctrination of kids to sexuality is morally incorrect. Validating invalid feelings among kids like you can be a boy or a girl and your gender is fluid across your life time makes no common sense. Our schools have gone too far when it comes to woke culture. We need to take the side of truth. We need to solve this issue with some compassion and truth instead of validating irrational feelings among our kids. The truth is there are only 2 genders and the genders are assigned to you at time of your birth. We are in a righteous war against crime. The leftists say that, by having stronger gun controls will help them fighting the crime. I really wish if it was true. Sadly it’s not. When you give guns to good people, they will use that gun for their defence against the violent criminals. They can defend their families too. It’s easy for criminals to get a gun. It’s easy for violent people to attack sensible people with guns… by just snatching guns away from good people, you are just giving them to goons. If you think that by just taking the guns away would solve the crimes then good luck with that. Criminals can use knives, hammers and cars. They can use anything that comes to their mind and kill you with that. So what would you ban next? Yes, we are in the righteous war. We have been taught that there’s no God. Your government is your God. People are being encouraged to shun their faith in God and start believing in new world order. People who still have faith in God and in family are seen as real criminals. Government makes less efforts to protect those who are morally right and stand with truth. I have no fear of taking sides. I know that, I am on the side of God. I’m on the side of truth. I’m in this righteous war to educate people about how woke culture is destroying the world.

Dharma (Moral obligation)

  What’s your Dharma say to you? I’m sure anytime you do something in your life, there’s voice within you that whispers is it what you are doing morally right or wrong? Your moral obligation guides you to live a peaceful life. We will learn more about this guiding compass in this blog post. It’s true everything you do in your life, you have to make decisions. Sometimes, when you make the decisions… all we think about how this would help us in your lives? Some choices you make are not only serves you, but also justifies your Dharma. Dharma means standing for the right things whether you are making any profit out of it. Your moral compass will guide you in a right direction as long as you stay true to your values. It keeps your mind focused as long as you have faith in humanity. It’s hard to stay morally correct all the times, but with consistent efforts and seeking help from God makes it easier every single day. A man who follows his Dharma is not afraid of any men other than God. He carries out his actions above his self. People in the society see him as the leader. In the times of Crises he stands with truth and help himself and his people to come out of chaos. Sadly, we are witnessing, hardly anyone talks about moral compass any more. In school and colleges kids have no idea about this term anymore. The reason we are seeing such a great downfall of our standards because of there’s nothing in our lives that can help us what kind of decisions we need to make to make sure the world stays afloat. Reading scriptures are discouraged in schools. Our kids have no strong foundation on which they can rely on to make important decisions of their lives.

The dark truth about elites and globalists

In this blog post, we need to talk about the real face of globalists who say on cameras that, they care about common people, but the reality is far different from what they say. The dark truth is this world is run by the elites and globalists. They are the one who give money to the politicians to win the elections. They are the ones who are the biggest donors of the top universities around the world. Not only that, they are the ones who control UN, IMF and World Economic Forum (WEF). Their presence is felt every where. They are the ones who take every major Decisions and even the head of the state is nothing in front of them. Over the period of time, we are witnessing the sharp decline of moral standards. Young people can’t even know the basic difference between men and women. Sexual indoctrination is taking place every school of America. People who stand for right things are thrown behind the bars. People who speak against man made covid virus are tortured every day. The health system in the west is in crisis. The banking system is in crisis. The decline of the west didn’t happen in a single day. It happened over the past few decades and we are witnessing the consequences of the ill policies of our policy makers. All the the ineffective policies have one mission is to make common people more weak. How do you make people weak? It’s simple… you confuse them about unlimited genders, you take away God from their lives. You make a cashless society. You make oil and gas bad for the environment. When you make people helpless and give more power to the evil ones who are sitting on the top positions of UN, WEF, IMF, vanguard, black Rock and NATO guess what? Humanity is gonna suffer. We are seeing this in America. People are suffering. When you concentrate more power at the top and treat others like slaves then, it leads to violence. It disrupts peace and prosperity. The dark truth about globalists they are bunch of crackheads. They believe in making people weak. They believe in satan. They hardly give any damn about peace and prosperity. One thing we can all do is to stop believing in them. Stop giving them the same place of God.

My soul needs a friend

Human beings have souls. It is my strong believe that, every human soul needs a friend. A friend who is caring and genuinely thinks about you is one of the precious gift you can ever get in your life time. In this blog post, I would like to talk about who do you really need to be your friend. So, lets get started. Our soul doesn’t need too many friends. Our inner voice just need one friend and that is God. We should have no reservations in making God our best friend. I truly believe that, He is the only one who cares about us. He is the one who has His eyes fixed upon us. People who have deep faith in God are very lucky people. In this world, everyone needs their desires to be fulfilled as soon as possible. People are losing their faith in higher power and putting all of their energy in cheap thrills. I wonder why people are most of the times are anxious and depressed? The only reason that I can comprehend is we are losing our faith in God. We are continuously making sure we should have all the friends except the one who really matters in this world and that is God. God knows everything about us. He is the one who made us. He is the one who made heaven and the Earth. He is the the one built this magnificent universe. He is the author of life and death. He is the one who has no beginning nor any end. He is the king of kings. Our soul needs Him. I believe that, we are the one who are solely responsible for making our souls lonely and depressed. The sole reason is we shy away from building any kind of friendship with one who really matters to us. Dear young people, you need God. Yes, you need God. You don’t need cheap thrills. You don’t need to party every other weekend. You just need Lord and His blessing. So, don’t shy away from building strong connection with God.

The war against woke culture.

.It’s great to see people in the west are slowly waking up and fighting against the radical woke policies of their government especially, in the west. One of the purpose of me writing this blogs is to tell the people not just online but also in person about how woke policies such as Carbon tax, gender ideology and critical race theory are degrading the founding principles of western institutions. In this blog post, we will talk about why we need to be in war with woke culture and why we need to win this battle. The war is not between the left and the right. It is war between those who care about humanity and those you have evil ways to erode civilization. So far, we have witnessed that because of woke politics, our gen. Z have become confused more than ever before. Politics like Critical race theory has made us to stay as victims and complain about patriarchy. Gender ideology is destroying the beautiful lives of young ones in front of our own eyes. We are seeing the rise in hate crimes against all of those who stand up for truth. Speak truth. According to the some radical leftists, there are more than 2 genders and if you say any different opinions then, just have good luck. Who would have imagined that, we would have so much of difficulty in defining what do you mean by woman? Thanks to all of these rubbish and nonsense going on we are not respected in the world anymore. America and Canada have become 3rd world countries. People don’t talk about patriotism. We don’t have common goals (thanks to diversity) the world seems crumbling and that’s why it is so crucial to fight a war against woke culture. Thanks to some fearless people like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Donald J. Trump, Andrew Tate, we are fighting our way back now. Free speech on Twitter is inviting more and more people to have a debate on the platform. Public feels free to put their opinions about this matter. Parents with some real concerns about the education of their kids are waking up to the Bull shit of woke Ideology. On the social media, the videos have gone viral. Parents are taking part in school board meeting and raising their genuine concern regarding the non sense which is being taught in school. Woke companies such as Victoria Secret, Budweiser and Target have lost billions and billions of dollars in revenue for supporting garbage. The share price of social media giant Facebook is tumbling cause, you can’t have freedom on that platform. Young people want freedom. Millennials are hungry for cause. They are hungry for a common mission. The war against the woke ideology is still going on. Real people are putting some real efforts and waking up the public. Enough damage has been done because of woke culture. We are embracing Love, truth and freedom. The only way to achieve this is to shun toxic woke culture out of our lives and restore our faith in realness

Love and truth are divine

Love is not a game of give and take relationship. Love is patient. Love is pure. Love can never be arrogant. If you look at truth, there’s nothing more divine than truth. Truth is eternal. Everything revolves around love and truth! Both are divine and sacred. There’s a great relationship between truth and love. If you think that you can fall in love without seeking truth then, you need a lot of good luck in your life. A person who is so afraid of making a dive in the ocean of truth has no guts to find a true love. The eternal truth is we all came from one source. We are a part of Universe. Our soul is interconnected with God. No matter how many times we try to run away from the Source (God), our soul, each and every fibre of our body makes us to connect with the higher power. This can only happen when you stop treating love like a game. True love is beyond than that. Seeking truth is the only way to become self aware. Finding truth is the only way to fall in love with the creator of the universe. When you know this truth, nothing needs to be known next. Our soul is longing for true love with God. That’s it. Truth just makes it easy and helps you to realize that how vulnerable you are without falling in love with the supreme power. The elites and the globalists want to plant seeds of doubts in our minds regarding God. They want us to forget about the existence of God may be, that’s why, they have created fake religions like climate change, gender ideology and radical feminism movement. We need to understand their game. We need to stand up for truth. Even tho, they try their hard to hide the truth under the carpet or behind the curtains, but Truth never fails to show up. At the end truth wins. As long as you are on the side of truth, you will not fail. People will test your determination. People will test your resilience, but as long as you are playing a fair game, you will win in the end. Love and truth are 2 divine qualities you need to make your life beautiful. You just can’t expect to win big if your only way to deal with your life is to deceive your soul. There’s different kind of aura in you when you are obsessed with truth cause, there’s nothing more than that makes you closer to God.

Our hearts desire freedom.

There’s no life without freedom. There’s no creativity without freedom. There’s no action without freedom. There’s no love without freedom. The bottom line is this: Our hearts desire freedom. Freedom has no price tag (except $44 Billion dollars paid by Elon Musk to buy twitter) when I say freedom, I don’t mean that, there should be no rules. There’s should be no laws. For instance, imagine driving your car on the roads without any rules subject to the roads. We would have so many of accidents every minute if we didn’t have the laws. We appreciate the freedom as long as there are fair rules that we can relay on to achieve our maximum creativity. Even if you look at the laws of nature, we function within those laws. So, people who say that, Freedom means no rules and no laws then, they need to think again and define freedom once again. Over some period of time, we have taken our freedom for granted. We are teaching our young kids not to speak up their minds and don’t stand on the side of the truth. All credit goes to woke politics. We are so afraid to express our true opinions about any subject matter because of the fear of censorship. We are just too damn scared. I said if earlier that, freedom has no face tag, but there’s cost associated with Freedom. The real cost that I’m talking about is the degree of risk we take to appreciate our freedom. Without taking some reasonable risks you can’t value freedom. It is the same way when you drive on the roads. The chances of accidents are always there. The interesting thing is that we don’t stop travelling if all we think about the accidents. All I’m saying that, when you do anything freely within the laws of the nature there’s always risk involved. When you love someone, there’s always risk of loosing that person. When you make money, there’s always risk associated with whether your business would work or not? There’s always risk when you stand up for truth cause, you fear whether you will be censored or not. The real beauty is this: we still make love with freedom. We still have the free choice to make money with freedom. We still have the freedom of choice to stand up for truth and protect it. Freedom is in our DNA. It’s in our blood. It’s in our spirit. Our hearts desire freedom.

Your family matters!

Over the period of time, we have been taught about it’s better to become self-centred. I get it. In life we get too busy. We have to follow the tight schedule. We have to do the daily routine, but your family matters. It maters cause, your family transforms your character. It shapes it. Spending time with your mom and dad and talking to them makes them happy. In this blog post, I will talk about your family should be in top priority list. No excuses. What’s the reason why the family culture in the west is dwindling? Why we need nuclear family culture in the west? Why we need to focus on bringing it back? All of these questions are very crucial. I don’t know what you think about your family, but for me, having a family is a blessing. We need to be grateful to the sacrifices our mom and dad make for their kids. One of the crisis we are facing in the west is the loss of faith in the family culture. It’s not a big surprise to me why our kids are becoming more and more resentful and confused because of lack of family culture and no one is there to give them proper guidance because 3 to 4 days kids stay with their mom and remaining of the days, they stay with their dad. There’s no common union between mother and father. Thanks to the time that our kids are spending in day-cares is also contributing in some way to this crisis. We can’t forget about what woke culture is doing to our kids. Some elites and globalists are the part of the school boards. The wealthiest people give Funds/donations to the school and occupy important positions in the school boards. They introduce garbage like gender ideology, critical race theories in the school curriculum (colleges are no exception) when we teach about stupid stuff to our kids instead of teaching them about the importance of family culture, faith in God and seeking truth then, guess what? We are destroying the lives of innocent children. Some one has to answer. I’m also glad that some parents are coming forward and raising their concerns about what is being taught in school and colleges. I have to say that in order to win and have stability in the society we must preserve and protect family culture at all cost. We go no other choice!

Choose God!

I don’t know what’s so wrong with the western liberal society? We are shy away from choosing God. In school and colleges, we don’t often talk about God and His teaching anymore. We have been taught about it’s better to put your faith in left wing ideology than in God. In this blog post, I will continue to say to you… no matter how hard is your life, you need to be on the God’s side always. I truly believe that, most of the problems can end now if we go back and restore our faith in God. We are imperfect human beings. We commit the same mistakes over again and again. Believing in divine force fills up with the strength and resilience to face hardships in our lives. I’m not saying that, once, you start believing in supreme power, everything is going to get fine by itself. Everything takes time. We know that once, we are on the right track and put our faith in God in action, we will win eventually. Sadly with the growing of woke culture among western society especially, in our school and colleges, we are witnessing drastic downfall of faith in humanity. On the contrary to that, we have been seeing sharp rise of depression, anxiety and bitterness among young boys and girls. We are trying to fill the vacuum by having faith in Climate change, gender equity, colour of the skin and Critical Race theory, but, none of these things are helping us to create a better society. We need to have a strong foundation. The only way we can have a strong foundation if we have faith in the founder of the Universe. As a young man I will never shy away to say in front of the world that, ever since, I have put my faith in God my life has become more meaningful. My message to you is loud and clear choose God!