You might need a doctor, if you suffer physical injuries but, there’s no better healer than time for mental and emotional stress. With time everything heals. Sometimes time just asks you to have aggression patience. Not many people have patience. We give in some times but time never gives up! It never stops. Its flow is constant.
We got 2 choices in our lives. Number one, we still continue to punish ourselves with every flow of time. 2nd option we have- to accept our past the way it is and with time allow ourselves to heal naturally.
The first option is an easy way out to escape the life. The 2nd option is a hard one cause, you accept that, life is not fair. The only way we can make our lives meaningful if we allow the time to use its magic of healing. Healing takes time so does everything.
We have to accept that, we are not powerful than time. We can’t sop it from running. Time has seen everything from bloodiest wars in the history to the unbelievable miracles in the past but, it stills never stops. It doesn’t take the side of good or bad. It always stays neutral witnessing all the events of the world.
We have to accept that, we are not wiser than time. We don’t have aggressive patience like time does. One thing we can all take is that, even though life gets hard, we can still decide to keep going and keep growing just like time.
So, the best thing we can all do is to leave everything on time. Let the time decide our fate. It’s time to find peace with time instead of punishing ourselves.
With time everything heals!