They love censorship!

Yes, you read it right. They love censorship. They love censoring others. They love controlling the source of the information. In this blog post we will talk about who are they and why they want to control us so badly?

Let’s reveal the suspense. They are none other than radical liberals and woke politicians who have sold their souls to Satan. I’m talking about the globalists and elites who want to control freedom of speech. Had Elon Musk not bought the twitter we wouldn’t have known their evil plans. He definitely paid price for freedom of speech. The radical liberals and democrats want to control every aspect of our lives. They want to control social media especially the X (formerly known as Twitter). They want to control the flow of information.

The propaganda machine of Democrats and liberals already control main stream media. They try to shape the narrative to control the minds of people. I hardly hear anything bad about Kamala Harris on main Stream Media. I hardly hear any journalist of main stream media holding her accountable for all the disaster she created at the southern border. I hear all the negative news about President Trump all the times. I am tired of the main stream media that wanna to put the political opponent of democrats on the bad side every time. I’m not saying that Trump is perfect. I’m not even saying he has not done anything bad. The thing that I want to say that is enough of this censorship. Enough of this nonsense by some legacy media. I’m so glad that, people are waking up and holding the legacy media accountable.

Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy. We are not the same. We can express differences. It doesn’t mean that, If you don’t agree with me then you will censor me? That’s not fair. Democrats and liberals often say that, they care about democracy. If they truly care about democracy then, they should allow people to express their opinions in a civilized way but, they hate free speech. They try to hide truth with lies but, we all know that for how long, will you hide truth? At some point, people will come to know about truth and people are already taking the side of truth.

All I’m saying that, if we really want west to survive then we need to go for freedom of speech at all cost.
Long live freedom of speech

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