That’s true! The first step toward any creation is through destruction. Now the question is destruction of what? You have to go for destruction of your old self. In this blog post we will talk more about it in detail.
Destruction needs lots of courage. You can’t expect a weak guy to destroy anything. It needs a lot of strength and a lot of risk. Re- creating yourself is a mighty task. It’s not a renovation. It’s a complete overhaul. When you remake the foundation of your life again, you go through a lot of pain and suffering. You still go ahead with that cause, you have no other choice.
I know that, some of you are tired of using the old methods over again and again and expecting new results in your life. Someone of you wanted to stay politically correct and not to offend others. Who cares? You have to be authentic. You have to take risks. There’s a greater risk of not saying what is true and authentic. Sometimes you have to stand alone but, in your heart you will experience greater peace and satisfaction which can’t be expressed in words.
This 2024 is ending soon. If you stay the same in the next year, if you don’t put a new foundation then, the old building soon gonna come down and you will be left with nothing. Destroy your old way of living. Stick with truth. You have to take some bold moves to move ahead!
The first step towards creation is destruction.