At some point, we have to take responsibility of our actions.
In order to make positive changes in life, there is only one way you can do it. It is by taking full responsibility of your bad actions. I don’t think so there is other way around.
Mistakes are the crucial part of our lifestyle. No one is perfect. We like to make mistakes. We then, make more mistakes. Mistakes are all fine as long as we are learning from them. I have said one thing many times and I will say it one more time- bad habits are destructive habits. Toxic habits are easy to do. It’s easy to go out and eat all the times than making food at home. It’s easy to binge watch Netflix than spending time in reading. It’s super easy to play video games all day than actually working out or spending time outdoors. It’s easy to be agitated than taking control of your reasoned choice.
Bad thoughts have always led to bad choices/ decisions. Bad decisions have always led to bad actions.
Toxic deeds are damaging the world.
I truly believe that, a person who is careless in his actions is causing harm to the whole world. If you like to know how? then, you need to observe his actions. Majority of his actions are revolved around consuming content rather than building. A man who takes the accountability of his toxic behavior has the desperation to bring his life back on the track by repeatedly talking to his inner- self. what is your inner voice saying to you?
Look, whatever happened in your past, you Can not change it. I can’t change it. What we have is today. That’s why it’s called present. Maybe, you are having many toxic addictions and you have already tried everything in your control to curb the bad addictions but, you are getting the same result. Maybe, you need to step back. Take a deep breath. Learn to take the responsibility of your mess genuinely. Maybe, you need to get off the bed & grab the courage to put your shit together. If you can’t do it for yourself please, do it for those who actually love you the most! Destroy the evil actions (jealousy, hatred, addictions, anger, depression, physical/mental abuse, bad eating habits and comparison with others) before it destroys you!
You still have the time. It all starts with some humble responsibility!