Stress, stress and more stress we all hate that. No body likes to work under pressure. We all like to have easy life and access to the information on our finger tips. The purpose of this blog post is to identify what kinds of stress are good for our personal development. I would also like to talk about bad stress That can deprive us to reach out our maximum potential. This blog post is for anyone who is facing the heat of stress. I can feel that. i am here to show you how Stress is Crucial to succeed. I am here to reach out to you to give you maximum support!
One thing that we all need to understand that without stress, it is impossible for us to do even a slightest movement of our bodies. Human beings can not stand still. They can not sit still. We are always thinking about our lives, what we need in our lives. Long story short we constantly thing about our future because we are aiming creatures and there is no life without motion. When we think about future, we do some risk analysis in our mind. We assume certain things about our future circumstances and if the future situation changes, what actions that we can take in the present to make sure that, things goes according to the plan. The constant battle to make future circumstances less volatile, more predictable and highly stable is called STRESS.
The motive of my writing is not to tell you that, you should stop taking stress and lay down in your bed and sleep. I am here to convey a message that people who say to you that, don’t take stress, live a pressure free life and leave everything on the fate…. Don’t you dare to listen to them. Let them live in their fancy world. Remember one thing ‘ stress that forces you to pick up some responsibilities and bring positive changes to your lifestyle is deemed to be a good stress’
For instance, if you have a goal of losing 10 pounds and you stress about it to reach your target then, it’s a good stress. Looking for a new job/new position in a company and making efforts to attain it is a good stress. Reading a book about personal development for 30 minutes a day is a good source of stress. We can come up hundreds of examples to know more about good stress. I leave this task up to you. Think for a while and make a list of things that you are stressing about. I am sure you will be amazed about when you see the result. ( note- keep the definition of stress as discussed in this blog post straight when you writing about the stressful things.)
Do not become the victim of stress. Learn to know how to make best use of stressful situations. Remember, stress is crucial to succeed Keep the faith!