Real cost associated with finding meaning

Nothing is free in the world. Even the things that cost you nothing got hidden cost. You pay with your time & efforts. Time and efforts to get something are the most underrated currencies of the world. People who really understand this, really make tremendous improvement in their lives.

Real cost to find meaning in life
The short answer to this is to make sacrifices in your present. The long answer to this is to have aggressive patience and faith. Everybody thinks that, it’s hard to find meaning in life but, actually it’s not. The meaning of life is to improve your life. It’s to make your life a better one. Now the question arises, how can you make your life a better one? Well, in order to make your life a better one, we need to take core responsibilities in our lives. For instance, if your are overweight, you need to start with one healthy meal in a week then, scale it up to 2 healthy meals with 15-20 minutes of daily exercise. If you smoke & drink too much may be, you need to channel your free time into productive things like walking, reading, writing and working out. Someone having problem with money then, it’s better to MAKE the money. SAVE it and INVEST it.

Everyday, we need to diligently work on all of those things that will ultimately help us to become a better person. Money comes and goes. Power comes and goes but, the real question you need to ask yourself what kind of legacy would you like to leave behind when you are all gone? A legacy that would inspire your kids/grandkids and other people associated with you to do well in their lives and become good people.
Life makes more sense when we shift our focus from the propagandas of governments, mainstream media, corporate greed, fake climate change & gender politics to the real things like having faith in God, putting families first, building & creating & preserving values (freedom, seeking truth, self-control, justice, kindness & common good) and helping one another in achieving humble and noble goals. That’s the real meaning of life. That’s what we all need to focus on.
When you sacrifice toxic things and put your focus on real shit then, you will be less depressed & more happy with yourself.