Never ending love and relentless faith!

There’s a fountain of never ending love flowing with in you. The only way I can say that, we all are created by God in his image. In this blog post I will be talking about never ending love and relentless faith!

It’s quite obvious for us to fill our heart with resentment and suffering when things are not going according to our way of life. We start putting blame on others. We start hurting ourselves with nihilism. It feels like if this is not working out for me then, nothing won’t. All of a sudden we become negative. This negativity only breeds negativity.

Imagine your life full of resentment and bitterness. It’s hard. I don’t understand How you allowing yourself to fill yourself with so much of hatred? Now imagine a life of full of grace and love? Imagine a life full of happiness and joy? Sounds wonderful right?

You can do it. Everyone can do it. You have a choice of either bringing happiness in your life or bringing misery. It all depends upon your actions. It all depends upon what you decide to do. We all got 24 hours in a day. It’s you who have to decide which way you have to go. Whether you want to bring heaven in your life or hell.

The only way to have never ending love when you have relentless faith in God and in yourself. Trust in God with all of your heart and soul. Even tho, life seems unbearable sometimes… as long as you are alive keep the relentless faith. I know at first it’s hard, but you want a good life you gotta have faith. Faith comes easy when there’s fountain of love within you.

Never ending love leads to relentless faith