The very first step to do well in life is to have Hope. A hope for better future, a hope for better relationships with people and a hope for better personal development. I will also talk about how hope leads to faith
The bottom line is this: people with no hope Will never ever going to have faith in their lives. The good news is that we can all learn to work on better hope for future just as the same way we workout in the gym. The interesting thing is that when we buy a subscription from any gym, for a week or so, we are energetic and determined to work on our physical looks and then, our motivation keep declining and declining, we start to come up with convincing excuses and ultimately stop going. The same thing goes with hope too, when we start something new in our lives, we have the strong will to take the initiative and complete the task and then, challenges start appearing out of no where and we halt our new initiative.
I am not saying that, everyone will act in the same way like, running away from challenges. Exception is always there. It all starts with consistent positive hope for future. It doesn’t matter whether you have the money or not, whether you are in a relationship or not, whether you renting the place to live or not. One thing you must have is hope and it will do miracles for you and leads you to have Faith. A person who puts faith into action wins everything. Money keeps flowing in, relationships get better, health improves and focus becomes like laser sharp.The gateway to the ultimate Freedom is through Hell!
Faith is the most dangerous thing you can have. Not everyone knows the power of faith and that’s exactly why very few people have positive outlook for their lives but, it all starts with hope!