Don’t let the toxicity get to your head.

We all talk about about toxicity in other people. Let me rephrase this, we are often so much obsessed with toxicity That we face from another human being, but what about your own toxicity? In this blog post we need to address the core of toxicity.

We all humans have a good side and bad side. History provides us the evidence about we can stoop so low and behave so low even animals are way better than us. We are fully capable of disrupting the whole world. We are blinded towards our own toxicity. All of the evil things we do, we don’t do those things in self awareness. You look at the world around you, all the sins, all the crimes that have taken place through out the history of mankind have happened only because of people who were doing them were not self aware of their actions. Their inner consciousness got blinded by the layer of toxicity. When toxicity and evil behaviour takes charge then, all the good things go behind. The good things take the back seat.

We know that, we are capable of falling way lower than the animals. This is only possible when we don’t check up on our own toxicity. It’s a massive challenge. Where ever there’s a challenge, we have solutions too! The solution to this problem is we need to remind ourselves that, we humans have consciousness and intellectually way more superior than the animals. We know that we can do terrible things in our lives and bring hell on this planet. We need to remind ourselves that we are also capable of doing good things for the world and bring heaven on this planet. The choice is ours.

When you become toxic, ego reins you. You become the victim of resentment and ego. When you become self aware about your aggression and you are the only one who can channelize that aggression towards better things in life then, you start behaving like a human being. You start to feel the magical power of love and start dwelling in your higher self.
The message is very clear…
Don’t let the toxicity ruin your life. Become self aware and embrace your toxicity

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