Aren’t you tired of chasing cheap thrills?

This message is for young men only. Anyone else is also welcome to read this blog post. Some of you might not like this blog post so, some of you will get offended what I’m gonna to say. If you get offended then, be offended. The real ones will get my message. So, let’s get started.  Aren’t you tired of chasing cheap thrills?

Dear young men,
Aren’t you fully tired of destroying your life when it comes to chasing your cheap dopamine? Where’s the masculinity is gone? Where’s the deep voice and confidence gone? Why you now wanna to live alone and not dating girls anymore? Why? I know your inner self know the answers. I know the answers too! I will say that, stop Ejaculating your energy out..

I know why you complain of darkness, no happiness and peace in your life. I know why? cause, you go to your room and fucking jerk off and complain about your life why there’s so loneliness in your life. The habit of jerking off is deeply embedded in your system and you feel like you are helpless and no- where to go. I get it. You also need to understand that, by just indulging yourself in cheap pleasures is not helping you out anymore. It’s like taking pain killers and guess what the pain is keep getting bad and worse.

You need proper solution. You need concrete solution. The solution lies in listening to your inner-self. It never lies to you. It always guides you. You need to be self- aware all the times. Your mind, your urges will keep telling you to lock yourself in a room and jerk off and get cheap ass pleasure for 3 seconds. The real question That, you really need to ask is this- do you want cheap pleasure or infinite joy? Do you want strength or become like a weak man? Do you want confidence or be anxious? Do you want good romantic partner or keep jerking off to the people who are on the screen?
The decision is yours. Even if you have to record your voice go Ahead. You need to decide. Your life.