The world needs love-No more wars

you look at human history, you might ask yourself, “What has any war given to this world?” I am sure your answer would be: nothing! I don’t know what others think about the war that is going on in Ukraine, but the world needs love—no more wars!

It’s been more than three years, and the war is still going on! So far, billions and billions of dollars have been given to Ukraine. We still have no results! The war is going nowhere! It seems like an endless war. Neocons are saying that we should support Ukraine unconditionally. We should provide them with more money, more ammunition, more troops—more and more! Why don’t we ask ourselves an honest question: What has this war given to us? What? The answer is countless deaths and more destruction—destruction of Ukraine and its people.

President Trump is right that we need to stop fighting. We need to bring the two parties that are fighting day and night to the negotiation table. We should be talking about peace. I have to say that he is the first U.S. president who is supporting an end to war. You look at ultra-liberals and warmongers—they all care about how we should supply more money to Ukraine. I want to ask them, “For what?” We have already seen more destruction. What is there left to see now?

I am sure some of you might be saying that I am supporting Putin. “If we don’t stop Putin, then Europe will be finished.” I have to tell you that you guys need to do some more research. Okay? Europe is suffering from far bigger problems than Putin. Mass immigration, high energy costs, gangs, and rape cases are skyrocketing. In 1990, the USA promised Russia that NATO would not expand further to the east. Ever since 1990, NATO has expanded further and further to the east!

You guys talking about how we need to save democracies around the world against Putin? Are you serious about it? Think even for a second: Does Ukraine have any democracy? No elections. No free speech whatsoever. It disbanded 11 political parties and arrested their leaders! Ukraine can’t even provide any accounting for the hundreds of billions of dollars that were sent. Zelensky is still asking for more money!

Just standing with Ukraine or putting their flags on your social media isn’t going to do anything! If you really want to do something, then pressure your politicians to stop this ongoing slaughter. Stop sending money to Ukraine! Put pressure on both parties—Russia and Ukraine—to come to the table for peace negotiations. This is what President Trump is doing! Unfortunately, our Canadian leaders are not doing their jobs properly!

I will say to you again: The world needs love—no more wars!

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