Say yes to productivity and creativity

We are living in 2024 and we pretend that we have become very much advanced in our way of living, but we still get bored easily and low in productivity and creativity. In this blog post, I will definitely going to talk about it.

Most of the Young men and women are not fully enjoying their lives anymore. They say that, they are missing something in life. They are missing peace and prosperity. Some of us take too much of burden of our work and studies and we have forgotten how to have fun. Some of us think that, having fun means you should smoke, drink and party every other weekend. If you call this one as fun then, you might be suffering from low thinking energy. You need to have energy to transform yourself from this low level of thinking to high level of thinking. The best thing you can do is to say yes to all of things that refreshes your mind. You need to say yes to all of those things that really make you happy from inside.

For young men, I want you to stay away from low level of fun like jerking off, scrolling on the net for explicit content. You know that pretty well that, it’s making you confused. It’s making you lazy and unproductive. If you really want to do something in your life then, You need to make a decision. You need to make a decision of your life whether to save it or keep ruining it. The best decision you can make is to continuously work on your self awareness. You need to be vigilant what you are doing.

When ever you have a very strong urges then, I want you to say to yourself continuously that, I have self awareness of making decisions of my life. I will make the best decisions of my life. Let me tell you something, best decisions always come to your mind when you are full aware of yourself. Happiness only comes when you are doing something that is adding value to your life. If reading makes you productive then, go for it. If gym makes you productive then, go for it. If walking makes you productive go for it. You need to focus on something that is good otherwise, low level thinking is going to destroy you.

So, be fully engaged in things that genuinely makes you closer to yourself.

Say yes to productivity and creativity