I love I

I know, the title of my this blog sounds quite weird. Some of you might be thinking about he must have done some mistake and didn’t put the word ‘you’. It makes sense to me why I have decided to go for this title. In this blog post I will explain you why I have decided to go for “I love I”.

‘I love you’ is the most used phrase in the world. This phrase is often used to describe your feelings for others. This phrase is used to describe how much importance the other person has in your life. ‘I love you’ is a high emotion. Let’s break the sentence here to understand it better. First of all, ‘I’ means you. ‘Love’ means the most fragile feeling and ‘you’ means the world. ‘I love you’ is one of the most beautiful phrases in the world. It is even more beautiful when you say it to someone who you truly love and care. The issue is most of us hate ourselves and try to find joy in others. We try to give them the whole world and at the end we feel like shit!

I’m not saying that, you don’t love your loved ones. You better love them… they deserve your love and you deserve their love too. All I’m saying that when we love someone, we don’t have to forget ourselves. That’s why I said you need to say ‘I love I’ it might sound very strange, but good things these days seems weird. You need to love yourself not out of ego but out of honesty. You need to appreciate your flaws and work for something bigger than yourself. The you need to clean up the mess, resentment and misery out of your life by loving yourself.

In a world where everyone is loving someone, you need to love yourself with honesty.

You need to embrace a new phrase
I love I

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