Future is built in present

Future is not about tomorrow. It is not built on tomorrow. It’s built now. It’s built in your present circumstances. In this blog post, I will make every possible effort to help you guys to understand the foundation of tomorrow. In this blog post we will learn about how Future is built in present.

Most of us are sleeping. Even tho, we are awake, but we are in a deep sleep mode. We have a huge expectations from our future. There’s a lot at stake. We worry too much about future, but what about our present circumstances?

We try not to take any responsibility for our present. We go to bed in a hope that, the tomorrow will be better. Guess what? Tomorrow is the same. No changes. Same show and we get disappointed again. Most of us don’t realize that, the gateway of the future is through the present.

There’s no wrong thing in having fun. There’s no way you can change my view point on considering low thinking activities like jerking off, smoking weed, living from paycheck to paycheck as fun activities. There’s no chance. Here’s the red pill we all need to take: if you are valuing cheap pleasures every day, if you are in this low level of thinking, then you need to wake the hell up. You are in a serious trouble. You are doing all the wrong things in your present and expecting to do have a great future? How is that even possible? Like is that even possible? Why are you fooling your self? If you are thinking that cheap thrills is the ultimate joy then, you are a disgrace in the name of a life. You can never improve if you don’t change your actions now!

The only reason you are not happy in your present cause, you are not self aware of your actions. You are basically doing all of your actions in a sleep mode. You can’t be like this. You need to wake up. Every time you have an urge to do something stupid,I want you to say——‘ I need to wake up. I need to wake up now! I’m sure it’s gonna be tough but, you got this.

Future is built in present