Do what add meaning to your life.

We constantly look for happiness. There are hundreds of thousands of companies that are selling their products in the name of happiness. In this blog post, I really wanna to stress about why happiness shouldn’t be the goal. It’s just the by-product. so, we need to do what really adds meaning in the life.

It’s hard to tell how many people are losing themselves in the name of happiness. They relate happiness with chasing cheap thrills, smoking weed and playing their video games. There’s so many things that we are doing wrong in order to be happy. I have observed that, people who just focus on happy do not have anything going on with their lives. They get bored easily. They are the ones who have weak guiding principles. When you go and talk to them about we should look for meaning instead of happiness, then they don’t have anything to say.

The bottom line is this, you can’t be happy if you are chasing meaning less things in your. For example, you party every other weekend, work only 40 hours in a week and live from paycheck to paycheck, then you can never be happy. Happiness comes from when you think above yourself. It comes automatically when you focus on helping others with humility and compassion. Compassion and humility will take you a long way in your life than chasing lust and some cheap ass dopamine.

I’m talking to everyone. I write my blogs for everyone. Happiness can only be found when you take some responsibilities of your life. Happiness can only be found when you shift your focus from yourself to something that is bigger than you. Middle class people always focus on themselves. They buy expensive things to impress other who they don’t like and complain about living from paycheck to paycheck.

Have a rich attitude. I’m not talking about ego. I’m talking about you are just the part of the world. You are not the world. So, find happiness in humility. Find joy in helping others. Find peace in taking good care of yourself and refrain from evil. I know it’s hard, but humans are meant to do things. We are meant to make hard things into enjoyable things. So, just not solely focus on happiness but focus on something that really gives you peace.