Persistent prayers!

When you have toxicity in your mind. One prayer can’t do enough. You need persistent & consistent prayers. In this blog post we need to talk about the power of persistent prayers. In my earlier blogs I often talk about things like prayers got miraculous power to heal your mind and body. Prayer is a medium that connects you and God! I don’t know how some people live without praying to Almighty but, I can’t. You need to pray everyday. We all need to be grateful to God for giving us the life. No doubt, in our lives we face problems, but the strength that comes from praying to God can’t be described in words. The only way to pure the mind set is to pray. That means persistent prayers. Don’t be ashamed. If you don’t know how to pray, very simple, first, u need to be grateful to creator for giving you the life. 2nd you need to ask for His forgiveness for all the sins you have done. 3rd you need to be sure about how you want Dear God to bless you. Ask God for His never ending blessings. You don’t have to be perfect in how to pray. It comes with time. What is more important is that you need to have communication with God everyday. If you want to write down your prayers Go ahead. It’s all good. Our God is patient. Our God is persistent. He just wants us to be persistent too! Praying helps us to be persistent. I always say that, people who pray without any malice, those people are full of hope and they have unmatched aura on their appearance. I always say to you and I will say to you this again, never lose hope. Don’t turn your back on God. Don’t shut the door behind you. Let Him in. Let Him be with you. Turn around to God and have Faith in him. Our God is Great! Strengthen your faith in God by going for persistent prayers. That’s the only way to beat toxicity and evil.

There’s victory ahead!

There’s victory ahead. Yes, there’s a  success ahead. There’s a fragrance of victory in your actions. There’s a beauty of victory in your hard-work and determination. This blog is all about winning. I don’t know what you say, there’s victory in your life when you are with God. There’s more freedom to you when you believe in rationality and truth. For some of you working so hard in life and this is not the time to sit back and quit. You don’t have to fake your wins. Every small win means something to your bigger purpose. You need to start with an attitude of being victorious in your life. No matter what you are doing. No matter how small actions you are making. As long as you are consistent with your actions and in right direction with selfless mentality… you will win. You need to keep reminding yourself that, there’s Success ahead. Keep reminding yourself. Everyday. When you have a mindset of victory… you will eventually start dwelling more in your higher self. You will listen to your higher self. Higher self will ask you to do selfless acts. It will urge you to take responsibility for your life and make it better. It’s only possible if you have a victory mindset. You should also notice that, when you have winning mindset.. you will receive challenges that’s natural. Your lower self will say to you come back to low level of thinking.. come back to cheap thrills. You remind your self about higher self and make sacrifice of your lower self… With winning attitude, I’m sure about there’s victory ahead!

Be a friend of your higher self

We all got 2 inner selves. No one is born with just one self. We all have higher self and we all have lower self. In this blog post, I will talk about we need to be familiar with our higher self. We need to be friend of our higher self. Higher self includes purpose. Your purpose has to be bigger than yourself. You be the first one in the group to sacrifice your ego, resentment to elevate the group. When you listen to your higher self, you actually having conversation with God. You make strong connections with him. There’s beauty of your higher self. Your higher self means self awareness. Most of us are dwelling in lower self. Most of us are sleeping human beings. We are blinded by Greed. We are blinded by selfish acts to satisfy our own egos. We are seekers of cheap pleasures. I have never ever seen any one who is chasing cheap thrills being happy and in peace. It is our divine essence That gives us freedom. It is our inner core that gives us peace, prosperity and happiness. We need to constantly remind ourselves to live in our higher-self. At first, it’s gonna be uncomfortable. You stick to the plan and constantly think about your higher-self. Any kind of action you are doing, whether small or big, you need to think in terms of your higher self. You are not perfect and I’m not perfect either. Most of us can’t dwell in our higher self all the times. At-least, we can be the part of higher self majority of the times. So, anger, resentment, cheap thrills, ego, dis respecting others, not taking responsibility of your life and not having faith in God all leads to lower self..we are made in the image of God. It is our duty to make friendship with our higher self.

Don’t let the toxicity get to your head.

We all talk about about toxicity in other people. Let me rephrase this, we are often so much obsessed with toxicity That we face from another human being, but what about your own toxicity? In this blog post we need to address the core of toxicity. We all humans have a good side and bad side. History provides us the evidence about we can stoop so low and behave so low even animals are way better than us. We are fully capable of disrupting the whole world. We are blinded towards our own toxicity. All of the evil things we do, we don’t do those things in self awareness. You look at the world around you, all the sins, all the crimes that have taken place through out the history of mankind have happened only because of people who were doing them were not self aware of their actions. Their inner consciousness got blinded by the layer of toxicity. When toxicity and evil behaviour takes charge then, all the good things go behind. The good things take the back seat. We know that, we are capable of falling way lower than the animals. This is only possible when we don’t check up on our own toxicity. It’s a massive challenge. Where ever there’s a challenge, we have solutions too! The solution to this problem is we need to remind ourselves that, we humans have consciousness and intellectually way more superior than the animals. We know that we can do terrible things in our lives and bring hell on this planet. We need to remind ourselves that we are also capable of doing good things for the world and bring heaven on this planet. The choice is ours. When you become toxic, ego reins you. You become the victim of resentment and ego. When you become self aware about your aggression and you are the only one who can channelize that aggression towards better things in life then, you start behaving like a human being. You start to feel the magical power of love and start dwelling in your higher self. The message is very clear… Don’t let the toxicity ruin your life. Become self aware and embrace your toxicity

Future is built in present

Future is not about tomorrow. It is not built on tomorrow. It’s built now. It’s built in your present circumstances. In this blog post, I will make every possible effort to help you guys to understand the foundation of tomorrow. In this blog post we will learn about how Future is built in present. Most of us are sleeping. Even tho, we are awake, but we are in a deep sleep mode. We have a huge expectations from our future. There’s a lot at stake. We worry too much about future, but what about our present circumstances? We try not to take any responsibility for our present. We go to bed in a hope that, the tomorrow will be better. Guess what? Tomorrow is the same. No changes. Same show and we get disappointed again. Most of us don’t realize that, the gateway of the future is through the present. There’s no wrong thing in having fun. There’s no way you can change my view point on considering low thinking activities like jerking off, smoking weed, living from paycheck to paycheck as fun activities. There’s no chance. Here’s the red pill we all need to take: if you are valuing cheap pleasures every day, if you are in this low level of thinking, then you need to wake the hell up. You are in a serious trouble. You are doing all the wrong things in your present and expecting to do have a great future? How is that even possible? Like is that even possible? Why are you fooling your self? If you are thinking that cheap thrills is the ultimate joy then, you are a disgrace in the name of a life. You can never improve if you don’t change your actions now! The only reason you are not happy in your present cause, you are not self aware of your actions. You are basically doing all of your actions in a sleep mode. You can’t be like this. You need to wake up. Every time you have an urge to do something stupid,I want you to say——‘ I need to wake up. I need to wake up now! I’m sure it’s gonna be tough but, you got this. Future is built in present  

Do what add meaning to your life.

We constantly look for happiness. There are hundreds of thousands of companies that are selling their products in the name of happiness. In this blog post, I really wanna to stress about why happiness shouldn’t be the goal. It’s just the by-product. so, we need to do what really adds meaning in the life. It’s hard to tell how many people are losing themselves in the name of happiness. They relate happiness with chasing cheap thrills, smoking weed and playing their video games. There’s so many things that we are doing wrong in order to be happy. I have observed that, people who just focus on happy do not have anything going on with their lives. They get bored easily. They are the ones who have weak guiding principles. When you go and talk to them about we should look for meaning instead of happiness, then they don’t have anything to say. The bottom line is this, you can’t be happy if you are chasing meaning less things in your. For example, you party every other weekend, work only 40 hours in a week and live from paycheck to paycheck, then you can never be happy. Happiness comes from when you think above yourself. It comes automatically when you focus on helping others with humility and compassion. Compassion and humility will take you a long way in your life than chasing lust and some cheap ass dopamine. I’m talking to everyone. I write my blogs for everyone. Happiness can only be found when you take some responsibilities of your life. Happiness can only be found when you shift your focus from yourself to something that is bigger than you. Middle class people always focus on themselves. They buy expensive things to impress other who they don’t like and complain about living from paycheck to paycheck. Have a rich attitude. I’m not talking about ego. I’m talking about you are just the part of the world. You are not the world. So, find happiness in humility. Find joy in helping others. Find peace in taking good care of yourself and refrain from evil. I know it’s hard, but humans are meant to do things. We are meant to make hard things into enjoyable things. So, just not solely focus on happiness but focus on something that really gives you peace.

Discovery of Sacred energy.

We humans are built to discover the world. We are made to discover the things that are never been discovered before. Day and night, we chase happiness, joy and money. We are constantly chasing the world. Even after having all the luxuries of the world then, why we are still not happy? Why we are stressed all the times? In this blog post, we will try to Reveal the answers of Sacred energy I don’t know from where to start, but I will start from somewhere. Let me start from the ‘person’ who is with in you. There’s a divine light with-in you that knows your existence. There’s Sacred energy flowing with-in you that, knows everything about you. It’s disgrace to say that, we are not interested in knowing our inner spirit. We like to busy ourselves so much in other things that, we hardly have anytime for having good conversations with our divine energy. No wonder, how much time we waste in chasing lust, greed and dishonesty. Even after running behind all those things, we are still not happy? We are still not satisfied. We have millions of things in our mind. The only thing that we are missing is not making enough connections with our sacred energy. Imagine we really try to make efforts in knowing our inner-self? We don’t make any efforts. We only value those things that we don’t have. We hardly value things that we own… Sacred energy is one of that thing. For example, you have a car that you use to drive to work. One day driving to the office you came across a very good looking Lamborghini… your mind will say that, Oh! i wish I had this car. Even tho if you were driving Ferrari to work. The same thing is happening with our divine force, that guide us to make decisions. We don’t listen to it. Your intuition is one of the most beautiful gift you have gotten from the Creator. We need to value that gift. By spending some time with our divine force, we can get closer and closer to God. Our intuition/Sacred energy is God. We have the universe with in us. We just need to discover what is with-in us. Life will automatically start making some sense.

Say yes to productivity and creativity

We are living in 2024 and we pretend that we have become very much advanced in our way of living, but we still get bored easily and low in productivity and creativity. In this blog post, I will definitely going to talk about it. Most of the Young men and women are not fully enjoying their lives anymore. They say that, they are missing something in life. They are missing peace and prosperity. Some of us take too much of burden of our work and studies and we have forgotten how to have fun. Some of us think that, having fun means you should smoke, drink and party every other weekend. If you call this one as fun then, you might be suffering from low thinking energy. You need to have energy to transform yourself from this low level of thinking to high level of thinking. The best thing you can do is to say yes to all of things that refreshes your mind. You need to say yes to all of those things that really make you happy from inside. For young men, I want you to stay away from low level of fun like jerking off, scrolling on the net for explicit content. You know that pretty well that, it’s making you confused. It’s making you lazy and unproductive. If you really want to do something in your life then, You need to make a decision. You need to make a decision of your life whether to save it or keep ruining it. The best decision you can make is to continuously work on your self awareness. You need to be vigilant what you are doing. When ever you have a very strong urges then, I want you to say to yourself continuously that, I have self awareness of making decisions of my life. I will make the best decisions of my life. Let me tell you something, best decisions always come to your mind when you are full aware of yourself. Happiness only comes when you are doing something that is adding value to your life. If reading makes you productive then, go for it. If gym makes you productive then, go for it. If walking makes you productive go for it. You need to focus on something that is good otherwise, low level thinking is going to destroy you. So, be fully engaged in things that genuinely makes you closer to yourself. Say yes to productivity and creativity

Aren’t you tired of chasing cheap thrills?

This message is for young men only. Anyone else is also welcome to read this blog post. Some of you might not like this blog post so, some of you will get offended what I’m gonna to say. If you get offended then, be offended. The real ones will get my message. So, let’s get started.  Aren’t you tired of chasing cheap thrills? Dear young men, Aren’t you fully tired of destroying your life when it comes to chasing your cheap dopamine? Where’s the masculinity is gone? Where’s the deep voice and confidence gone? Why you now wanna to live alone and not dating girls anymore? Why? I know your inner self know the answers. I know the answers too! I will say that, stop Ejaculating your energy out.. I know why you complain of darkness, no happiness and peace in your life. I know why? cause, you go to your room and fucking jerk off and complain about your life why there’s so loneliness in your life. The habit of jerking off is deeply embedded in your system and you feel like you are helpless and no- where to go. I get it. You also need to understand that, by just indulging yourself in cheap pleasures is not helping you out anymore. It’s like taking pain killers and guess what the pain is keep getting bad and worse. You need proper solution. You need concrete solution. The solution lies in listening to your inner-self. It never lies to you. It always guides you. You need to be self- aware all the times. Your mind, your urges will keep telling you to lock yourself in a room and jerk off and get cheap ass pleasure for 3 seconds. The real question That, you really need to ask is this- do you want cheap pleasure or infinite joy? Do you want strength or become like a weak man? Do you want confidence or be anxious? Do you want good romantic partner or keep jerking off to the people who are on the screen? The decision is yours. Even if you have to record your voice go Ahead. You need to decide. Your life.

Full honesty with work!

There’s honesty crisis going on. People have trust issues. People don’t trust politicians. They don’t trust their work place. There are crisis everywhere you see. How come we have become so dishonest with our work? We really need to talk about this crisis.we need to have serious conversations about this. It’s completely true to say that, most of us are not really honest with our words. We can’t keep promises that we make it to ourselves. The trust issues are so huge that, people don’t like seeing themselves in front of a mirror. They can’t even have a serious conversation with themselves. It’s better to not make promises if you just have the habit of breaking them every day. No wonder why people prefer to live lonely lives now! There’s no mindfulness. There’s no self-awareness about anything. It seems like we are just a machine instead of a human being. Most of the people are doing actions without being aware of it. There’s no vigilance at all in their lives. Some people are angry cause, they are angry. Some people are eating just cause they are eating. Honesty comes from when your mind is aware. It comes from being self- aware. Mindfulness leads to honesty in work. Some people are engaged in cheap thrills and are not aware about the ill consequences in future. For them, the joy of 3 seconds is way more important than the real strength, happiness, peace and prosperity. After chasing cheap ass pleasures, they become disappointed. They then, come up with new promises until they are filled with the urges. Once their urges are over flowing, then it’s difficult for them to keep up to their word. They lose to their sensations. The cycle keeps on going. Only God knows how many people have become dishonest because of that. I’m saying to you… in short run, you might feel like you are losing a lot. In long run, you will win everything. Keep making efforts. You got this. You have to be honest with your work. Keep repeating this. I’m sure, you will win in the end.