Persistent prayers!
When you have toxicity in your mind. One prayer can’t do enough. You need persistent & consistent prayers. In this blog post we need to talk about the power of persistent prayers. In my earlier blogs I often talk about things like prayers got miraculous power to heal your mind and body. Prayer is a medium that connects you and God! I don’t know how some people live without praying to Almighty but, I can’t. You need to pray everyday. We all need to be grateful to God for giving us the life. No doubt, in our lives we face problems, but the strength that comes from praying to God can’t be described in words. The only way to pure the mind set is to pray. That means persistent prayers. Don’t be ashamed. If you don’t know how to pray, very simple, first, u need to be grateful to creator for giving you the life. 2nd you need to ask for His forgiveness for all the sins you have done. 3rd you need to be sure about how you want Dear God to bless you. Ask God for His never ending blessings. You don’t have to be perfect in how to pray. It comes with time. What is more important is that you need to have communication with God everyday. If you want to write down your prayers Go ahead. It’s all good. Our God is patient. Our God is persistent. He just wants us to be persistent too! Praying helps us to be persistent. I always say that, people who pray without any malice, those people are full of hope and they have unmatched aura on their appearance. I always say to you and I will say to you this again, never lose hope. Don’t turn your back on God. Don’t shut the door behind you. Let Him in. Let Him be with you. Turn around to God and have Faith in him. Our God is Great! Strengthen your faith in God by going for persistent prayers. That’s the only way to beat toxicity and evil.